Look at this crazy ass, here's the situation:
Hooked one of my bro's friends up with some gear, now he's complaining that the Norma Deca's sold to him are fake, I know they're not fake. I talked to him right now, he said they're fake because he didn't see any results, what a bunch of shit!
His cycle was something like this, don't exactly remember:
1. 100 Deca 100 Test 200 (He got T200 from mex)
2. 100 Deca 100 Test 200
3. 150 Deca 150 Test 200
4. 200 Deca 200 Test 200
5. 200 Deca 200 Test
6. 200 Deca 200 Test
7. 150 Deca 150 Test
8. 150 Deca 100 Test
9. 100 Deca 100 Test
10.100 Deca 100 Test
Now you tell me that you're going to gain shit off that? And that's taking it that the TT 200 that he got from Mex is legit too. This is his 3'rd cycle, said he has been off for 4 months, a long time in his opinion so his receptors are fresh!
Please tell me that I'm not the only one that see's flaw in this shit? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
Second, he said that the Norma's were painful going in and the T200 wasn't that's why the Norma's are fake. ??? Never heard of this, can anyone shed light becuase he did glute injects and I don't get pain and I mix Sustonon with Deca.