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Thread: test prop ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    test prop ?

    my cycle looks like this: (second cycle)

    400mg eq wk 1-10
    winny wk 6-12
    clomid post cycle

    i wanted to run test prop(150mg/ml---10ml) from wk1-7 or wk1-6 with this cycle, but i am unsure as to how often and how much.
    i was thinking 75mg m-w-f

    what do yall think?

  2. #2
    imo prop should be hit everyday but..
    since your are doing a cutting cycle.i think eod or m-w-f would br good as a base.
    were you planning on doing the winny @50 mg ed wk ?6-12.
    if you were going eod i think you should do it everyday,but you didnt say
    why not jack the eq looks like a solid cycle ,just asking

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    yes, i would run the winny 50mg every day. as far as 600mg eq a wk. it sounds nice, but in the interest of money i'm running 400mg. 4plates you don't think 225mg test prop a wk isn't too much? being that i am not an experienced AS user.
    Last edited by potent; 02-04-2002 at 07:20 PM.

  4. #4
    with the fast acting and short half life of prop it should be ran even @50 mg ed 7 days wk=350 mg 225 isnt much at all even for a first timer.
    but like i said before since it is only being used as a base it will be fine.
    if you added a clen eca stack to run along with the winny or if funds are really that low just an eca with the winny it should really shread you up.
    bump it back to the top for some other opinions,since i was the only one to respond,a few opinions is better if you ask me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Rocky Mountain High!
    Put it this way bro: most people who are prescribed test. replacement therapy are given anywhere from 100-300 mg/wk. 225 mg can therefore be considered a "replacement" dose. That's fine if it's what your after but I like more. More is better, LOL. 500 mg/wk would be better.

  6. #6
    hmmm id run it wks 1-7 100 mg ED.....

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    I would run prop at 50mg/day for the first and last 4wks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    i have 1500mg of the stuff no more, so 8 weeks at 50mg ed i would need 2800mg. anyway i want to keep the end of my cycle to really cut up, so i don't want the water retention after week 8. thanks guys for all the input.

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