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  1. #1
    heavyonly's Avatar
    heavyonly is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002

    Gh/Slin Inject timing question

    I have some observations from my GH/Slin use that I'd like some feedback on.

    1. In the morning I take my GH and Slin shots at the same time. I hardly ever notice any slin effects (hypo) after this morning shot.

    2. After my workout (11am) I take my second Slin shot. After this shot I definitely notice the Slin, usually minor hypo indications. These symptoms usually hit me right at an hour and 45 minutes after the shot. That's a bit longer than Humalog is supposed to take to peak.

    3. I usually take my second GH shot around 3 in the afternoon.

    4. I follow basically the same routine after each slin injection. Carbs immediatley, followed by protien within 30min., followed by carb/protien at around one hour.

    5. GH drives blood sugar up, slin does the opposite. So the shots taken together are what? Counter-productive, complimintary.....?

    Obviously I have two different things going on with the slin. Doing it with the GH I don't feel it, without the GH I do. So, my question would be 'Which way is the right way?' Should I move my second GH shot to post work-out? Or move the first one to a different time? Leave my routine alone?

  2. #2
    heavyonly's Avatar
    heavyonly is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002

  3. #3
    nautica's Avatar
    nautica is offline Associate Member
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    I take my slin 20 minutes before my workout is over and immediately following workout, I shoot HGH and load up on carbs.

    btw - I only take one slin shot a day and I do another shot of hgh in the mornings.

    on non workout days (usually 2 days a week) I will add 3 meals which include 1 can of apple pie filling and a bowl of oatmeal, preceded by a slin shot.

    This seems to really help with recovery, prevent overtraining, and I do not put on fat these days. It also keeps the metabolism going so I can burn fat the other days.


    look familiar. heehee

  4. #4
    heavyonly's Avatar
    heavyonly is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by nautica

    look familiar. heehee
    Man, some dude on another board..........

    Right now I'm doing my second slin 'after' the workout. Might try to get it 20min before the end but that'll have everyone wondering for sure...Already to the point where everybody stops what their doing when I make my lifts

    I have a meter coming, maybe after that I'll push the slin a little higher and do the GH same time. I'm doing 15iu morning. 12iu post work-out.

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