Just wondering if anyone has used Test Enanthate 200 from Tornel, out of Brovel, Mexico. Decent quality? Or dirty like other products from Mexico... Thanks
Just wondering if anyone has used Test Enanthate 200 from Tornel, out of Brovel, Mexico. Decent quality? Or dirty like other products from Mexico... Thanks
You get what you pay for...it's probably underdosed but not a bad product, especially for the price...Originally posted by Fif the Great
Just wondering if anyone has used Test Enanthate 200 from Tornel, out of Brovel, Mexico. Decent quality? Or dirty like other products from Mexico... Thanks
$100 too much or pretty much on target? For 10 cc's...
depends on where you get it bro, but IMO, kinda high. Maybe 100 for tt, bot not brovel or tornel, least not in my kneck of the woods. Wait, I see you are in my kneck of the woods. hmmm sounds real high, you can probably get it for 70. Im getting some tt for 80 or 90 per 10cc
Get human grade stuff...fuck that mexican vet shiat!!! You do get what you pay for...
Tornel and Brovel are two different companies. Did I read your email right?? Anyway Tornel is one of the "better" vet brands of test. Tornel enanthate runs about $18-20 per bottle in TJ...
As far as it being dirty, I have never heard of problems with the Tornel products. Brovel product on the other hand are not quality.. Ttokkyo as many know have had some problems in the past. The problems were mostly caused by excessive alcohol content, causing some pretty serious pain at the injection site... Tornel has not been known for these problems, they are one of the better vet brands. Remember these are vet products (which most of us know are directed at human bodybuilders) and are not subject to the same standards of production as the human version.
as far as price is concerened I know two guys who bot a vile of Testosterona 200, which I think is the brovel enanthate and it cost them 120, and one kid I knew who got ripped off got it for 210, but when you dont know what your buying thats what happens, I live in the north east also, which may be why it costs a little more
I paid 80 $ canadian for each one of mine. Going price around here is between 80-200$ canadian. As far as dirty or underdosed goes. I gained 18 lbs on my last cycle and im up 10 pounds at week 6 this time. I get good pumps and grow off the stuff but I can honestly say ill need more than 400mg/week next time.
Ok, it is definitely Tornel... I thought Brovel was the city it was in, beats me, but the company name is Tornel. My friend is on a stack with Deca and Test Cyp from Ttokkyo and has had awesome gains, lot of soreness from the Test though at the injection site.
One more thing, Test cyp or enth? What's the difference?
hey bro, i have done brovel enth. twice, and each time i had great gains, no problems at all. so grip it and stick it. 100 bucks is pushing it i have seen it for about 60 70, but depends on the source too. good luck
Go with whichever one is cheaper, probably en huh? you can read about them on the main page of this site. They're both long term esthers and most people dont see any major differences between the two. JMO though...Originally posted by Fif the Great
One more thing, Test cyp or enth? What's the difference?
Thanks, JP... Beats the hell out of me too the difference.
Bro's Mex. Gear plain and simple is made for American BB's. I mean seriously 300mg of TTDeca or 25mg/dball tabs by Loeffler. These high mg. of A/S were ment to be sold to humans its just a good way to cover up by labeling them for Vet purpose. The quality is ok bro's and the price is even better. The Tornell and Brovel are both good labs. My buddy gained 20lbs on t-200 by Brovel only hmmmm, Not too bad for a sh**** mexican product.
Go with it, the price range is from 50-80. I would not pay any more then that.
down in mex Brovel enanthate is like $27
The difference between the enanthate and CYp is basically a few carbon atoms... Meaning a slightly different release time. The difference is slight... Also please do not read into my post above that I am bashing vet product in Mex, in fact quite the opposite. I routinely use vet products from ttokkyo and tornel. I am not crazy about the brovel products, but that is just my experience with them. I was only stating the obvious, there is differences between human and vet productions. Does that make them more dangerous maybe, but probably not. I have never had any issues with them in over 10years...
ask bigkev if he thinks brovel is any good![]()
Hell yea brovel is good sh*t its always gotten me and my buds huge and you cant beat the price. I never pay more than $25.00 a bottle for t-200.
I should add, Quality Vet to that list. I am currently cycling their products and I am VERY pleased with the results so far!!!!
I have used brovel test enenthate and it works as good if not better than any other steroid i have ever used , actually it is the only one i do use now considering price.... I highly recommend trying it ,you will see great results in no time...
Bro, I've been using Tornel Test200 for the last three months and am very satisfied. Using about 400-600mg per week in two seperate injections of 1.5ml, my bench has went up 100lbs and I've gained 25lbs. It may be underdosed and slightly underfilled but for the money, I'm paying around 60.00 per 10ml bottle, It's hard to beat.![]()
By the way I've been using 21gauge 1.5 inch needles in the glute.
80, 110, 120, 210$ for t-200? Kinda makes me feel good that i'm might be getting a fair price @35.00 for 10 cc's.![]()
Originally posted by Ron C
80, 110, 120, 210$ for t-200? Kinda makes me feel good that i'm might be getting a fair price @35.00 for 10 cc's.![]()
You pay for what you can get it for. I'd gladly pay an extra 20-50 bucks to make sure I am going to actually get it, and it is legit. I find it silly to compare prices from person to person. As long as it's legit, and you are happy, then who cares?
Grow big bro, tornel, brovel...whatever... It's all G-Double O-D good.
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