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Thread: Prog. Gyno???????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Bean town

    Prog. Gyno???????

    does anyone know if Fina produces Prog. gyno and if it does can I be on Proscar while on it???? I heard u can't use proscar with juices taht produce prog. gyno like deca. is Fina like that?? and is Fina same as Trenbolone Acetate?

  2. #2
    Fina is tren and yes it can cause prog gyno. I use winny to combat it even though there is no scientific proof, but I believe they fight for the same receptor site. As far as proscar goes...

  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    proscar wont help - RU-486 will, fina IS trenbolone acetate, and the risk factor for progesterone indiced gyno is lesser than with deca - you shouldnt have to worry and BTW winstrol wont help your gyno from progesterone in the least (just FYI)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Bean town
    what is RU 486??? and can i use it in my eq, and test cycle???? along with proscar??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    read the progesterone gyno unvieled that will tell you what you want to know

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