i have been told that my cycle that im running is retarded
it looks kinda like this kinda always changes
wks 1-23 Prop 120mgED (keeps me wee wee working)
wks 1-20 EQ 85mg ED (love vascularity and makes prop not hurt)
wks 15-23 50mg Var ED (makes me lean and strong)
wks 10-20 Tren 70mg ED (makes me evil)
also run anywhere from 20-40mg Nolva i started getting puffy boobs so i had to up it a couple times. I THINK i have Naturally HIGH production of Est.
i run 4 days of HCG @500mg ED every 7th week and i kan tell a huge diff ESPECIALLY in my libido.. i hump everything for those 8 days. EVN worse than prop.
PLEASE give comments and suggestions i love to hear em.