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Thread: kals

  1. #1


    i did't know to post this in here our the roid forums but ya can just move it if this is the wrong place. so am lookin to find out how many cals should i b takin in while am doing my cycle of sus and decca, works out 500mg a week. i read somewhere you gotta take in 4000+ of kals on the roids for them to work, not sure tho. would 3000 be alright? i wanna put on as little fat as poss!

    am 6'2, 200pounds and got a bit of fat on myself, just incase that helps!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You could do it three ways...the only thing these three methods have in common is the calories/lb allotment...which is about 15kcals per lb.

    1. you could shoot for 15 kcals per lb LBM (e.g. if you're 200 lbs@ 10 %'d shoot for 2850 kcals...)


    2. you could shoot for 15 kcals per lb current bodyweight (i.e. 3000 kcals)


    3. you could shoot for 15 kcals per lb of desired bodyweight. (if you're shooting for 220-230 lbs, that'd put you around 3450 kcals)

    Method 1. is the standard lean bulk...while Method 3. is the 'uber-bulk'..i.e. bulking to gain as much as possible. Method 3. can result in a high bodyfat level...and isn't generally preferred.

  3. #3
    thats good news man! i thought for a while i would have to go on a 4000kal deit and was shitin myself cuz i wouldnt av the money to buy so much food lol :P

    thanks mate! helps me out alot that

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