Holy shit this seems like a 180 from what I was doing beforehand. I'm 213 lbs at app 9% bf. My trainer is 310 lbs fairly cut, he gets on stage at 290lbs. This is a typical days diet for the next 2 weeks for me. Seems like a ton of food,hahaaha.
breakfast- 11 egg whites, 1 whole egg(12 total)
1 tablspn flax oil
1 cup of oats
1 cup of mixed veggies
mid morning- 1/2 lb of sirloin steak
1 cup of brown rice
1 cup of veggies
1 tbls flax
Lunch- 10 oz chicken breast
1 white potato
1 cup veggies
1 tblsp flax
mid afternoon- 1 large paket of tuna
1 cup of brown rice
1 cup mixed veggies
1 tblspn flax oil
pre workout- 1/4-1/2 lb chicken breast
1 white potato
1 cup mixed veggies
flax oil
post workout- whey shake w/ dextrose
dinner- another 1/2 lb sirloin steak
more brown rice!!!
more ****ing veggies!!!!
more flax oil(hack hack)
late night snack- 1 packet of tuna(app 40 grams protien)
1 cup of oatmeal
1 serving flax oil
more veggies
cardio is one hour 5 days/wk
anabolics being run are: 500mg/wk sustanon, 50mg eod winstrol, 800mg/wk EQ, 30 mg/day anavar(will go up to 45-60mg within the next couple weeks)
starting masteron at 100mg eod in about 2 or 3 weeks and started tren today at 75mg eod. Got some aldactone on the way as well as proviron. I will drop the sustanon about 3 weeks out from my show, and all other anabolics 10 days out except for the anavar, wich I'll stay on.