After a failed attempt at cutting this summer due to a friends death, I'm finally back on track.
What did I learned while I was cutting?
2100 cals a day made me lose too much strength and size - bump up my caloric intake next cut!
I also changed my workout from 3 sets per exercise to 1. Made a hella difference in size and strength. This is the second time I took this approach to my workouts and the results speak for themselves.
On to the diet: I will be following this diet until I get down to at least 10%bf
Meal 1:
8 egg whites,2 scoop protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal P:60 C:28
Meal 2:
PWO P:44g C:88g
Meal 3:
Protein shake, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal/no carbs and 2 tbsp flax on non workout days P:30 C:28/F:28
Meal 4: Protein Shake/Lean Protein, 2tbsp flax P:69 F:28
Meal 5: Veggies, Lean Protein P:30
Meal 6: Protein shake, 2 tbsp flax P:69 F:28
My current Bodyweight is 213 when cutting I the first time I dropped 15Lbs in two weeks. I'm assuming about 10lbs of water maybe 5lbs fat. Hopefully this time I'll be losing a little slower.