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Thread: Critique my diet to success...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Appalachian Mountains, KY

    Critique my diet to success...

    Alright everyone, I am posting this cutting diet to the best of my ability. This is the first time I am doing such a thing so please bear with me :

    Just for a quick background :

    Sex : M
    Age : 27
    Jan 2005 : 180lbs @ 5'6 ~30% BF
    Aug 2005 : 145lbs @ 5'6 ~20% BF now
    Goal : ~135-140lbs / 12-14% BF, don't plan on growing taller!! Nothing competitive, just fit and lean - like the perdue chicken breast logo.

    Cardio : 6 days/wk + AM fasted cardio / 45mins @ 65% MHR ~3.0mph on treadmill that auto adjusts incline from polar sensors (don't know how accurate they are at the gym but oh well) Don't want to take ECA stack...

    Training : 6-7 hrs after cardio 4 day split : 2on & 1off / sunday rest , train each muscle group every 5-6 days, 1 hour @ gym max.
    * D1 - chest/bis , D2 - legs/abs , D3 - front/lat delts/traps/tri's / D4 - rear delts/back/abs

    ACTIVITY LEVEL : not sure on this, sit around the rest of the day - studying usually.

    Diet : Try to eat 5 meals/day every 2-3 hrs.

    * Food allergies : tuna, soy,
    * lactose intolerant.
    * couldn't figure what to do on non-lifting days

    *special toppings : frank's red hot sauce / buttery burst spray / garlic / parsley / pepper / paprika / and other spices when I am bored.

    MEAL 1

    **45mins post cardio
    ** pro-fat
    * 1g Vitamin C
    * 600mg calcium
    * 1 multivitamin

    * 4oz chicken breast >> 258 cal / 9g F / 9g C / 34g P
    * 5 egg whites >> 82 cal / 0g F / 2g C / 17g P
    * 1 egg yolk >> 61 cal / 5g F / 0g C / 3g P
    * 1 tbs canola mayo >> 90 cal / 10g F / 0g C / 0g P
    * 1 cup broccoli >> 27 cal / 0g F / 5g C / 3g P

    Totals >> 518 cal / 24g F / 16g C / 57g P

    MEAL 2


    * 4oz chicken breast >> 258 cal / 9g F / 9g C / 34g P
    * 2 egg whites >> 33 cal / 0g F / 1g C / 7g P
    * 1 cup broccoli >> 27 cal / 0g F / 5g C / 3g P
    * 2tbp natural PB >> 190 cal / 16 g F / 7g C / 8g P

    Totals >> 508 cal / 25g F / 22g C / 52g P

    MEAL 3

    **High GI load
    **pre-workout meal
    ** 3g vitamin C
    * 3g CEE

    * 1 scoop isopure >> 100 cal / 0g F / 0g C / 25g P
    * 16teasp dextrose (50g) >> 192 cal / 0g F / 51g C / 0g P

    Totals >> 292 cal / 0g F / 51g C / 25g P

    MEAL 4

    **post workout meak
    **Low-GI carb
    ** 3g CEE

    * 2 scoop isopure >> 200 cal / 0g F / 0g C / 50g P
    * 1/2 cup oats >> 150 cal / 3g F / 27g C / 5g P

    Totals >> 350 cal / 3g F / 27g C / 55g P

    MEAL 5

    ** carb-pro
    ** low-GI
    ** last meal of the day
    ** 1-2hrs after training

    * 1/2 oats >> 150 cal / 3g fat / 27g C / 5g P
    * 4oz chicken breast >> 258 cal / 9g F / 9g C / 34g P
    * 5 egg whites >> 82 cal / 0g F / 2g C / 17g P


    *FATS : >> 64 g / 576 cal / 27%
    *CARBS : >> 155 g / 560 cal / 26%
    *PRO : >> 244 g / 978 cal / 46%

    * data taken from fitday, added custom nutrition info *
    * UDO's flax oil substituted on some days for mayo/pb : 125 cal / 14 F / 0 C / 0 P


    * was taking ZMA but ditched it
    * 50mg Zinc + 1g Vit C
    * sleep 5-6hrs depending on how much I have to study.
    * once a week might go out with the guys and chill

    *based on the dextrose thread, I switched meal 3 from a pro-fat to a pro-high GI carb meal.
    * lifting and non-lifting days are more or less the same - not sure on what to exclude on non-lifting days, still do the 65%MHR cardio though.
    *unsure on calorie intake and ratios

    I hope the information and format I have provided for y'all is clear and sufficient for critque and advice. Thanks again in advance for all the feedback - i'm looking forward to this
    Last edited by mrclark; 08-09-2005 at 02:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    bro, looks good although I think your protein is too high and carbs are too low.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    To be honest it looks fairly good...However I think that a guy your size might need to taper back on the cals a little, 2,157 looks a little high. If you have stalled out or you do stall out, then adjust accordingly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Appalachian Mountains, KY
    Thanks guys for replying back so soon!

    Alright, yeah I was surprised to see that many grams of protein. Maybe I should drop my caloric intake too... I have been hovering around 145-148lb range the last few weeks, but definitely better than 180lbs! I usually weigh myself every 1-2 weeks.

    Accoording to this site :

    My BMR has been calculated to 1552 cal (Harris-Benedict Eq) & 1763 cal (Schofield formula) It said my lean weight is ~116lbs. They said for fat loss to target around 1240-1710 calories. Perhaps I should go with something around ~1600-1700cals?

    I will try and drop the protein and up the carbs (Starchy or Fibrous?) - for now I will up the starchy low GI & High-GI dextrose, and drop a couple chicken breasts and egg whites... lets see what we get now :

    MEAL 1

    **60 mins post cardio
    ** pro-carb
    * 1g Vitamin C
    * 600mg calcium
    * 1 multivitamin

    * 3oz chicken breast >> 193 cal / 7g F / 7g C / 25g P
    * 1/2 cup oats >> 150 cal / 3g F / 27g C / 5g P
    * 1 cup broccoli >> 27 cal / 0g F / 5g C / 3g P

    Totals >> 370 cal / 10g F / 39g C / 33g P

    MEAL 2


    * 1 cup broccoli >> 27 cal / 0g F / 5g C / 3g P
    * 1tbs UDO's flax oil >> 125 cal / 14 F / 0 C / 0 P
    * 5 egg whites >> 82 cal / 0g F / 2g C / 17g P

    Totals >> 234 cal / 15g G / 7g C / 20g P

    MEAL 3

    **High GI load
    **pre-workout meal
    ** 3g vitamin C
    * 3g CEE

    * 1.5 scoop isopure protein isolate (25g) >> 150 cal / 0g F / 0g C / 38g P
    * 65g dextrose >> 244 cal / 0g F / 65g C / 0g P

    Totals >> 394 cal / 0g F / 65g C / 38g P

    MEAL 4

    **post workout meal (PWO)
    **Low-GI carb
    ** 3g CEE

    * 1 scoop isopure >> 100 cal / 0g F / 0g C / 25g P
    * 1/2 cup oats >> 150 cal / 3g F / 27g C / 5g P

    Totals >> 250 cal / 3g F / 27g C / 30g P

    MEAL 5

    ** carb-pro
    ** low-GI
    ** last meal of the day
    ** 1-2hrs after training

    * 1/2 cup brown rice >> 170 cal / 2g F / 34g C / 4g P
    * 3oz chicken breast >> 193 cal / 7g F / 7g C / 25g P

    Totals >> 363 cal / 9g F / 41g C / 29g P


    *FATS : >> 35 g / 319 cal / 20%
    *CARBS : >> 179 g / 659 cal / 42%
    *PRO : >> 150 g / 601 cal / 38%

    *** in addition to the above ,

    * H20 Consumption >> ~1gal
    * Green Tea >> 3 cups / day
    * Black coffee w/ 1tsp splenda before cardio >> 1 cup
    * Sanity >> 1 cheat meal / drink week or every other with calories factored in.

    Some things to note and comment on :

    * This approach first off seems alot more economical than before... I was paying mad loot on chicken breasts/week!

    * I'm worried that the introduction of so many carbs now will cause a strange change... I mean the only time prior to this, was only during PWO & PPWO. My lifting and non-lifting days were all pro-fat meals. I actually enjoyed the PB and mayo meals - damn.

    * So it looks like during the day, I only have 1 pro-fat meal. Is that enough EFA intake? It was meal #2.

    * On non-lifting days = I do AM cardio except for Sunday. I know to drop the dex in meal #3, leave the protein - add some flax here? Also should I switch the other carb meals to pro-fat? Here I guess I can add the mayo and pb if I wish right?

    If that was the case, it looks like it would be something like :

    NON-LIFTING DAY TOTALS >> 1253 cal / 47g F / 63g C / 144g P
    * (4) pro-fat meals + (1) pro-carb (brown rice)
    Total >> 1253 cal @ 5meals
    FAT >> 47g / 427 cal / 35 %
    Carbs >> 63g / 229 cal / 19 %
    Pro >> 144g / 577 cal / 47 %

    * I was always curious to know the best cooking temp and baking time when cooking chicken in the oven to limiy protein degredation ... 325 degrees Fahrenheit @ 35mins? Too much / little?

    * Sometimes I do substitute chicken for turkey breasts or some lean beef.

    * I figured that a few extra g's of protein would help counter the lost protein (+/- 5-10grams Standard Deviation) destroyed via cooking(scarmbled, baked, grilled) or false labeling/advertising (i.e. fitday/protein companies)

    Does this new revamped diet routine sound realistic and safe ? Maybe a bit more tweaking is necessary, but I'm finally seeing how powerful it is by putting the actual macro values in a visual & analytical perspective.

    I appologize for any redundancy in these posts.

    Anyways, this takes some time to go through, and there are no words that I can say to express my gratitude.... so

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Appalachian Mountains, KY
    bumped for review... I know it's an enormous post - Was hoping to start this new plan for the next month. I feel like I am a bit off in weight and size comparison from the other diet critique threads.

    Started the non-lifting day routine as posted in the 3rd post above. Tomorrow and Friday will be my training day, so I wanted to plan my meals for tonight and fri. Thanks for understanding

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Appalachian Mountains, KY
    bumped for review - I'm sure many don't want to go through it cuz of it's unecessary length, again sorry for that... just wanted to be as accurate as possible.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    looks good bro. The calories seem very very low though. 1200 on off day? thats crazy I think my gf eats more than that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Appalachian Mountains, KY
    Quote Originally Posted by dr.shred
    looks good bro. The calories seem very very low though. 1200 on off day? thats crazy I think my gf eats more than that.
    Hey dr. shred, yeah I wasn't too sure on my full caloric intake... Giantz mentionied that my initial 2157cal (1st post) was too high... so I tried to keep on ratios something like :

    Lifting Day (AM cardio + PM weights)
    [42% P / 38% C / 20% F]

    Non-Lifiting Days (AM cardio only)

    [47% P / 19% C / 35% F]

    Rather than posting a full breakdown again :[2 questions]

    #1 What should be my total caloric intake on Lifting and Non-Lifting days be based on my CURRENT stat (Male 27yrs / 143lbs / 5'6 / ~19-20% BF) and GOAL : (135-140lbs & 12-14% BF?
    - the rest of the day(exlcluding sleep ~5-6hrs) is basically sitting behind a desk, walking around the building... not much. Main physical activity is from cardio (5-6 days AM/week) and training (4 days PM/week)

    #2 What ratios (P/C/F %'s) would you suggest for both these days for one to cut and achieve this goal?
    Last edited by mrclark; 08-12-2005 at 07:32 PM. Reason: forgot to mention activity level for the rest of the day...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    bro, you need to figure that out based on your own needs and body type (metabolism ect.) Personally I think you have too much protein, I would reverse those ratios protein/carbs because carbs are protein sparing meaning you will not need as much protein for it be effective. I think your protein intake is high enough to spill over. However, you weigh 143lbs so I do think you will drop bf while maintaining higher calories eating clean. I would not go below 2000 cal. You have to figure out what works well for you. Some people do well with carbs while others do not. Personally I run a diet that consists of 50% carbs 30% pro and 20% fat, but thats me. Experiment and figure out what works. If you are not dropping body fat after a few weeks then you may need to adjust your diet accordingly. I think you should have no problem reaching your goal with your current plan assuming your training/cardio are in check. I would keep your calories over 2000 and monitor your progress.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Appalachian Mountains, KY
    Thanks again doc for all your input - it's difficult to fully grasp, but as you said - each individual is unique to his or her needs. At least I have all the foods in check.... their proportions will have to be readjusted - looks like a trial and error issue.

    I tend to have a slower metabolism, but I feel the need to read more about how carbs act in protein sparing, thus the need for less protein. Sounds good... Appreciate your help and replies

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