I found this website that lets you decide what exactly you want to put in your protein, creatine etc. I need some of you to help me decide which percentage (totalling 100%) of the following ingredients I should put into it to create a really good meal replacement/PWO shake. Im trying to gain lean muscle with as little fat as necessary. So how much (%) of each and which ones should i get? Thanks you guys/chicks.
Possible ingredients:
Whey Protein Concentrate $ 4.19/lb.
0Whey Protein Isolate Ion-exchange $ 8.33/lb.
Whey Protein Isolate microfiltration $ 7.20/lb.
Whey Protein Isolate Cold-Filtration $ 6.89/lb.
Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Concentrate $ 8.95/lb.
Hydrolyzed Whey Protein High Grade $ 9.50/lb.
Hydrolyzed Casein $ 12.95/lb.
Calcium Caseinate $ 6.69/lb.
Micellar Casein $ 10.50/lb.
Milk Protein Isolate $ 6.69/lb.
Egg White Protein $ 7.49/lb.
Whole Egg Protein $ 9.50/lb.
Soy Protein Isolate $ 4.25/lb.
Maltodextrin $ 2.25/lb.
Dextrose $ 2.25/lb.
Fructose $ 2.25/lb.
Flax Powder $ 17.95/lb.
MCT Powder $ 16.95/lb.
Creatine Monohydrate $ 9.00/lb.
L-Glutamine $ 16.55/lb.
glutamine Peptides $ 19.55/lb.
Taurine Powder $ 7.35/lb.
Aminogen $ .70/lb. of custom mixture
CompleteVitamin/Mineral mix (2g/lb.) $ .65/lb. of custom mixture
Acesulfame K
None (plain)