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Thread: arggggg another lower my protien intake to bulk study

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives

    arggggg another lower my protien intake to bulk study

    I read a few studies this week that indicated people trying to build muscle will have greater success by eating 2/3 of thier diet in carbs rather than protien, the studies all concluded that one wishing to build muscle at the fastest pace would benefit the greatest from ingesting .08-.09gms per lb of bodyweight. I must have read 12 of these articles this week. One of the studies had men of the same build (ectomorph) and the same weight 205lbs all w/ in the 10-13% bf range w/ very similar BMIs each train the same and split into two large groups one who would consume a "modern bodyuiding diet" which was around 2.5gms protien perlb of bf and around 1.5gms carbs per lb...the other was on a higher carbohydrate diet consisting of 2/3 macros from carbs and the .08gm per lb of protien, all used the same type of prtoiens and carbs prepared the exact same way and it concluded as hypothesized that the higher carb group tended to gain more muscle tissue than those on the very high protien diet. This absolutley goes against everything I have learned and am wondering what the reasoning is behind that high of a protien diet, barring the use of AAS which would help you absorb more protien

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Well I have seen evidence that athletes and BB need anywhere from 1g per lb of LBM and up. What upping carbohydrates does however is provide your body with a constant fuel source, as well as keep insulin levels elevated. This will blunt proteolysis and and all amino's will be available for muscle reapair. Also with insulin levels steady throughout the day one is kept in a more anabolic state. However you do need to incorporate fats into your diet and its best to try and get a few Pro/fat meals in there somewhere.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    understood about the balance(fats etc) but why the hell then are peole scarfing down 4-500gms of expensive meats and powders if they could just indulge in brown rice oats good fats and lower amounts of protien????? I personally crave the life out of complex carbs so this doesnt pose a problem for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    hey Giant, i've read that for majority pro/carb meals, it's okay to add some fat at 10g or less, and for majority pro/fat meals, it's okay to add some carb at 15g or less...what's your take on this? the reason i ask is because i was on a diet before by a nutritionist that had me eating carbs in every meal, usually oats, brown rice, yams, veggies, fruit, and moderate amounts of no means was i hitting 30% of total daily caloric intake seemed to work really well, i mean, i was natural at the time, and managed to put some weight on, but more importantly, dropped from 18% down to about 9%, with little or no cardio...i'm curious because of your post here, wondering if i should attempt something similar, but add in a little more fat to each meal, which would only put me up around 50-60g a day...too little IYO?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Alpha, If one were to eat Low GI carbs and add in a healthy unsaturated fat (flax, fish, walnut, hemp oil) I don't this would be a problem at all. You could easily get your days Fats in that way and have carbs with every meal. To tell you the truth its very similar to what I'm doing now, but I do give my self 2 pro/fats meals so that I can enjoy some cheese etc.... But the mixing of some healthy fats and carbs will not hurt you IMO. The mixing of saturated fats and carbs(mainly higher on the GI scale) is what will end up causing some harm. I am also going to try a diet based around healthy fats and carbs in every meal, I'm close to that now and I feel great.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2
    understood about the balance(fats etc) but why the hell then are peole scarfing down 4-500gms of expensive meats and powders if they could just indulge in brown rice oats good fats and lower amounts of protien????? I personally crave the life out of complex carbs so this doesnt pose a problem for me

    What some don't realize is that carbs are a protein sparing macro, the more you eat the less protein you actually need. Now when BB you need a good amount of protein, at least 40% of your diet IMO. But protein can be lowered if carb intake is sufficient.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You only need so many carbs to grow. (to allow the protein to do what it needs to do)
    Excess carbs are nothing more than too much energy, and will be stored as fat.
    Eating carbs to "get big" is the wrong approach, because carbs do not build lean muscle tissue directly at all.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    again understood, swole/giant can either of you conclude that say a 225lb BB w/ 12or so bf% would grow w/ only 225gms of protien if that individual ingests just the right # of carbs???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    What some don't realize is that carbs are a protein sparing macro, the more you eat the less protein you actually need. Now when BB you need a good amount of protein, at least 40% of your diet IMO. But protein can be lowered if carb intake is sufficient.
    hey bro...could I see a few samples of your protein/fats only meal.....finding that's the hardest meal to construct. Thanks bro (with quantities/amounts)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2
    again understood, swole/giant can either of you conclude that say a 225lb BB w/ 12or so bf% would grow w/ only 225gms of protien if that individual ingests just the right # of carbs???

    Hell yeah you can grow dude, its suggested that you get over 1 g per pound of Lean Body Mass, you are getting a 1g per pound. So you are covered in the protein Dept. The rest of your diet should be centered around fats and carbs.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Flex2winny
    hey bro...could I see a few samples of your protein/fats only meal.....finding that's the hardest meal to construct. Thanks bro (with quantities/amounts)

    My Pro/Fat meals right now are:

    Whey Shake w/ Natty PB and Fish Oil caps.

    Lean Meat w/ Green Veggies w/ Olive Oil, some Cheese and Fish Oil caps.

    I get about 25g of fat per both meals.

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