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Thread: hgh t3 clen cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    hgh t3 clen cycle

    Hi guys ,
    Im 30 years old , 6 feet tall , 120 kg weight , my BF% 15-20 . i know its to hight to be on gears but i did 4 cycles , and now planing my 5th cycle with clen and t3 , after searching and researching i come out with thses facts :

    Clen :

    Have to start clen @ 20mcg/ 2days then pump my dose 20mcg EOD until i reach 100- 120mcg/day ( used clen b4 and @ 120mcg/day the sides was harsh on my heart beats ).
    Have to Split clen doses in 3 amounts during the day and the last dose should be 5 houres b4 bed time.
    Have to taper my doses 20mcg ED - EOD to quit.
    Have to drink 2-3 gallons of water every day.
    Have to watch my body temperature
    Have to run potassium and 3-5g of taurine ED to help prevent muscle cramping and prevent a rebound effect when off the clen.

    T3 :

    Have to start T3 @ 25mcg/ 2days then pump my dose 20 - 25mcg EOD until i reach 150- 180mcg/day.
    Have to taper my doses 20- 25mcg ED – EOD to quit.
    Have to run AAS ( sust , Test-E , Test-Cyp ) 600 – 750mg/wk
    Diet and cardio is a must.

    HGH :

    planing to stack hgh with my cycle , what do u guys suggest about that ?
    should i run 4iu every day , 6 days a week ? or i must run higher my doses ? and for how long?
    should i run AS ( testav , Test-E , Tren-Ac ) ? while running t3 ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    london england
    t3 never go more than 100mcg/ed but clen up to 200mcg.ED is ok

    the rest of your regimen looks alright. tren ace works well with t3. very well with t3 and clen.

    cardio is not critical with clen and t3 as long as u sensibly reduce calorie consumption u will shred pounds. obviously better results with added cardio

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