well, been doing some research and i'm just curious as to why it is that dextrose is preferred to fructose as PWO carbs? i found this one interesting piece of info that made me think fructose might be a better choice of the two:
What are the differences in the way glucose and fructose are metabolized by the body?
Even though commonly consumed sugars provide basically the same number of calories, they are metabolized and used by the body in different ways. For instance, glucose from dietary sources is digested, absorbed, transported to the liver, and released into the general blood stream. Many tissues take up glucose from the blood to use for energy; this process requires insulin. Fructose is predominantly metabolized in the liver, but unlike glucose it does not require insulin to be used by the body.
now, not sure exactly how the process works, but it would seem to me that fructose would be favored over the glucose as PWO cause of the extra step that glucose needs, which is the insulin. considering the fructose doesn't need it to be utilized, it seems as if it might be absorbed quicker?
or, you could hit your body from both angles with high fructose corn syrup after a workout. high fructose corn syrup is simply glucose which has been seperated through a chemical process into 55% glucose, 45% fructose. has there been any studies or info as to why glucose would be preffered over the fructose?
seems like a good combo might be to hit it from both angles, as your body will be able to utilize sugars in two forms to replenish your system PWO. just looking for a little more insight into all this?