Alright I'll try to make this as quick as possible
- For medical reasons I've been on prednisone since march
- For the past month my dosage has been 20 mg per day
- Last week due to sleep problems I took 10 mg for 4 days and didn't take it all for 3 days
- This week I've felt very slugish and now have good reason to believe that it had to do with the prednisone. I also have been taking adderall and caffine for energy which from what I've read didn't help.
- I'm going to stop taking Adderal and start taking the Prednisone at the same time every tday. I'm also going to stop eating any simple carbs and stick only to complex carbs and high protein foods
What I'd like help with is the following
1. How long could it be before my adrenal function returns to normal?
2. Would it be a good idea to start taking DHEA?
3. Should I stop using NyQuil geltabs as a sleep aid
4. Any advice on Prednisone would be appreciated
Please don't tell me ask my doctor. I'll do so when I get a chance but for now I need to pick the brains of the people here who know what I'm asking about.