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Thread: LetsGetItOn's Phera Plex Cycle(W/ Pics)

  1. #1

    Thumbs up LetsGetItOn's Phera Plex Cycle(W/ Pics)

    deleting this thread please
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    Last edited by LetsGetItOn; 11-29-2011 at 12:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Any feedback on suggested amounts/servings of Flush Free Niacin, Hawthorn Berry, Milk Thistle, Taurine, Red Yeast Rice per day for the most safe and best results from your experience? I have 2 bottles of each, got in at VitaminWorld for the buy 1 get 1 free at the end of the month so I got plenty to go around.

    Also about the Red Yeast Rice, since I'm thinking for sure I need it, unless heard otherwise. At VitaminWorld it was about $23, I had heard Wal-mart has it pretty cheap? Suggestions?

    Thanks again,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Check out Muriloninja's phera plex cycle that is about 15 threads belows yours in this forum and that should answer your questions.

  4. #4
    2000-3000mg of flush-free niacin

    Check out Bryan2's stickie at the top. He gives you all the dosing parameters that you will need.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    keep the creatine for pct...good luck bro

  6. #6
    Thanks fellows, sorry didn't post the pictures today, I'll have them up tomorrow for sure.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    you have the same starting stats i did.......i recommend that you start at 10mg for the first 5-7days because your body needs to get used to it and the sides sucked for me when i started

  8. #8
    I started earlier then stated before.

    Day 1: Monday June 19th
    Shoulders + Triceps
    Weighing in 175lbs (So my starting weight on the PP)
    Switching my routine around some, usually do Chest+Back+Triceps but I found that was too much, Shoulders+Biceps, Legs+Abs, Off-day+Abs, etc...just found out everything was a little too much and actually this Shoulders+Triceps work today felt really good, Shoulders felt average, bit sore but I really tore up the Tri's today.

  9. #9
    Day 2: Tuesday June 20th
    Back/Traps + Abs
    Weighing In: 177lbs
    Great great Back & traps workout, did a lot of new variations. Probably the best workout I felt for my back and traps ever...possible because I use to do back with chest & also triceps, more energy and poundage. My back + traps were hard as hell. Ab workout was alright, not as sore as I did them a few days ago.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    you were definetly doing too many body parts at once. especially back and chest together. they are big body parts

  11. #11
    Good Luck with the cycle man.hahaha. hope it works well for you.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by unvme9180
    you were definetly doing too many body parts at once. especially back and chest together. they are big body parts
    I definately was, man I really feel it all over in my back and traps from yesterday. And actually my serr. & obliques are rather sore, surprisely. Good Stuff.

    Thanks bruinsball :-)
    Last edited by LetsGetItOn; 06-21-2006 at 11:30 AM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieStyles
    you have the same starting stats i did.......i recommend that you start at 10mg for the first 5-7days because your body needs to get used to it and the sides sucked for me when i started
    Yep, pretty close Jamie! I followed your threads closely, awesome you got to the 191-194 range, I would love that.

  14. #14
    Do you log your workouts?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    Do you log your workouts?
    No, I write down the exercises I'm going to do going in. I guess I could try to log and post on here, try it out.

  16. #16
    Day 3: Wednesday June 21st
    Weighing In: 179 Life high, lol...actually weighed myself at 180lbs, took a duce and hit the 179 mark, damn duces, lol.
    Ate real good today, probably alittle too much. Traps lighting up, my back feels hard and heatened still from yesterday.

    Tomorrow is Chest + Biceps. I'm really looking forward to it as last Friday I had my Chest workout, and it was a surprise. I usually don't do much barbell bench press, always been kind of weak in the area, I have long arms so it's a bit more difficult so I'm always doing dumbbells, but now being back home away from college the gym I'm at only has 80lb dumbbells so last Friday I tried some barbell. I just wanted to do a few reps so I put 195lbs. on right away, but it was so easy, so I increased and kept increasing. My max had been 210lbs 1-rep, a year & a half ago. I had always wanted to get over 200lbs in barbell and once I did that I always just wanted to be able to put those two 45's on each side, but I never thought I would be able to because I bench just sucks and long arms. I put up 225lbs 3-reps, no spotter, no bounce, just perfect form! Might not seem much to many on here, but this was a huge turnaround for me and has me excited. I finished with a good 1-rep 230lbs., didn't want to try anymore with no spotter.

    Can't wait for tomorrow, hopefully my back is pounding less, I keep stretching.

  17. #17

    I have the exact same stats as you, lol, although I am naturally around 178. I'm thinking of trying PP soon too (or hyperdrol, depends on the sides).. so i'll be following this thread.

    Btw, great avatar! Who are they? Can we see them bigger?

    Good luck on the cycle

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterofIron

    I have the exact same stats as you, lol, although I am naturally around 178. I'm thinking of trying PP soon too (or hyperdrol, depends on the sides).. so i'll be following this thread.

    Btw, great avatar! Who are they? Can we see them bigger?

    Good luck on the cycle

    Thanks man. :-) Those are 2 of the Cowgirls from my school, FSU. :-) Fabiola on the left & the famous Jenn Sterger on the right. You haven't heard of the Cowgirls? They got famous last year when they were discovered at the FSU vs. Miami game on ABC.

    [edit: Narkissos]
    Last edited by LetsGetItOn; 06-24-2006 at 09:23 AM.

  19. #19

    Before Pictures

    Okay guys, my bad for not having these up already...I couldn't find the cord to load them on my CPU for awhile.

    Anyone know how to have the pictures just show up in a post instead of the attachments if they are just straight uploaded from my CPU or must they be off a linked website?
    Last edited by LetsGetItOn; 11-29-2011 at 12:31 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Phx, Arizona
    nice.......takin PP in 5months, keep us posted

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2006
    good work on the bench, make sure you dont hurt your shoulder doing too m uch weight. the second chest workout i had while on PP i tweaked my shoulder but nothing too bad. I was excited to be benching more weight then ever before and i went over board.

  22. #22
    Wow awesome pics! LOL. By the way just a tip, you may want to increase to 4500 / 5000 cals a day, just to ensure maximum gains.

  23. #23
    Thanks man. Yea, the past few days I've been in the 4500-4700 range. But I know I need to keep it there and even put it a little more.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by LetsGetItOn
    No, I write down the exercises I'm going to do going in. I guess I could try to log and post on here, try it out.
    I think it would be a good idea to log them. For your next cycle, That you can go back and compare the gains. You can post them here and then you don't have to worry about saving your log books. We can also maybe spot things in your program that can accelerate your progress. Just an idea to consider.

  25. #25
    Day 4: Thursday June 22nd
    Chest + Biceps
    Weighing In: 180lbs

    Here you go Papi93

    Barbell Bench: 215lbs-8 reps, 220lbs-6 reps, 225lbs-4 reps, 230lbs-2 reps
    Neutral Dumbbell Bench Press: 55lbs-10 reps, 60lbs-8 reps, 65lbs-7 reps
    Incline Dumbbell: 55lbs-10 reps, 60lbs-8 reps, 65lbs-5 reps
    Decline Dumbell: 60lbs-8 reps, 65lbs-6 reps, 65lbs-6 reps
    Dumbbell Flys: 30lbs-10 reps, 35lbs-10 reps

    Dumbbell Curls: 45lbs-8 reps, 40lbs-7 reps, 35lbs-6 reps, 30lbs-10 reps
    Barbell Curl:75lb-8 reps
    Superwide Barbell Curl: 65lbs-6 reps
    Hammer Curls: 35lbs-8 reps

    Well the bench continues from my earlier post, 230lbs again today at 2-reps, felt like I could have got a 3rd in but no spotter again. I really need to just ask one of the trainers I'm buddies with to give me a hand. Not bad at all considering my back muscles are still sore from the other day, damn that was a good back workout. Overall I feel like I think I did do much chest & need to leave some out, I had to rush the Biceps, didn't really get to do everything I wanted with them. But man was I swole after working out today, chest thick.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Very nice pic!!!!!!!

  27. #27

    Well today is Leg day. I'm gonna try out Swolecat's Leg workout if I can.

  28. #28
    Keep it up man!

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by LetsGetItOn
    Day 4: Thursday June 22nd
    Chest + Biceps
    Weighing In: 180lbs

    Here you go Papi93

    Barbell Bench: 215lbs-8 reps, 220lbs-6 reps, 225lbs-4 reps, 230lbs-2 reps
    Neutral Dumbbell Bench Press: 55lbs-10 reps, 60lbs-8 reps, 65lbs-7 reps
    Incline Dumbbell: 55lbs-10 reps, 60lbs-8 reps, 65lbs-5 reps
    Decline Dumbell: 60lbs-8 reps, 65lbs-6 reps, 65lbs-6 reps
    Dumbbell Flys: 30lbs-10 reps, 35lbs-10 reps

    Dumbbell Curls: 45lbs-8 reps, 40lbs-7 reps, 35lbs-6 reps, 30lbs-10 reps
    Barbell Curl:75lb-8 reps
    Superwide Barbell Curl: 65lbs-6 reps
    Hammer Curls: 35lbs-8 reps

    Well the bench continues from my earlier post, 230lbs again today at 2-reps, felt like I could have got a 3rd in but no spotter again. I really need to just ask one of the trainers I'm buddies with to give me a hand. Not bad at all considering my back muscles are still sore from the other day, damn that was a good back workout. Overall I feel like I think I did do much chest & need to leave some out, I had to rush the Biceps, didn't really get to do everything I wanted with them. But man was I swole after working out today, chest thick.

    As promised, below is the ladies picture of the FSU cowgirls. :-)
    I would suggest at least taking out the neutral-grip db chest presses. You are already doing barbell bench presses so I don't think you would need them in there. It will also give you more energy to attack your biceps like you wanted to. Thanks for logging your workout. It will be interesting to compare to next week's. Good job and keep it up!

  30. #30
    Thanks man, yea I'm gonna try to switch it up each week with different exercises to hit different angles and more.

    If you guys have any suggestions of exercises you want to see me try out let me know, I'd appreciate it and like the change of pace abit.

  31. #31
    Barbell Skull Crusher (tris). Keep it up!

  32. #32
    Day 5: Friday June 23rd
    Weighing In: 180.5lbs

    I was suppose to do Swolecat's Leg Workout today but something came up with the family all day and I was busy, probably best anyway I was a little tired today. Just did abs awhile ago in my room to do something.

    So tomorrow I'll let for Swolecat's Leg Workout again. I'm gonna be sweating and dead.

    Thanks MasterofIron, I'll try that out on my Shoulder + Triceps day.

  33. #33
    Papi, when did you experience your best gains...mid of 2nd to 3rd week?

  34. #34
    Well fellows that's it for the ladie pictures, they were edited from the thread. Also my avatar is gone, damn.

  35. #35
    Damn, who would do that!

  36. #36
    Sorry for not posting yesterday guys, little busy.

    Day 6: Saturday June 24th
    Swolecat's Leg Workout
    Weighing In: Forgot to weigh myself, probably around 180.5lbs again

    If you all haven't checked out Swolecat's Leg Workout it is listed in the "Workout Question" Forum --> . Consists of light pre-fatigue of Leg Extensions & Hamstring Curls to get ready for the tiring Squats. I also did a Seated Calf Raise at the end as well. The last 2 sets of the Squats I wasn't able to get to the Swolecat's recommended 20 reps, only to 15 reps because my back was killing me. Think I got the backpumps now...idk, damn they were a pain.

    *Leg Extensions & Hamstring Curls are Supersetted

    Leg Extensions: 125lbs-15 reps, 130-15 reps, 135lbs-15 reps, 145lbs-15 reps
    Hamstring Curls: 115lbs-15 reps, 120lbs-15 reps, 125lbs-15 reps, 125lbs-15 reps
    Squats: 145lbs-20 reps, 155lbs-20 reps, 155lbs-15 reps, 155lbs-15 reps
    Seated Calf-Raises: 135lbs-25 reps, 135lbs-25 reps, 135lbs-25lbs

    The back pain was really killing me this day. After each set I just felt like laying down. I was brand new to Swole's workout so I had no idea really how much weight to do for the Squat, I usually only do 10 reps, not 15-20 reps. Will be a lot better next time, hopefully minus the back pain.

    Working out Shoulders + Triceps today. Report after.
    Last edited by LetsGetItOn; 06-26-2006 at 08:30 PM.

  37. #37
    Also forgot to mention I had picked up the Red Yeast Rice & some cheap Saw Palmetto for the prostate as suggested by JamieStyles from Walmart.

    Red Yeast Rice (600mg) x2
    Saw Palmetto (450mg) x4
    Last edited by LetsGetItOn; 06-25-2006 at 07:30 PM.

  38. #38
    looks good so far man. keep it up you might be able to get up in the weight range with me. hhahahaha

  39. #39

    Day 7: Sunday June 25th
    Shoulders + Triceps
    Weighing In: 184.8lbs! Measured on 2 different scales to make sure!

    Shoulder DB Press: 45lbs-10 reps, 50lbs-10 reps, 55lbs-8 reps
    Neutral DB Press: 35lbs-10 reps, 35lbs-8 reps
    DB Laterals: 15lbs-10 reps, 20lbs-10 reps, 20lbs-8 reps
    Alt. Front DB Raises: 20lbs-10 reps, 25lbs-9 reps, 30lbs-7 reps
    Alt. DB Upright Rows: 45lbs-10 reps, 50lbs-9 reps, 55lbs-8 reps

    French Presses: 30lbs-10 reps, 35lbs-10 reps, 40lbs-10 reps
    Bar Press Downs & a bunch of different variations: Can't remember the weights for each one

    I had just got off work and had to rush over to the gym before they closed and tried to do as much as I could. Didn't get to do all I wanted with the triceps, but the little I did was pretty good. Wanted to get them Skull crushers in!

    So 1st Week is complete: Started at 175lbs & am at 184.8lbs today! Don't think it had much to do with the PP as it did with me just eating a lot more but I'm sure it helped alittle. I ate really good today And still got to add that shake before bed tonight as well.

  40. #40
    Yeah, I got the back pumps when I did his leg routine too. I just think its your body not used to pumpin out that many reps

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