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Thread: Best PH for that hard look ???

  1. #1

    Best PH for that hard look ???

    Hey guys i was just woundering which PH yall thought would give you the lean hard look, So if diet and cardio are in check which compunds would do the best job, i was thinking mega trn are mega zol, but what are yalls thoughts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    JEREY bitches
    the "hard look" is just low body fat and low water you mean you want to cut on a steroid? you can cut on any steroid....some work better than others...if i were you seeing by the way you called it that "hard look" i dont think your ready to use a steroid just go on a diet, take an eca, maybe clen...whats your bf anyhow.. you wont get the "hard look" till you are very low...single digits.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Halodrol is keeping me dry. My muscles are harder and fuller. The joints are really feeling it though. My next cycle I will start a cisscus product 2weeks prior. If your looking to cut cardio in the AM on an empty stomach is great. For a supplement I would say ECA stack works great and is affordable!

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