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Thread: Need help with Clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Need help with Clen

    I'm 20 years old and 262 lbs roughly at 28 percent body fat roughly
    I have clen and T3 and am looking to do a cycle
    I need some expert opinions on the dosage I should take and how long etc.. etc.. if any of you guys can help me can you either post it here or pm me please. I'm very interested in trying this out but knowing me I might take too much and have something bad happen to me with my luck. I appreciate any responses that I get. Thank you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by embalmer
    I'm 20 years old and 262 lbs roughly at 28 percent body fat roughly
    I have clen and T3 and am looking to do a cycle
    I need some expert opinions on the dosage I should take and how long etc.. etc.. if any of you guys can help me can you either post it here or pm me please. I'm very interested in trying this out but knowing me I might take too much and have something bad happen to me with my luck. I appreciate any responses that I get. Thank you guys.
    Clen is not a replacement for good diet and lots of cardio. Tell us what you are doing in those areas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Clen is not a replacement for good diet and lots of cardio. Tell us what you are doing in those areas
    Ditto. At 28% you must have some serious diet issues which should be address first off, otherwise the clen won't do anything but give you the shakes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Well I've only been working out for a month and a half... atm my diet consists of this

    During the day I take 600 mg's of NAC 3g's of flax seed and 350 mg's of milk thistle
    8:30 3 eggs on whole wheat bread
    12:30 99% fat free yogurt
    2:30 protein shake with oatmeal
    4:30 a chicken salad sandwich
    7:30 start workout on workout days
    8:30 creatine right after work out
    9:30 protein shake with oatmeal

    I work night shift so 8:30pm is start time and 8:30 am is end time and I work out every other day

    Cardio is 30 mins straight every other day 4.0 incline at 4.2 mph straight for 25 mins then 5 mins cool down... after that I presume with my regular work out that I do every other day along with it. If you need pics I will show you once my camera gets fixed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    cardio is done best when you wake up in the morning, but in your case it would be the afternoon I presume. i would say do cardio like 6 days or week or even 7. i would do cardio right when you woke up and then do another 30 mins of cardio after your workout. as far as diet goes, go to the diet forum. I think you can improve it greatly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Enbalmer, I think you should try and get your diet in check before you think about doing something as drastic and potentially dangerous as a T3/Clen cycle. For your weight I would suggest ingestging around 2200-2400 calories.

    Things I could thing of to tweak your diet would be this.

    Meal 1 - Scratch the whole eggs and make it egg whites. Your ingesting Pro/Fat/Carbs with that meal (Read the Cutting Sticky in the Diet forum, its a great guide)

    Meal 2 - Yougurt tends to thicken the skin and really isnt something you should include in your cut (Pretty much all dairy).
    Consider 6 oz of lean meat, fish,turkey chicken, and a large serving of veggies with some good seasoning.

    Meal 3 - Ya shouldnt be eating carbs at this time. Go with a Pro/Fat meal. Maybe a nice steak with brocolli (You can take your flax at this time)

    Meal 4 - If your eating this before working out, wait at least 45 minutes. I wouldnt eat the chicken salad as it tends to be full of fat. You can have your oatmeal and protein shake at this time as it will give you loads of energy to crush weight at the gym.

    Meal 5 - PWO nutrition is key. Have a delicious shake with a banana,water and ice blended in with a 1/2 cup of oatmeal. 40:80 ratio of carbs to protein is what you should be aiming for. (Try adding some sugar free jam with some splenda into your oats, im telling you its delicious.)

    Meal 6 - You can do a Pro/Carb meal some lean meat and sweet potatoe's but I normally find limiting my Pro/Carb meals to 2 a day works best for me. Its up to you, play with it and see what works best

    Meal 7 - Have some cottage cheese, 1 tbsp of natural peanut butter,splenda and cinnamon mixed up before bed. Its delicious and replenshiis your muscles while you sleep. Sleeping is the key when building muscle and the cottage cheese sure helps

    You should be drinking alot of water throughout the day and I would lay off the creatine until ya get under 20% BF.

    I hope this helps you. If you do this with cardio, lifting and alot of sweat and tears I easily see you attaining a much different body image in 2 months.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I have to find liquid egg whites that are decent.... Any suggestions from you guys? Also I guess I have to find canned chicken.. The hardest part is the steak that you mentioned.... I'm unable to cook at that time I would have to bring something cold or that I can heat up. I figured if I can't start the pro's yet I would try the clen.... If not the clen maybe straight ephedrine... I go to the gym every other day... I use to go everyday but when I was doing that I wasnt recovering and I would get shin splints everyday from the incline on the tred.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    I suggest a 2on 1off split. I also recommend splitting up your cardio and lifting sessions. Try walking around the neighborhood for an hour at a good steady pace, getting your heart rate up.

    I sometimes just buy the 5 dozen regular eggs and seperate it myself, 5 whites, 1 whole egg works great for me.

    Costco or some big retailer in your area should half an abundance of canned chicken or canned tuna. Remember you dont have to stick to steak. Make a can and a half of tuna with a but of miracle whip, diced up onions and tomatoes mixed together and bring it with you.

    Id consider getting your diet and cardio in check for about a month. Then consider an ECA stack. Ephedrine, Caffeine and aspririn.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Well when you say cardio in check.... I do 30 mins straight every other day... 25 mins at 4.2mph on a 4.0 incline then the 5 min cool down... if I do it everyday I'm afraid I might get shin splints again

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