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Thread: Gaspari Thermogenic Thyrotabs Usage Warning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Gaspari Thermogenic Thyrotabs Usage Warning

    This is some feedback we got from one of our customers using the product that decided to NOT listen to the instructions on the box. Be careful with this product... it is potent and not something to play with....

    Heads up bros! I bought a box of Gaspari Thyrotabs and took 3 tabs
    a day like the box says. After 2 days I didn't really feel much except
    a little hot and some lethargy. So I sent an e-mail last Friday night
    to Gaspari's website. Anyhow, I know the box says not to use more than
    3 tabs a day but on Saturday I doubled the dose and took 6 and on
    Sunday the same thing. Woke up this morning covered in sweat, shaking,
    bright red face and neck, feeling really hot. Took my temperature and
    it was just under 100 degrees. Freaked me out and was gonna go to the
    hospital but got a reply from someone at Gaspari: the stuff needs 5-7 days
    to 'kick in and work' and sure enough, it says just that on the box.
    I'm gonna stop using it now until these sides go away.

    I don't know why a product would take a week to start working but this
    one does and let me tell you, after 5 days it really hit me hard. Like
    a 300mcg dose of Sytomel hard. I'm leaner for sure and losing water too.

    Just a warning to you bros: they aren't joking when they say do not
    take more than 3 tablets in a day or that it takes 5-7 days to kick in.
    It's exactly what the box says so resist the temptation to jack on up
    the dosage because you were impatient like me for it to work.

    Anyone have any good thyroid PCT ideas?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    the empire state
    good to know im gonna start takin them in about a gonna take 3 thermo tabs a day with 6 3rd burn caps a day for a total of 6 weeks with the thermo tabs and 8 weeks with the caps...thinking about stacking in some hd 50 as well about 3-4 weeks in to prevent any muscle deteriation

  3. #3

    I've had a different experience

    I've been taking Gaspari's Thermogenic Thyrotabs for a little over 2 weeks now at 3 tabs/day evenly spaced between 8am and 6pm like the instructions say. I've noticed zero effects. No increased energy, no weight loss, no nothing. I'd swear up and down that they were sugar pills if I didn't know Gaspari was a reputable company. I train with weights about 4-5 times/ week and do cardio twice a week. I have not varied my diet at all which is generally "clean" and at which I easily maintain my current weight of 215@16% bodyfat. The only other supplements I'm taking besides the Thyrotabs are vitamin C, multivitamins, CLA, creatine, and protein. The label is adamant about not going over the 3 tabs/day so I haven't really thought of trying that. I was really expecting something "big" here along the lines of effectiveness of their Halodrol, which I'd used with great success. I dunno, that guy's feedback that was posted seems suspect. Not much of a "Test case" considering what other supplements or drugs he may have been taking along with the Thyrotabs that he didn't mention which could have caused the reaction he had. I was pretty hesitant about this product in the first place since it was so new there was no real information out there on it. I dunno... I'd be interested to hear anyone else who's had experience with it.

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