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Thread: please advise on leg workout!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.

    please advise on leg workout!!!

    ok so i have a vertebrae problem called Shermann's kyphosis. basically its a curvature of the spine known as hump back. i don't have it bad at all, but it constantly nags at me with pain. i work through it on a daily basis and continue to get bigger and stronger despite it.

    my concern is that i cannot squat big. it aggravates my back for about 3 days after if i do it. i can squat about 415, but i was out of commission and missed my monday workout because of the pain. (legs is sat.). so i am no longer putting that weight on my shoulders. sometimes i will do swolecat's leg program that uses lighter weight and a pre-fatigue concept... but that doesn't cut it all the time.

    my question is. what is the next best leg exercise next to squats? i do this machine that is free weight, but it is like a "back hack squat" you rest your lower back and ass on a small pad and the weight is around your hips. you place your feet down on a platform and lower yourself and the weight down and up again. i'm not sure of the name that's why i explained the mechanics.

    if anyone knows of the second best leg exercise or has an idea f what i can do without putting the weight on my neck, therefore aggravating my back, i would greatly appreciate your input.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Does the overall poundage bother you or the exercise period?

    If it's the poundage, lower the weight and work within a more moderate rep range...or try the smith machine variation as it's more restrictive.. and less likely to place excessive strain on a deviated spinal structure imo. (poundage kept within reason).

    I'd suspect it was the exercise period... and if so *thinks...crosses hands in front of him*.. have you ever tried a barbell front squat?

    Front squats... maybe a barbell hack (which looks kinda like a reverse deadlift).. all done below parallel.

    Um..and lastly, the leg press.

    Toss in some SLDLs if you're back can allow such...and you've got a routine.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    thanks C. that's what i figured. and no i have never attempted a front squat. it's worth a shot, i'll try her out this saturday. -nOva

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Lemme know how it goes.

    Good luck

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