Hello all! Well, let me start with my stats..

height: 5'10"
weight: 210pds
Age: 25

Working out for over 6 years and really hitting it hard for the past 2 years as far as diet and better training splits. I have 3 decent cycles under my belt. Most recent was: tren , test, winni, and adex with a good pct. I ran that for about 16 weeks. Started at 196 and shot up to 218. Then i went back down to a good 210. I'm about 15% bf.

I just picked up a 4 kits of hgh with 100iu's in each kit. I have been reading tons of info on this stuff. I just would rather here some advice for myself. What is a good test to run with it and how much? Also, i don't think im gonna run slin, would that hinder the GH effects drasticly? Any advice would be great...thanks