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Thread: no sleep, no food for 24 hours or more

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    no sleep, no food for 24 hours or more

    The set backs are obvious when your trying to bulk, but how bad is it when your cutting?? I had pneumonia a couple weeks ago, 103 fever for 5 days straight, needless to say i didnt eat much, and couldnt sleep because of dehydration my head was pounding and heart rate was at 120 at rest. Pneumonia was brought by a virus i caught and my immune system was down because of the drasic changes i made in my diet, and recreational drugs i took the weeks before wich robbed me of sleep in the days before getting that virus. When i went back in the gym(after 11 days of antibiotic, had 2 days left) i almost fainted after finishing my back/lower back routine.

    What should i do to put my self back in shape keeping in mind im trying to cut?

    And not withstanding the obvious health problems no food or sleep would bring, what are the dieting setbacks?

    I know youll all say, dont do drugs and all bla bla bla, but im curious nonthe less

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by luxur View Post
    The set backs are obvious when your trying to bulk, but how bad is it when your cutting?? I had pneumonia a couple weeks ago, 103 fever for 5 days straight, needless to say i didnt eat much, and couldnt sleep because of dehydration my head was pounding and heart rate was at 120 at rest. Pneumonia was brought by a virus i caught and my immune system was down because of the drasic changes i made in my diet, and recreational drugs i took the weeks before wich robbed me of sleep in the days before getting that virus. When i went back in the gym(after 11 days of antibiotic, had 2 days left) i almost fainted after finishing my back/lower back routine.

    What should i do to put my self back in shape keeping in mind im trying to cut?

    And not withstanding the obvious health problems no food or sleep would bring, what are the dieting setbacks?

    I know youll all say, dont do drugs and all bla bla bla, but im curious nonthe less
    Your body will most likely be in starvation mode which is not cool when you start eating again. I would introduce food slowly throughout the next day, and make sure to eat uber clean. Additionally, catabolism will be high during the fasting phase so take the necessary precautions to avoid this by eating the right stuff when you can (aka some good carbs, some good fats, def bcaa's, vitamins, etc)

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