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Thread: L-Ornithine alpha Keto Glutarate (OAKG)

  1. #1

    L-Ornithine alpha Keto Glutarate (OAKG)

    A mod suggested to me that this was the most anabolic amino acid.

    I've heard of studies saying that it is given to burn victems and cancer patients to help prevent catabolism..

    but I'm wondering if anyone else out there has used it? Since I've been using it i've been getting stronger every week (a little stronger, but not tremendous)...

    anyone have any thoughts on this? anyone else tried it? what dosage? results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the toilet
    I remember reading that in high doses of more than 150mg/kg it can increase human growth hormone release.I haven't used it myshelf tho...kinda expensive for that dose

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dirty Jerz
    where could one purchase some?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by moush View Post
    where could one purchase some?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Garnelek View Post
    I remember reading that in high doses of more than 150mg/kg it can increase human growth hormone release.I haven't used it myshelf tho...kinda expensive for that dose
    yeah I use 25g a day... I bought a whole 2 kilograms of it so I shall see the results of 12 weeks of downing it... kinda wondering if theres a difference between taking it all at once or during separate times

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    in the gym, LA
    try OEE instead it is sold in bulk, pretty cheap, need less actual product, and results are okay. i have seen people use 10-15g throughout the day in hopes in increase GH levels and using OEE you will need about 1/2 that amount. i dont look at ornithine as a good GH booster but it does work well with arginine in a 2:1 ratio preworkout. other than that, dont expect much bro. i thought you might think these were of some interested before spending your cash:
    Failure of commercial oral amino acid supplements to increase serum growth hormone concentrations in male body-builders.

    Lambert MI, Hefer JA, Millar RP, Macfarlane PW.

    Dept. of Physiology, University of Cape Town Medical School, South Africa.

    Amino acids are commonly ingested as ergogenic acids in the belief that they enhance protein synthesis and stimulate growth hormone release. The aim of this study was to determine the acute effect that amino acid supplements have on serum growth hormone (GH) concentration. Seven male body-builders reported to the laboratory on four occasions after an 8-hr fast and ingested, in random order, either a placebo, a 2.4-g arginine/lysine supplement, a 1.85-g ornithine/tyrosine supplement, or a 20-g BovrilR drink. Blood was collected before each treatment and again every 30 minutes for 3 hours for the measurement of serum GH concentration. On a separate occasion, subjects had an intravenous infusion of 0.5 microgram GH-releasing body weight to confirm that GH secretory response was normal. The main finding was that serum GH concentrations were not altered consistently in healthy young males following the ingestion of the amino acid supplements in the quantities recommended by the manufacturers.

    Use of amino acids as growth hormone-releasing agents by athletes.

    Chromiak JA, Antonio J.

    Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sport, Mississippi State University, PO Box 6186, Mississippi State, MS 39762-6186, USA. [email protected]

    Specific amino acids, such as arginine, lysine and ornithine, can stimulate growth hormone (GH) release when infused intravenously or administered orally. Many individuals consume amino acids before strength training workouts, believing this practice accentuates the exercise-induced GH release, thereby promoting greater gains in muscle mass and strength. The GH response to amino acid administration has a high degree of interindividual variability and may be altered by training status, sex, age, and diet. Although parenteral administration consistently leads to increased circulating GH concentration, oral doses that are great enough to induce significant GH release are likely to cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea. During exercise, intensity is a major determinant of GH release. Although one study showed that arginine infusion can heighten the GH response to exercise, no studies found that pre-exercise oral amino acid supplementation augments GH release. Further, no appropriately conducted scientific studies found that oral supplementation with amino acids, which are capable of inducing GH release, before strength training increases muscle mass and strength to a greater extent than strength training alone. The use of specific amino acids to stimulate GH release by athletes is not recommended.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Garnelek View Post
    I remember reading that in high doses of more than 150mg/kg it can increase human growth hormone release.I haven't used it myshelf tho...kinda expensive for that dose
    Read something like this also......can't remember where right now??? But it was OAKG for sure

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Confederate States
    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    Read something like this also......can't remember where right now??? But it was OAKG for sure
    isnt garbanzo what u make pozole with??

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ralph4u2c View Post
    try OEE instead it is sold in bulk, pretty cheap, need less actual product, and results are okay. i have seen people use 10-15g throughout the day in hopes in increase GH levels and using OEE you will need about 1/2 that amount. i dont look at ornithine as a good GH booster but it does work well with arginine in a 2:1 ratio preworkout. other than that, dont expect much bro. i thought you might think these were of some interested before spending your cash:
    Failure of commercial oral amino acid supplements to increase serum growth hormone concentrations in male body-builders.

    Lambert MI, Hefer JA, Millar RP, Macfarlane PW.

    Dept. of Physiology, University of Cape Town Medical School, South Africa.

    Amino acids are commonly ingested as ergogenic acids in the belief that they enhance protein synthesis and stimulate growth hormone release. The aim of this study was to determine the acute effect that amino acid supplements have on serum growth hormone (GH) concentration. Seven male body-builders reported to the laboratory on four occasions after an 8-hr fast and ingested, in random order, either a placebo, a 2.4-g arginine/lysine supplement, a 1.85-g ornithine/tyrosine supplement, or a 20-g BovrilR drink. Blood was collected before each treatment and again every 30 minutes for 3 hours for the measurement of serum GH concentration. On a separate occasion, subjects had an intravenous infusion of 0.5 microgram GH-releasing body weight to confirm that GH secretory response was normal. The main finding was that serum GH concentrations were not altered consistently in healthy young males following the ingestion of the amino acid supplements in the quantities recommended by the manufacturers.

    Use of amino acids as growth hormone-releasing agents by athletes.

    Chromiak JA, Antonio J.

    Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sport, Mississippi State University, PO Box 6186, Mississippi State, MS 39762-6186, USA. [email protected]

    Specific amino acids, such as arginine, lysine and ornithine, can stimulate growth hormone (GH) release when infused intravenously or administered orally. Many individuals consume amino acids before strength training workouts, believing this practice accentuates the exercise-induced GH release, thereby promoting greater gains in muscle mass and strength. The GH response to amino acid administration has a high degree of interindividual variability and may be altered by training status, sex, age, and diet. Although parenteral administration consistently leads to increased circulating GH concentration, oral doses that are great enough to induce significant GH release are likely to cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea. During exercise, intensity is a major determinant of GH release. Although one study showed that arginine infusion can heighten the GH response to exercise, no studies found that pre-exercise oral amino acid supplementation augments GH release. Further, no appropriately conducted scientific studies found that oral supplementation with amino acids, which are capable of inducing GH release, before strength training increases muscle mass and strength to a greater extent than strength training alone. The use of specific amino acids to stimulate GH release by athletes is not recommended.
    thats an interesting post, but i wish those studies encompassed more body builders than just 7 body builders.. and at a higher dosage

    I will say that I've been taking 25g of OAKG preworkout and I've noticed a major change in stamina, particularly for cardio....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    in the gym, LA
    Quote Originally Posted by jg42058p View Post
    thats an interesting post, but i wish those studies encompassed more body builders than just 7 body builders.. and at a higher dosage

    I will say that I've been taking 25g of OAKG preworkout and I've noticed a major change in stamina, particularly for cardio....
    lol certainly taking 25g of OAKG daily will have positive effects. next time try the OEE and see how you like it.

    i still think the study is pretty good even though they only used 7 testers. you can always ask and want more but its hard to argue with research until proven otherwise. i have seen a lot of bro-science when it comes to these type of topics and these studies help to shed some light, which is the main reason many of them are carried out.

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