how much to take??? and when is most beneficial to BBers?
and what brand do you prefer for whatever reason?
how much to take??? and when is most beneficial to BBers?
and what brand do you prefer for whatever reason?
Take a bunch. 5-10 first thing in the am. 5-10 pre-workout and 5-10 PWO. Also 10 before you do cardio whever that may be. I buy it plain and in bulk from just bc its cheap. Tastes like crap and mixes like crap, but worth the money you save from buyin in store or buying one of those flavored mixes.
I take 5g before and 5g after training.. and on non training days i take 5g before bed.
i use dymatize only brand iv used but works well
ive been taking 10 g before and after workout plus 5 g L-Leucine and I love it!
abbot ur the man im buying some today
ditto what abbot said.
10g when waking
10g pre and post work out
10g before bed
I buy in bulk powder form
can you mix it in anything? or does it absorb better with a certain drink?
You can mix with anything, but it doesnt absorb worth a damn, regardless what you put it in, lol, just keep filling cup with water until you get it all down.
how much u buy at a time?
i put it on my tongue and get some water, just be careful not to choke cause it has a weird texture and dont breathe in!! lol
careful taking it after u work out if u take a protien shake, alot of shakes already have BCAA's in them so just see how much. i always take 5grams before bed, and sometimes thru out the day.
I honestly have never noticed any difference in recovery time or anything when taking BCAA's. If I'm getting my daily protein requirements from a variety of sources whats a few more grams of this or that amino acid?? They just get lost in the mix. If your taking in enough solid meals (for me 8, others 6) containing high quality protein your amino acid levels in your bloodstream should always be sufficient to support muscle growth and repair. Some may disagree and I could see when dieting down for a show where they MIGHT come in handy other than that for me its a waste of my hard earned money IMHO.
I have been doing this for a solid 5 years now of dieting and training and have probably taken enough BCAA supplements for everybody and you know what, didn't do jacksh*t for me. This is just my opinion on the matter, buy more whole food sources.
Good luck
Last edited by Reed; 09-11-2008 at 02:22 AM.
buy xtend !!!!
those are all good comments: these taste crappy & don't mix. I tried EVERY dam thing I could think of. I even tried making the powder into jello shots. they make a film or residue that kind of floats. if you try to put the dry powder in your mouth, you can breathe it in (or out) by mistake, which is no fun...kind of like breathing in sawdust. In fact, the stuff looks, tastes, and floats on fluid like sawdust. I usually put about 10 teaspoons in a blender, mix it with water, then pour it into a bowl and eat the suds with a spoon. any other way tends to irritate my throat...but i had a trach hole cut in my throat, so im not sure if it irritates everyone or if its getting stuck on the scar on my throat.
anyone else have suggestions
how else could one take them if u cant do it that way
that xtend product is real good stuff.
if u buy in bulk powder and its hard to swallow what do u recomend for getting it down easier
I know what you mean, my friend takes it in a powder form that I hate. Thats why i've stuck to the pills and to xtend. I'm not too sure about how they react at high temperatures and whether high temps render them less or ineffective (I highly doubt it though), but you can try cooking with it. besides that your just going to have to man up and drink the shit.
I get mine in capsules.
I use Xtend periworkout with some extra leucine, as I prefer 75/12/12 ratio over 50/25/25.
get you BCAAs instantized and they will mix in water
the lemonade wasn't bad at all. I like it. it kind of tastes like its sweetened with a sugar substitute, but its good. i still want to try watermelon next time though. its really a good product.
i got mine instatizied so they'll be fine
If you can afford it, Liquid Beef Aminos cannot be beat. The only people that poo-poo the product are the one's who have never tried it. PM me for more info.
i got some instantized BCAA's and the still dont mix well with water just man up then right?
dude u should mix them in protein i be the willmix
10 g before training
dymatize complex 5050
I just got the watermelon xtend, and I must say....
SHIT TASTES AWESOME... seriously, like a watermelon jolly rancher. I don't know if I can keep taking it for fear of reviving my sweet tooth
yes i said shit tastes awesome...that is right, I LIKE THE TASTE OF SHIT
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