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Thread: Methyl Masterdrol v2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Methyl Masterdrol v2

    I'm seeing some of the best definition I've had in a few years, no lie! I've been dieting really strict for the past 2 months now, but a large part of the credit must go to MMV2 for its leaning out and strengthening capabilities. I have added good strength, and a few pounds of nice lean muscle. Feeling great on this stuff. Anyone else having good experiences with it. Or any pro hormones like it?
    Last edited by thane222; 09-11-2008 at 05:11 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Would definitely recommend this one. Used it before and saw some really good muscle and definition. I was also able to keep most of the gains I got. Will probably be making another order in the winter.

  3. #3
    Although I'm not taking MMV2, I can concur with your statement. I'm on week 4 of a 12 week PH cycle. All I can say is, "Damn!" when I'm done working out and I look in the mirror. I have never had the positive results I'm seeing in all the years I worked out - however, I'm coming off a 9 year hiatus of any serious lifting due to a motorcycle crash and subsequently getting older and now developing arthritis in my shoulders (taking a good pain killer for that - Relafin). It makes me feel really good seeing my body develop the way it's going - and to think, I still have a big ass belly, too. I can't wait to start the cutting phase at week 9 as I want to get rid of my fat belly. My shoulders, back and arms are looking real good, though. I measured my arms last week and I'm at 19 1/2" (right arm; left is probably 18") flexed. The best I ever gotten in the past was 18" flexed.

    I got an email from a online discount supplement store advertising a product that sounded too good to be true, so I visited the product's website and took a look at the various products they sold and what they contained and what the products would do. I went ahead and bought the products recommended by the company's website in order to do a 12 week cycle, however, I ordered through the discount supplement place, as opposed to the product's website - save over $500 probably (You could buy one product on their website for $89.99 but at the discount place, it was $19.99 on sale). So far I'm really impressed with the results. I'm not really busting my ass in the gym, either. I'm lifting relatively light weights, too, however, I'm following the workout schedule and performing the exercised that is listed on that company's website and I'm eating more quality and better foods that I have in the past.

    Anyhow, I haven't seriously lifted before my motorcycle crash in 1999. It feels really good to be back in the gym and to have some supplements that really does what it says it will do - unlike that crap of the late 80's early 90's called Cybergenics.

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