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Thread: opinion on supplement cycle

  1. #1

    Question opinion on supplement cycle

    being in the military and going to school for law enforcment, i'm not in a convenient position to cycle real gear the way i'd like...i've been lifting for about 5 years, am 31 and about a year out from being ready to compete in next years body building competition which is just on a local level. with that said, i'm stuck with all the legal supplements that try to sound like ph and aas, and are obviously not. (learned the hard way a few years ago). what i'm looking for is a good legal stack...from what i've read and researched on here Tribulus Terrestris and zma seem to be effective for natural test boosters i'm taking Decabolen 35mg:

    4-chloro-17a-methyl-andro-4-ene-3,17b-diol 25mg
    2a,17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one 5mg
    2a, 17a-dimethyletiollocholan-3-one, 17b-ol 5mg

    i know...i know...bad for the liver, but i've seen gains as well as a buddy of mine that cycled it, i take a liver cleaner and run a post cycle therapy( cuz thats what the dude on the phone told me to do
    in addition to a multi, glutamine, protein and a pre work out supp.
    so with that a brotha out...i've looked for past posts, but none that really spelled anything out very well..other than the zma and terrestris mix...steer me in the right direction..thnx

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    There are a few legal steroids that you can purchase over the counter but I am not sure on what your goals are. Even if they're legal, you will not pass if tested. I've never had any success with testosterone boosters. The best legal steroids available: M-Drol (Superdrol Clone), Spawn (Epistane/Tren), H-Drol (Halodrol clone).

  4. #4
    thanx for the you want any answers on this site, you have to ask the right questions the right way steroids....hmmmm, an interesting term to say the least...and as far as being long as they are "legal", i'm in the far as what I'm wanting to accomplish..size and strength for now...i'll cut weight before I go through the academy portion of my police training which is next summer...for now, i'm trying to get size and strength. thanx for the comment...any body else willing to give their 2 cents is welcome..i'll research these out.

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