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Thread: Superdrol (methylated masteron)

  1. #1

    Smile Superdrol (methylated masteron)

    Just finished my first week of SD and it's been pretty good. Started at 182 and now I sit at 187. My 3 week cycle plan is as follows. Week 1-10mg,2-20mg,30-30mg. I stack it with true-mass weight gainer but I only take half a serving per day (1.5 scoops) because I try and get as many calories and substance from food as i possibly can. Usually i make a drink with vitamin D milk before bed since it has all the slow digestive proteins that help out while Im resting. That's just a little bit of info as to what I am doing. My question is about supp. stack and PCT.

    Currently I stack with purus labs organ shield which contains the following.

    Milk Thistle-500mg Saw Palmetto-330mg N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine-250mg Beta-Sitosterol-200mg Cranberry Extract-150mg Alpha-Lipoic Acid-100mg Coenzyme Q10-50mg Zinc Aspartate-20mg

    I also take an extra 400mg of milk thistle (silymarin) a day because of SD's harsh nature on the liver.

    Is this a sufficient supplement stack? If not what am I missing?

    Also, my pct plan is nolvadex for 4 weeks at 40/20/20/10 or 20/20/20/20.

    Can't wait for replys and don't be afraid to tell me what you think.
    Last edited by inmymind801; 10-25-2008 at 03:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Should go in the supplement forum
    Are you sure it's real superdrol? Some of the clones seem to be different than original. Not sure about all that herbal crap. Milk thistle gets a tumbs down in my book. More stats needed, age, height, bodyfat. Tapering up is not needed. For 3 weeks of superdrol nolva at 20mg for 2 weeks should be plenty, but I'm guessing your nolva is herbal and that's lame.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Where there's food!
    That supplement stack looks good. I took Superdrol as well and had good reults off of it. Your PCT looks good as well. Make sure you keep up a clean diet and get in enough calories.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by inmymind801 View Post
    Just finished my first week of SD and it's been pretty good. Started at 182 and now I sit at 187. My 3 week cycle plan is as follows. Week 1-10mg,2-20mg,30-30mg. I stack it with true-mass weight gainer but I only take half a serving per day (1.5 scoops) because I try and get as many calories and substance from food as i possibly can. Usually i make a drink with vitamin D milk before bed since it has all the slow digestive proteins that help out while Im resting. That's just a little bit of info as to what I am doing. My question is about supp. stack and PCT.

    Currently I stack with purus labs organ shield which contains the following.

    Milk Thistle-500mg Saw Palmetto-330mg N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine-250mg Beta-Sitosterol-200mg Cranberry Extract-150mg Alpha-Lipoic Acid-100mg Coenzyme Q10-50mg Zinc Aspartate-20mg

    I also take an extra 400mg of milk thistle (silymarin) a day because of SD's harsh nature on the liver.

    Is this a sufficient supplement stack? If not what am I missing?

    Also, my pct plan is nolvadex for 4 weeks at 40/20/20/10 or 20/20/20/20.

    Can't wait for replys and don't be afraid to tell me what you think.
    how the hell do you gain 5lbs in the first week @10mg a day?How much calories do you take in a day?did you gain fat or muscle?

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