can anyone please help me with a diet plan i need to cut weight first time working out faithfully for 6 months now
bf% ?
can anyone please help me with a diet plan i need to cut weight first time working out faithfully for 6 months now
bf% ?
I will put this in the diet section for you
Fill this out
Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Bodyfat Percentage: ? If you don't know, post a pic or pm a reliable member for an estimate
BMR: ?
Goals: ? (gain or lose how much, in what time period, and don't just say gain muscle and lose fat)
Diet Plan
Meal 1 (time)
food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Total macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Meal 2 (time)
food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Workout (time)
(insert where your workout is in the diet plan, and how long it is, and whether you do cardio or not)
Meal 3 (PWO) (time)
food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Meal 4 (time)
food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Meal 5 (time)
food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Meal 6 (before bed, Time)
food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
Total Macros for the Whole Day
__g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat, TOTAL CALORIES___, TDEE___
bf 20%
want to gain muscle but main goal is to lose 20-30 poundss in 4 months or less
ineed to know what type of foods are good for what and when to eat them i do cardio in the morning and workout in the afternoon
Pick foods from here and then we can move on...
Foods For Thought
10 EGGS (8 WHITES 2YOKES) 60 0 16 384
1.5 CUP OATMEAL 0 75 5 345
PROTEIN SHAKE 60 0 2 240
40 GRAMS DEXTROSE 0 40 0 160
10 oz CHICKEN 60 0 5 285
1 CUP OATMEAL 0 52 5 253
3 salmon burgers 66 6 27 510
4 oz pasta 0 54 2 234
10 oz chicken 60 0 5 285
1 cup rice 0 56 4 260
ALMONDS 6 5 14 164
2 turkeyburgers 70 4 10 400
382 292 95 3520
• 400g Protein / 400g Carbs / 150g Fats
• 4000+ Calories Daily / 8 = 500-600 Calories per Meal
• 424g Protein / 397g Carbs / 151g Fat / 4656 Calories
• Jack3d
• Whey Protein
• 100% Casein
• Dextrose
Meal One: Protein/Carb
• 8 Egg Whites (1 Cup)
• 1 Scoop Casein Protein
• 1 1/4 Cup Oatmeal
• 1 Scoop Jack3d
60g Protein / 75g Carbs / 9g Fat / 615 Calories
WORKOUT 1.5 Hours
Meal Two: PWO (15-30 minutes after GYM)
• 2 Scoops Whey Protein
• 80g-100g Dextrose
• 1 Bagel with Cream Cheese
58g Protein / 68g Carbs / 8g Fat / 646 Calories
Meal Three: PPWO (1.5-2 hours after PWO)
• Chicken Breast (4oz)
• 1/2 Cup Brown Rice
• 1/4 Cup Black Beans
• 1 Plain Bagel
56g Protein / 72g Carbs / 12g Fat / 665 Calories
Meal Four: Protein / Fat
• Lean Ground Beef (5oz)
• Swiss Cheese (2oz)
• 1 Medium Potato
• Small Portion Green Veggies
45g Protein / 46g Carbs / 35g Fat / 584 Calories
Meal Five: Protein / Carbs
• Chicken Breast (4oz)
• 1/2 Cup Brown Rice
• 1/4 Cup Black Beans
• 1 Plain Bagel
56g Protein / 72g Carbs / 12g Fat / 665 Calories
Meal Six: Protein / Fat
• 2 Cans of Tuna
• 2 Tbsp Mayonnaise
• (1/2 Cup Oatmeal with less than ½ Cup Milk)
• Veggies
31g Protein / 33g Carbs / 26g Fat / 490 Calories
Meal Seven: Protein / Fat
• Lean Ground Beef (7oz)
• 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter with Celery
46g Protein / 10g Carbs / 46g Fat / 600 Calories
Meal Eight: Before Bed
• 3 Scoops of Casein Protein
• 1.5 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil
72g Protein / 21g Carbs / 3g Fat / 390g Calories
Lean Bulk Diet
Morning Shake 6:00AM
1 scoop 100% whey protein
1 cup soy milk
P31g. C9g. F6g.
Breakfast 6:30AM
2 scrambled eggs
1 cup eggs white
1tbsp olive oil
1/2cup of sweet potato fries
1 multivitamin
1 cup water
P40g. C42g. F24g.
Snack 8:30AM
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1tbsp sugar free jelly
2tbsp penut butter
P26g. C60g. F20g.
Lunch 12:00PM
8 oz turkey, chicken, beef or fish
1 cup sweet potato or wild rice
1/2 cup broccoli , spinach , carrots etc
1g vitamin C
P60g. C55g. F12g.
Snack 3:30PM
2 slices whole grain bread
2oz tuna
1 Tbsp light mayo
1oz almonds
1Vitamin B complex
P29g. C45g. F21g.
Preworkout 5:00AM
1 scoop of whey protein
1 cup soy milk
P31g. C9g. F6g.
During Workout 6:30AM
1 serving Scivitation Xtend
3.5g leucine
1.7g isoleucine
1.7g valine
2.5g glutamine
1.0g citruline malate
2.0g beta alanine
2 cups water
Postworkout 7:00PM
2 scoop ON whey protein
1 cup soy milk
1 banana
2 tbsp condensed milk
P60g. C50g. F9g.
Diner 8:00PM
Same as lunch
1g *****-3 EFA
P60g. C50. F12.
1 serving of ZMA
Late Snack11:00PM
1 scoop ON casein protein
2tbsp Penut Butter
P32g. C8g. F17g.
Protein 369g=1476cal=38%
Carbs 328g=1312cal=33%
Fats 127g=1143cal=29%
Total Calories 3931
7:45 250 ml of egg whites
2 small tortillas, mushrooms, fat free cheese & salsa
1 English muffin with no sugar added jam & peanut butter
15 gm of whey protein
25 gm of oatmeal
10:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
15 ml of flax seed oil
12:45 8 eggs & green onion & light mayo (makes an egg salad)
3 pieces of whole-wheat bread w/ ham
1 banana
15 gm of whey protein
1 yogurt
3:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
15 ml of flax seed oil
5:15 120 gm of steak
20 gm of whey protein
50 gm of carrots
5 ml of flax seed oil
7:15 60 gm of whey
5 rice cakes (caramel flavored)
1 apple
2.5 ml of flaxseed oil
9:30 125 gm of cottage cheese
15 gm of whey protein
1 no sugar added fat free yogurt
TOTAL CARBS: 300 GM – 1200 calories
TOTAL PROTEIN 320 GM – 1280 calories
APPROX TOTAL FAT: 63 GM – 567 calories
TOTAL CALORIES: 3047 calories per day
Meal 1:
1 whole eggs
4 egg whites
1 scoop whey
1C oats
11g fish oil
Meal 2:
6.7 oz chicken breast
1/4C quinoa
1/2C black beans
1-3C veggies
1/2oz almonds
6g fish oil
Meal 3:
6.7 oz chicken breast
1/4C quinoa
1/2C black beans
1-3C veggies
1/2oz almonds
6g fish oil
Meal 4:
1C tuna
1tbs mayo
1/4C quinoa
1/2C black beans
1-3C veggies
5g fish oil
Meal 5:
6.7oz lean ground beef
1/4C quinoa
1/2C black beans
1-3C veggies
5g fish oil
Meal 6:
6.7oz lean ground beef
1/4C quinoa
1/2C black beans
1-3C veggies
5g fish oil
Actual totals:
248g pro. (~30%)/ 329g carb. (~40%)/ 107g fat (~30%)
992 cal/ 1316 cal/ 963 cal
Twist thank you for your time i really appreciate it i will keep u posted on my diet and workout
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