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Thread: please help with diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Opelousas, Louisiana

    please help with diet

    can anyone please help me with a diet plan i need to cut weight first time working out faithfully for 6 months now
    bf% ?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I will put this in the diet section for you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Fill this out

    Age: ?
    Height: ?
    Weight: ?
    Bodyfat Percentage: ? If you don't know, post a pic or pm a reliable member for an estimate
    TDEE: ?
    BMR: ?
    Goals: ? (gain or lose how much, in what time period, and don't just say gain muscle and lose fat)

    Diet Plan
    Meal 1 (time)
    food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    Total macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat

    Meal 2 (time)
    food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat

    Workout (time)
    (insert where your workout is in the diet plan, and how long it is, and whether you do cardio or not)

    Meal 3 (PWO) (time)
    food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat

    Meal 4 (time)
    food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat

    Meal 5 (time)
    food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat

    Meal 6 (before bed, Time)
    food1 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food2 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    food3 = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat
    Total Macros = __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat

    Total Macros for the Whole Day
    __g protein, __g carbohydrates, __g Fat, TOTAL CALORIES___, TDEE___

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Opelousas, Louisiana
    bf 20%
    want to gain muscle but main goal is to lose 20-30 poundss in 4 months or less
    ineed to know what type of foods are good for what and when to eat them i do cardio in the morning and workout in the afternoon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Lurking in the shadows
    Quote Originally Posted by firsttimer555 View Post
    bf 20%
    want to gain muscle but main goal is to lose 20-30 poundss in 4 months or less
    ineed to know what type of foods are good for what and when to eat them i do cardio in the morning and workout in the afternoon
    No one here is gonna write out a diet plan for you. At least make an attempt to make your own diet. Start out with what your diet is now and then the guys on here can tweak it from there. Oh also... fill out twists diet outline thing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Pick foods from here and then we can move on...

    Foods For Thought
    MEAL #1
    10 EGGS (8 WHITES 2YOKES) 60 0 16 384
    1.5 CUP OATMEAL 0 75 5 345

    MEAL#2 PWO
    PROTEIN SHAKE 60 0 2 240
    40 GRAMS DEXTROSE 0 40 0 160

    MEAL #3
    10 oz CHICKEN 60 0 5 285
    1 CUP OATMEAL 0 52 5 253

    MEAL #4
    3 salmon burgers 66 6 27 510
    4 oz pasta 0 54 2 234

    MEAL #5
    10 oz chicken 60 0 5 285
    1 cup rice 0 56 4 260
    ALMONDS 6 5 14 164

    MEAL #6
    2 turkeyburgers 70 4 10 400

    382 292 95 3520

    • 400g Protein / 400g Carbs / 150g Fats
    • 4000+ Calories Daily / 8 = 500-600 Calories per Meal
    • 424g Protein / 397g Carbs / 151g Fat / 4656 Calories

    • Jack3d
    • Whey Protein
    • 100% Casein
    • Dextrose

    Meal One: Protein/Carb
    • 8 Egg Whites (1 Cup)
    • 1 Scoop Casein Protein
    • 1 1/4 Cup Oatmeal
    • 1 Scoop Jack3d
    60g Protein / 75g Carbs / 9g Fat / 615 Calories

    WORKOUT 1.5 Hours

    Meal Two: PWO (15-30 minutes after GYM)
    • 2 Scoops Whey Protein
    • 80g-100g Dextrose
    • 1 Bagel with Cream Cheese
    58g Protein / 68g Carbs / 8g Fat / 646 Calories

    Meal Three: PPWO (1.5-2 hours after PWO)
    • Chicken Breast (4oz)
    • 1/2 Cup Brown Rice
    • 1/4 Cup Black Beans
    • 1 Plain Bagel
    56g Protein / 72g Carbs / 12g Fat / 665 Calories

    Meal Four: Protein / Fat
    • Lean Ground Beef (5oz)
    • Swiss Cheese (2oz)
    • 1 Medium Potato
    • Small Portion Green Veggies
    45g Protein / 46g Carbs / 35g Fat / 584 Calories

    Meal Five: Protein / Carbs
    • Chicken Breast (4oz)
    • 1/2 Cup Brown Rice
    • 1/4 Cup Black Beans
    • 1 Plain Bagel
    56g Protein / 72g Carbs / 12g Fat / 665 Calories

    Meal Six: Protein / Fat
    • 2 Cans of Tuna
    • 2 Tbsp Mayonnaise
    • (1/2 Cup Oatmeal with less than ½ Cup Milk)
    • Veggies
    31g Protein / 33g Carbs / 26g Fat / 490 Calories

    Meal Seven: Protein / Fat
    • Lean Ground Beef (7oz)
    • 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter with Celery
    46g Protein / 10g Carbs / 46g Fat / 600 Calories

    Meal Eight: Before Bed
    • 3 Scoops of Casein Protein
    • 1.5 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil
    72g Protein / 21g Carbs / 3g Fat / 390g Calories

    Lean Bulk Diet
    Morning Shake 6:00AM
    1 scoop 100% whey protein
    1 cup soy milk
    P31g. C9g. F6g.

    Breakfast 6:30AM
    2 scrambled eggs
    1 cup eggs white
    1tbsp olive oil
    1/2cup of sweet potato fries
    1 multivitamin
    1 cup water
    P40g. C42g. F24g.

    Snack 8:30AM
    1/4 cup oatmeal
    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1tbsp sugar free jelly
    2tbsp penut butter
    P26g. C60g. F20g.

    Lunch 12:00PM
    8 oz turkey, chicken, beef or fish
    1 cup sweet potato or wild rice
    1/2 cup broccoli , spinach , carrots etc
    1g vitamin C
    P60g. C55g. F12g.

    Snack 3:30PM
    2 slices whole grain bread
    2oz tuna
    1 Tbsp light mayo
    1oz almonds
    1Vitamin B complex
    P29g. C45g. F21g.

    Preworkout 5:00AM
    1 scoop of whey protein
    1 cup soy milk
    P31g. C9g. F6g.

    During Workout 6:30AM
    1 serving Scivitation Xtend
    3.5g leucine
    1.7g isoleucine
    1.7g valine
    2.5g glutamine
    1.0g citruline malate
    2.0g beta alanine
    2 cups water

    Postworkout 7:00PM
    2 scoop ON whey protein
    1 cup soy milk
    1 banana
    2 tbsp condensed milk
    P60g. C50g. F9g.

    Diner 8:00PM
    Same as lunch
    1g *****-3 EFA
    P60g. C50. F12.

    1 serving of ZMA

    Late Snack11:00PM
    1 scoop ON casein protein
    2tbsp Penut Butter
    P32g. C8g. F17g.

    Protein 369g=1476cal=38%
    Carbs 328g=1312cal=33%
    Fats 127g=1143cal=29%
    Total Calories 3931

    7:45 250 ml of egg whites
    2 small tortillas, mushrooms, fat free cheese & salsa
    1 English muffin with no sugar added jam & peanut butter
    15 gm of whey protein
    25 gm of oatmeal

    10:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
    15 ml of flax seed oil

    12:45 8 eggs & green onion & light mayo (makes an egg salad)
    3 pieces of whole-wheat bread w/ ham
    1 banana
    15 gm of whey protein
    1 yogurt

    3:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
    15 ml of flax seed oil

    5:15 120 gm of steak
    20 gm of whey protein
    50 gm of carrots
    5 ml of flax seed oil

    1 HOUR TRAINING START 6:00PM to 7:00PM

    7:15 60 gm of whey
    5 rice cakes (caramel flavored)
    1 apple
    2.5 ml of flaxseed oil

    9:30 125 gm of cottage cheese
    15 gm of whey protein
    1 no sugar added fat free yogurt

    TOTAL CARBS: 300 GM – 1200 calories
    TOTAL PROTEIN 320 GM – 1280 calories
    APPROX TOTAL FAT: 63 GM – 567 calories
    TOTAL CALORIES: 3047 calories per day


    Meal 1:
    1 whole eggs
    4 egg whites
    1 scoop whey
    1C oats
    11g fish oil

    Meal 2:
    6.7 oz chicken breast
    1/4C quinoa
    1/2C black beans
    1-3C veggies
    1/2oz almonds
    6g fish oil

    Meal 3:
    6.7 oz chicken breast
    1/4C quinoa
    1/2C black beans
    1-3C veggies
    1/2oz almonds
    6g fish oil

    Meal 4:
    1C tuna
    1tbs mayo
    1/4C quinoa
    1/2C black beans
    1-3C veggies
    5g fish oil

    Meal 5:
    6.7oz lean ground beef
    1/4C quinoa
    1/2C black beans
    1-3C veggies
    5g fish oil

    Meal 6:
    6.7oz lean ground beef
    1/4C quinoa
    1/2C black beans
    1-3C veggies
    5g fish oil

    Actual totals:
    248g pro. (~30%)/ 329g carb. (~40%)/ 107g fat (~30%)
    992 cal/ 1316 cal/ 963 cal

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Opelousas, Louisiana


    Twist thank you for your time i really appreciate it i will keep u posted on my diet and workout

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