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Thread: By the numbers!

  1. #1

    By the numbers!


    I know Im not an idiot or I could be going about this all wrong, I went on google search protien and carb intake charts but I think Im slow. So guys I need your help?! With the stats above, in order for me to lose excess bodyfat as if Im dieting down for a photoshoot or competition. Yet, minimizing the amount of muscle lost by the numbers what would be my overall protien and carb intake?

    The reason Im asking for the baseline is so I can do the 3-5 low carb days and 1 high carb day. Im totally confused about what to do and I dont want to start until Im well advised well at least enough to gather info and make my own judgement. You guys know what look Im talking about.. The full muscle bellys yet ripped look.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    good stats bro! i would say minimum 300 grams of protein, 200g carbs, and no more than 50g fat (if possible). of course good diet and cardio to make it a complete fat burning recipe.

  3. #3
    Thanks alot bass, so is that the baseline? Cycling the carbs while keeping my protien high will do the trick?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    You are welcome. i am not an expert, but that was the advise i was given, hopefully some one with more experience can give you a more accurate answer...

  5. #5
    No problem man

  6. #6
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    Very nice goal is 10% 195-200lbs.....keep up the good work mate

  7. #7
    Thanx E.B but what suprising is I just picked up the weights after an eleven month layoff I was in the military and put on lean mass but got kicked out for my immaturity, ignorance and stupidity. Then I cut down to 165-168 ripped, ran out of money, picked up soccer again(played varsity during H.S) and put on wieight and also sitting around unemployed.

  8. #8
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    Sep 2008
    Im following something very similar right now. But Im going high pro/fat for 13 days then on day 14 refeed. The only problem is that I feel like Im coming down with the cold. I believe that this is because of the carbs I am NOT taking in. Besides, my guys ( Top and Twist ) said that this may happen.

    On a positive note, I AM getting leaner so Im a firm believer of the whole low carb thing hence carb cycling. Also I had to change up my cardio from l.i.cardio only and decided to throw in some HIIT twice a week. So far, so good.

    Hope this helps out and good luck!!!!!

  9. #9
    Thanx Pops... I will give that one a try.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    The only problem is that I feel like Im coming down with the cold. I believe that this is because of the carbs I am NOT taking in. Besides, my guys ( Top and Twist ) said that this may happen.
    why is this?--a week into a high pro/fat diet i was trying the same thing happened to me(a cold) does it just make u feel like u got a cold or is it actually a cold---i got exact symptons--runny nose--congestion--

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    hey Twist, thanks for looking at my bulk diet---i'm up 2 lbs as of tday--guess its been a week--prob some water from reintroducing the carbs but either way--sorry op for somewhat hijacking ur thread

  13. #13
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    why is this?--a week into a high pro/fat diet i was trying the same thing happened to me(a cold) does it just make u feel like u got a cold or is it actually a cold---i got exact symptons--runny nose--congestion--
    I wish I knew but I have been sneezing since Thursday night. Now Im starting to feel much better like almost cured. Tomorrow is my refeed day but today I had multigrain pancakes for bfast today. Maybe thats why Im feeling 100% better?????Who knows. Anyways tomorrow Ill load up on good carbs all day and hopefully be back to normal.

  14. #14
    @ Twist... I will load a pic later on dont have anything current on my laptop.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    hey Twist, thanks for looking at my bulk diet---i'm up 2 lbs as of tday--guess its been a week--prob some water from reintroducing the carbs but either way--sorry op for somewhat hijacking ur thread
    sweet good job. remember don't even bother with the scale cuz it will mess with your head (I am a hypocrite btw)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pipedream View Post
    @ Twist... I will load a pic later on dont have anything current on my laptop.
    OK cuz those are good stats and if they are true we should get you on a killer diet.

  16. #16
    Im mean Im not ripped thats just what the tape measurement and a calculator said I was and if thats ya pic up there, true look of an ecto, ripped yet can eat any and everything...
    Can you gauge over an 8-12 week period roughly what my weight my be seeing I keep my protien super high to limit any muscle lost during the diet.

  17. #17
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Pipedream View Post
    Im mean Im not ripped thats just what the tape measurement and a calculator said I was and if thats ya pic up there, true look of an ecto, ripped yet can eat any and everything...
    Can you gauge over an 8-12 week period roughly what my weight my be seeing I keep my protien super high to limit any muscle lost during the diet.

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