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Thread: Wanting to Do a Clen Cycle Soon - How's My Diet?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Toronto, Canada

    Wanting to Do a Clen Cycle Soon - How's My Diet?

    Hey guys,

    my diet is below and laid out according to certain stats.

    A few precursors; I chose a 50/30/20 split rather than a 40/40/20 split just purely from past experiences. I find this works good for me and the extra protein reacts well with my body.

    I think I will switch my last meal to Casein Protein as it is my last meal before bed and it is close to the time I sleep anyways. At about 3/4 the way into the diet, I plan on adding Wheat Germ in my morning shake. I find the boost in fibre really helps me bust through the late plateau. I have a very slow metabolism, so it helps keep me regular too.

    I plan on having a cheat meal [Just a meal, not a full-fledged day] every week on Saturday. If I feel I didn't lose enough weight that week, Cheat meal will be skipped. I plan to weigh in every week, on the Friday.

    I plan on using this diet for 12 weeks. I have been looking a lot into Clen, and would like to try a 6 week Cycle to see how it treats me. I haven't been dieting recently, so I will probably do this for about 2-4 weeks to get my body used to the diet and exercise again, then try out the Clen about 1/3 way in.

    I plan on doing cardio 6 days a week upon wake on an empty stomach (6:00 A.M.) for 30 minutes. I also run to-fro my gym, which is another 45 minutes. I will incorporate a hypertrophic style workout alongside a more circuit style rest system keeping the rests in between to 60 seconds max. I will workout about 5 times a week with 2 days of rest on Saturday and Sunday.

    This being said, and hoping you are still with me, my diet is below lol


    Age: 21 Ht: 6'3 Wt: 235 BF%: 22-25%

    Start Date: January 11, 2010 End Date: April 5, 2010 -- 12 Weeks

    Weight Loss Goal: 40 Pounds

    Dietary Guideline:

    2000 Calories a day 50/30/20 Split

    @ 2000 Cals a day - 1000cal P/ 600cal C/ 400cal F ---> 250g/150g/50g

    2000/6 = ~333 calories a meal --> ~42g/25g/8g a meal

    1-2 Gallon(s) of Water a day.

    Seasoning: Pepper only | NO condiments

    Cheat Meal: Sushi w/ 1 Pepsi every 2nd Week

    Supplements: Multi-Vitamin & *****-3 Fish Oils

    Meal 1 (8:00 A.M.)- BREAKFAST

    2 Scoops 100% Optimum WHEY Protein - Cals: 240 Fat: 2g Carbs: 6g Protein: 48g
    Rolled Oats [2/3 Cup (60g)] - Cals: 240 Fat: 4 Carbs: 40g Protein: 8g Fibre: 6g
    2 Tbsp Organic Flaxseed (15g) - Cals: 70 Fat: 5g Carbs: 5g Protein: 3g Fibre: 4g

    Blended in Magic Bullet

    Totals - Cals: 550 Fat: 11g Carbs: 51g Protein: 59g Fibre: 10g

    Meal 2 (10:30 A.M.)

    1 Scoop 100% Optimum WHEY Protein - Cals: 120 Fat: 1g Carbs: 3g Protein: 24g

    Totals - Cals: 670 Fat: 12g Carbs: 54g Protein: 83g Fibre: 10g

    Meal 3 (1:00 P.M.) - LUNCH

    5.oz Chicken Breast - Cals: 250 Fat: 10g Carbs: 0g Protein: 42g
    Brown Rice (3/4 Cup) - Cals: 159 Fat: 1.5g Carbs: 33g Protein: 3.75g Fibre: 2.5g

    Totals - Cals: 1079 Fat: 23.5g Carbs: 87g Protein: 129g (rounded .75g to 1g) Fibre: 12.5g

    Meal 4 (3:30 P.M.) - PRE-WORKOUT

    2 Scoops 100% Optimum WHEY Protein - Cals: 240 Fat: 2g Carbs: 6g Protein: 48g
    2 Pieces Monestary Rye - Cals: 140 Fat: 0g Carbs: 28g Protein: 6g Fibre: 2g
    2 Tbsp Kraft Natural Peanut Butter (30g) - Cals: 180 Fat: 16g Carbs: 6g Protein: 8g

    Totals - Cals: 1639 Fat: 41.5g Carbs: 127g Protein: 191g Fibre: 14.5g

    Meal 5 (6:30 P.M.) - POST-WORKOUT

    5.oz Turkey Breast - Cals: 191 Fat: 1g Carbs: 0g Protein: 43g
    2 Plain Rice Cakes - Cals: 70 Fat: .5g Carbs: 16g Protein: 2g Fibre: 1g

    Totals - Cals: 1900 Fat: 43g Carbs: 142g Protein: 236g Fibre: 15.5g

    Meal 6 (9:00 P.M.)

    1 Scoop 100% Optimum WHEY Protein - Cals: 120 Fat: 1g Carbs: 3g Protein: 24g

    Totals - Cals: 2020 Fat: 44g Carbs: 145g Protein: 260g Fibre: 15.5g


    2020 Daily Caloric Intake -- 18% Fats | ~30% Carbs | 52% Proteins | 11% carbs are Fibres

    Close enough to the 2000 50/30/20 Split

    Tell me what you think!

    Last edited by KnowHope; 12-29-2009 at 09:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Toronto, Canada
    Shameless bump with a legitimate question.

    I am looking to try some Clen from Lion. It is in liquid form, so does this need to be injected, or can an oral syringe be used instead? I'd prefer to take it without having to inject, but if I have to I of course will man up and do so.

    In addition, his is 30mL at 200mcg/mL. I am new to this, but from my research, if perhaps I was on a cycle that looked as indicated;

    6Wk Cycle Example:
    = 3280mcg

    @ one bottle of 30mL 200mcg/mL (200mcg x 30 = 6000mcg) I'd have 560mcgs under two 6 week cycles at a clen cycle listed above, correct? Or is my logic flawed?

    Thanks to anyone for help!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    repost a diet with food in it. You cannot do well with only proteins from chocolate liquid. Eat to get big... change all of your current "meals" to real meals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    repost a diet with food in it. You cannot do well with only proteins from chocolate liquid. Eat to get big... change all of your current "meals" to real meals.
    I am a full-time student always on the go. Not using this as an excuse, but I am looking to trim down and not necessarily get "big". I find having protein shakes are easy and accessible for the type of lifestyle I live. Understanding that many people are busy and make it work though, and not using it as an excuse. I just find it easier to me.

    That being said, I don't understand why it's wrong that most of my protein come from Shakes?

    Thanks man for the insight!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by KnowHope View Post
    I am a full-time student always on the gome too. Not using this as an excuse, but I am looking to trim down and not necessarily get "big". I find having protein shakes are easy and accessible for the type of lifestyle I live. Understanding that many people not the people you want to look like though are busy and make it work though, and not using it as an excuse. I just find it easier to me.

    That being said, I don't understand why it's wrong that most of my protein come from Shakes?
    whether you ingest the protein from shakes is arguable at best. shakes leave your system so fast that nutrients get neglected. also you can drink egg whites from the carton.
    Thanks man for the insight!
    see bold above. I am very busy right now but I will get to your diet at a later time. quick advise is cut carbs out after am cardio, get at least 1 or two more real meals in there, find and post your tdee, and add green veggies as a source of carbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    see bold above. I am very busy right now but I will get to your diet at a later time. quick advise is cut carbs out after am cardio, get at least 1 or two more real meals in there, find and post your tdee, and add green veggies as a source of carbs.
    Thanks Twist, I will take your advice and tweak my diet accordingly. Ill cut out my 10 A.M. meal and add a real thing in there, and also remove some Whey shakes and instead mix in eggs whites instead.

    Thanks again pal!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Elk Grove, CA
    You don't inject clen. It's oral.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Elk Grove, CA
    You don't inject clen. It's oral. The doses should be taylored to the individual. There is also 2 different schools of thought about ramping down and stopping abruptly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Don't use any of those fat loss products. They will **** you up. JMO

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Sorry for not responding to this thing sooner.

    I appreciate the advice twist, I have decided to swap out Whey in the morning for egg whites. I still will blend them in my magic bullet as full meals on the mornings make me nauseous for some reason.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Deep south
    I curious as to how your gonna stomach blended egg whites if a meal makes you wanna puke. What are you gonna mix them with to blend? I don't know if you are or not but don't eat them raw. Egg proteins bioavailablity goes down almost 40% when raw compared to cooked when consumed by humans.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    I curious as to how your gonna stomach blended egg whites if a meal makes you wanna puke. What are you gonna mix them with to blend? I don't know if you are or not but don't eat them raw. Egg proteins bioavailablity goes down almost 40% when raw compared to cooked when consumed by humans.
    For some reason I just can't sit there and eat a full meal unless it is in a shake form. I can't really explain why, but I am sure there is some scientific explanation. Also, i hate the taste of cooked egg whites, so what i do is cook them [and my oatmeal] put them in the magic bullet [seriously, this thing is the best for shakes] with a splash of milk or juice, and just blend it together. Works well for me and eat goes down quick and I am not thinking about having another bite as I would if I were to have a sit down meal.

    No, I definitely wouldn't eat them raw, not a big fan of that idea for anything except sushi/sashimi haha. However, thanks for the tip regarding the bio-availability.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I use the magic bullet too. But what about whole eggs? you don't have to eat egg whites and I don't even recommend it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    and just cuz you change one meal your diet is still crap. get real food in there for all meals but one.

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