I am trying to lose weight but I am having a seriously tough time with it...
My biggest culprit is the fact that I sleep walk and eat in the middle of the night... and I eat like crazy - and its typically junk food
During the day I take dexedrine for attention deficit problems to help me focus on my school work
but as some may know, dexedrine is also an apetite surpressant - so during the day I dont get hungry..
and if I forget to eat regularly during the day, I get ultra hungry at around 2-3am and I gorge on food
I talked to my doctor about this and am getting blood tests to see what possible options I have medically to help get this under control via medication
but in the mean time - what can I do to help prevent this from happening?
I've tried hoodia, I've tried potatoe extract (AKA slendesta at the Vitamin shoppe) and I've tried Chromium Picholionate...
Are there any vitamines that might help keep my appetite balanced?
It's really starting to make me depressed...