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Thread: trying to get it right, input will be appreciated...thanx

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Exclamation trying to get it right, input will be appreciated...thanx

    BF: TO MUCH (roughly 16-20%)
    BMR: 2178 cal
    TEE: 3267 cal

    ive been trying to this right for a few days now and i think i might be pretty close. i took the advice of a few members on here and hopefully i got it right for once...if not,i hope im atleast to the point where its easier for everyone to help me work out the kinks....thanx to the guys that have already helped me out...i can understand this shit a little better now. i will be doing 30mins of cardio every morning as well as 30 mins on my lifting here it is. have at it.

    6:00-30 mins cardio

    6:30-proshake & 1/2c. oats 380/53/32/4.5
    9:30-2eggs + 6egg whites & 1/2c. oats 420/37/26/14.5
    11:30-8oz chx breast & 2c. broc 280/48/8/5
    2:00-8oz chx breast w/1c. broc & 3/4c. br. rice 400/50/36/6

    3-3:30-lift + 30 mins cardio

    4-4:30-pwo shake w/1 apple 370/49/40/2
    5-5:30-8oz chx breast & 2c. broc 280/48/8/5
    8:30-6oz mahi w/2c. spinach 260/44/6/2
    11:30-4oz tuna steak & 2tbsp natty pb 360/43/6/19

    TOTAL :2750/372/162/58

    like i said hopefully it aint that bad
    Last edited by BIGMAC250; 01-14-2010 at 12:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGMAC250 View Post
    BF: TO MUCH (roughly 16-20%)
    BMR: 2178 cal
    TEE: 3267 cal

    ive been trying to this right for a few days now and i think i might be pretty close. i took the advice of a few members on here and hopefully i got it right for once...if not,i hope im atleast to the point where its easier for everyone to help me work out the kinks....thanx to the guys that have already helped me out...i can understand this shit a little better now. i will be doing 30mins of cardio every morning as well as 30 mins on my lifting here it is. have at it.

    6:00-30 mins cardio

    6:30-proshake & 1/2c. oats 380/53/32/4.5
    9:30-2eggs + 6egg whites & 1/2c. oats 420/37/26/14.5
    11:30-8oz chx breast & 2c. broc 280/48/8/5
    2:00-8oz chx breast w/1c. broc & 3/4c. br. rice 400/50/36/6

    3-3:30-lift + 30 mins cardio

    4-4:30-pwo shake w/1 apple 370/49/40/2
    5-5:30-8oz chx breast & 2c. broc 280/48/8/5
    8:30-6oz mahi w/2c. spinach 260/44/6/2
    11:30-4oz tuna steak & 2tbsp natty pb 360/43/6/19

    TOTAL :2750/372/162/58

    like i said hopefully it aint that bad
    looks 100% better---gonna let some of the experts take it from here---good job

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i will say u could prob cut ur protein to 300gr and leave everything else the same---that would save u 280 cals-----but hey try what u got and when fat loss slows drop it then---ur def on the right page as long as u got ur tdee calculated correctly------some might say after ur morning cardio (and i would up it to 45 min and do 20 pwo) u could drop the oats and do a good fat source like natty pb or flax oil instead----as a matter of fact do that and put the oats pwo instead of apple and u could even do 3/4 cup---just make sure ur oats are with water---i like to add splenda and cinnamon----taste 500% better

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    remember to take in some amino acids before your AM cardio

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    i will say u could prob cut ur protein to 300gr and leave everything else the same---that would save u 280 cals-----but hey try what u got and when fat loss slows drop it then---ur def on the right page as long as u got ur tdee calculated correctly------some might say after ur morning cardio (and i would up it to 45 min and do 20 pwo) u could drop the oats and do a good fat source like natty pb or flax oil instead----as a matter of fact do that and put the oats pwo instead of apple and u could even do 3/4 cup---just make sure ur oats are with water---i like to add splenda and cinnamon----taste 500% better
    thanx for all your help bro...this is probably the first time ive been told im on the right i think for now im just gonna try it as is. its the first time ive been told i got something right on here so im gonna run with it for now. on that note, how long should i wait before switching it up and dropping cals to compensate for the weight loss. i was thinking if i stuck with this for 2 weeks then cut another 500 cals off and go with that for 2 weeks (1000cals off tee) the loss should stay consistant or would that be pushin it?. then after that 4 weeks is up i can weigh myself and adjust everything accordingly. is that even the rite way to go about it? or am i getting ahead of myself? what would happen if i dropped 1000cals right from the get go instead of 500?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiki View Post
    remember to take in some amino acids before your AM cardio
    so if i were to drink a 1scoop shake (24g pro) before i go do cardio, would that still be considered on an empty stomach?
    Last edited by BIGMAC250; 01-14-2010 at 02:55 PM.

  7. #7
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    May 2008
    would a 1 scoop pro shake + 1.5g l-carnitine be ok before i do my cardio in the morning or would that no longer consider me on an empty stomach.

    also have another 1 scoop proshake with natty pb or a serving of almonds be ok.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    i wouldn't take anything before morning cardio, remember the theory is you use your primary fat for energy, and if you put something in your stomach then you'll be using some of that for energy. I would also make it at least 45 minutes because you start burning fat after 15 minutes through cardio...also i would make my last meal lean beef or Turkey.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGMAC250 View Post
    thanx for all your help bro...this is probably the first time ive been told im on the right i think for now im just gonna try it as is. its the first time ive been told i got something right on here so im gonna run with it for now. on that note, how long should i wait before switching it up and dropping cals to compensate for the weight loss. i was thinking if i stuck with this for 2 weeks then cut another 500 cals off and go with that for 2 weeks (1000cals off tee) the loss should stay consistant or would that be pushin it?. then after that 4 weeks is up i can weigh myself and adjust everything accordingly. is that even the rite way to go about it? or am i getting ahead of myself? what would happen if i dropped 1000cals right from the get go instead of 500?

    so if i were to drink a 1scoop shake (24g pro) before i go do cardio, would that still be considered on an empty stomach?
    dont do a shake--just some amino tabs------yea the diet looks good---start off at 500 behind tdee---if u do a 1000 u could b risking some muscle----on ur off days u could do 700-800 cals behind----------the main thing is try to get an idea of how many cals u been eating last month or so and wether u been maintaining or gaining with those cals and use that as a tdee if u can---those tdee calculators arent 100% accurate because if one has been maintaing off 2000 cals thats ones tdee----so yea 3-4 weeks will give u a real good idea of what ur tdee is and u can adjust from there------everybodys different so u might b able to get an idea after a week----for example i put my wife on diet similar,with diff cals obviously,and shes down 9lb in a week and a half-------anyway keep us updated on ur progress

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i wouldn't take anything before morning cardio, remember the theory is you use your primary fat for energy, and if you put something in your stomach then you'll be using some of that for energy. I would also make it at least 45 minutes because you start burning fat after 15 minutes through cardio...also i would make my last meal lean beef or Turkey.
    then what do i do to get some aminos in me....ive got bcaa pills, but will that even breakdown and absorb before i get done doing cardio. 45 mins of cardio has been suggested and im gonna try to get up ealrier to do the extra 15 mins. whats wrong with the tuna if you dont mind me askng?

  11. #11
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BIGMAC250 View Post
    then what do i do to get some aminos in me....ive got bcaa pills, but will that even breakdown and absorb before i get done doing cardio. 45 mins of cardio has been suggested and im gonna try to get up ealrier to do the extra 15 mins. whats wrong with the tuna if you dont mind me askng?
    tuna is more of a fast digesting protein----and since ur not gonna eat for 8 hr or so u need something like red meat that will take longer to digest and keep ur body from breaking down muscle for the nutrients it needs------just do the amino pills---u will b fine

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    dont do a shake--just some amino tabs------yea the diet looks good---start off at 500 behind tdee---if u do a 1000 u could b risking some muscle----on ur off days u could do 700-800 cals behind----------the main thing is try to get an idea of how many cals u been eating last month or so and wether u been maintaining or gaining with those cals and use that as a tdee if u can---those tdee calculators arent 100% accurate because if one has been maintaing off 2000 cals thats ones tdee----so yea 3-4 weeks will give u a real good idea of what ur tdee is and u can adjust from there------everybodys different so u might b able to get an idea after a week----for example i put my wife on diet similar,with diff cals obviously,and shes down 9lb in a week and a half-------anyway keep us updated on ur progress
    ok...good gonna start this on saturday..its my only day off so it will give me a good start. plus ive got a lot of cooking and portioning to do. ive gotta make everything to grab and go for the most part cause between 6am and midnight ive only got about 3 hrs of down time. i work from 730 to 230-3
    6 days a week and its a 30 45 min drive to work...then ive got school from 630-1030 4 days a week and thats a 30 45 min drive as sucks, so i just make everything super conveniant....its kinda nice.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    tuna is more of a fast digesting protein----and since ur not gonna eat for 8 hr or so u need something like red meat that will take longer to digest and keep ur body from breaking down muscle for the nutrients it needs------just do the amino pills---u will b fine
    ok sweet....good to gonna try get some casien pro soon..or is it still better to just stick to the solid food...i know cottage cheese is a good source but i dont want the dairy....thanks again bro...youve been a big help.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGMAC250 View Post
    ok sweet....good to gonna try get some casien pro soon..or is it still better to just stick to the solid food...i know cottage cheese is a good source but i dont want the dairy....thanks again bro...youve been a big help.
    no problem----someone did this for me in feb of last year-----as far as the shake in the last meal, its always better to do real food i just find it hard to eat that late so i do the shake with natty pb------

  15. #15
    Nice dude, I actually have around the same stats as you so I think Im gonna just use your diet... Mine was similar anyway but you have everything pretty much sorted... One thing I would say is isnt 1 hour of cardio to much? I agree you should up the AM to 45 mins but then drop the PM. Just my thoughts.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    no problem----someone did this for me in feb of last year-----as far as the shake in the last meal, its always better to do real food i just find it hard to eat that late so i do the shake with natty pb------
    awesome....thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by Welshguy1 View Post
    Nice dude, I actually have around the same stats as you so I think Im gonna just use your diet... Mine was similar anyway but you have everything pretty much sorted... One thing I would say is isnt 1 hour of cardio to much? I agree you should up the AM to 45 mins but then drop the PM. Just my thoughts.
    i honestly couldent tell you...i do low intenstiy cardio both am and i dont think im really over doing it. i could be wrong, but as of now, the more calories i burn the better. gaining the weight isnt the hard part...its loosing it that gives me trouble.

  17. #17
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    tuna is more of a fast digesting protein----and since ur not gonna eat for 8 hr or so u need something like red meat that will take longer to digest and keep ur body from breaking down muscle for the nutrients it needs------just do the amino pills---u will b fine
    thank you MG1228...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    thank you MG1228...
    just payin it forward

  19. #19
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    so, just out of curiosity and considering the fact ive never actually had a diet that was in check while i was busting my ass in the gym...what kind weight loss could be possible...average per week??

  20. #20
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    i lost 30 pounds inside 6 months, over 40 pounds inside 10 months, and i am that’s one pound per week so far...i was worried about sagging skin but so far so good. i think the trick is to lose slowly so the skin has time to shrink...

  21. #21
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    so i finally went out and got my own scale and im actually 245 right now. i know i should probably weigh myself in the morning but i said why the hell not. with that being said, would it be smart for me to adjust my TEE and diet to 245 or just adjust it for 240 and start from there?

  22. #22
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    just roll with it like u got it

  23. #23
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    mg....your the ****ing have been consistant with your posts to my thread and i really appriciate it. so thanks again bro.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGMAC250 View Post
    mg....your the ****ing have been consistant with your posts to my thread and i really appriciate it. so thanks again bro.
    no problem----stay strict and we wanna see pics in a months time, lol--seriously though, keep us updated

  25. #25
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    in your dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by mg1228 View Post
    dont do a shake--just some amino tabs------yea the diet looks good---start off at 500 behind tdee---if u do a 1000 u could b risking some muscle----on ur off days u could do 700-800 cals behind----------the main thing is try to get an idea of how many cals u been eating last month or so and wether u been maintaining or gaining with those cals and use that as a tdee if u can---those tdee calculators arent 100% accurate because if one has been maintaing off 2000 cals thats ones tdee----so yea 3-4 weeks will give u a real good idea of what ur tdee is and u can adjust from there------everybodys different so u might b able to get an idea after a week----for example i put my wife on diet similar,with diff cals obviously,and shes down 9lb in a week and a half-------anyway keep us updated on ur progress
    what is "tdee"?

  26. #26
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    Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

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