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thanx for all your help bro...this is probably the first time ive been told im on the right page...lol. i think for now im just gonna try it as is. its the first time ive been told i got something right on here so im gonna run with it for now. on that note, how long should i wait before switching it up and dropping cals to compensate for the weight loss. i was thinking if i stuck with this for 2 weeks then cut another 500 cals off and go with that for 2 weeks (1000cals off tee) the loss should stay consistant or would that be pushin it?. then after that 4 weeks is up i can weigh myself and adjust everything accordingly. is that even the rite way to go about it? or am i getting ahead of myself? what would happen if i dropped 1000cals right from the get go instead of 500?
so if i were to drink a 1scoop shake (24g pro) before i go do cardio, would that still be considered on an empty stomach?