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Thread: need a diet plan please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    need a diet plan please help

    33yr old
    5ft 11
    bf 15%
    bmr 1791
    tdee 3089
    my goal is to get to 10%bf and as defined as possible even though i know my bmr and tdee not sure how to put diet together with macros per meal what times to eat and how much to eat i watched milos sarcev videos which jammy jam gave me the link to and he said only take whey once a day right after work out and casien before bed so could someone please lay out a diet plan for me what types of food to eat time and amount i workout 5days a week and 30mins of cardio 5days a week so if anyone could help i would be greatful they have a sports nutritionist at my gym but its 200 dollars for a session where he sets up a meal plan but can afford it i know im asking alot for someone to help but if u can help me some day i will pass on the info to help someone else thankyou to everyone

  2. #2
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    Feb 2009
    how much do u weigh----and what have u been eating and how many cals a day

  3. #3
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    Feb 2009
    wake up-45 mins cardio
    meal 1-2sc whey & 1/2c oats meal 2-2eggs + 4egg whites & 1/2c. oats
    meal 3-6-8oz chx breast & 2c. broc 3gr fish oil
    meal 4-6-8oz chx breast w/1c. broc & 3/4c. br. rice


    meal 5-2sc whey shake w 3/4 cup oats 3gr fish oil
    meal 6-6-8oz sirloin & 2c. broc 3gr fish oil
    meal 7-1sc casein 2tbsp natty pb 3gr fish oil

    should look somethin like that----use to add up those macros and calories and we can adjust from there----space those meals out 2-3 hours-----u should try to eat 500 cals back of tdee and split it up between 5-7 meals-----food choices need to b lean proteins,complex carbs and efas and water----the fish oil dont have to go with those meals just add em to 4 or 5 thruout the day
    Last edited by mg1228; 01-17-2010 at 07:14 PM.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2009
    i weigh 170 and have been eating
    1st meal 2scoops whey
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    6oz water
    i blend this all together and drink it
    and eat one 5oz can of tuna
    2nd meal a snack 2hours later
    one 8oz cup of fat free yogurt
    8oz chicken breast
    6 broccoli stalks
    one baked potatoe
    1 salad lettuce only 2 tbsp fat free dressing
    4th meal snack
    handful of almonds
    1 protien bar
    6 or 7 cherries
    workout 1 1/2 hours
    post workout 2scoops whey protien
    1 scoop anobolic halo
    8oz chicken breast
    1 cup of green beans
    6 brocoli stalks
    1salad lettuce only 2 tbsp fat free dressing
    6th meal
    one 8oz cup of fat free yogurt

    i got this diet from a website so if its a horrible diet i didnt come up with thanks for th advice u gave me but i cant do 45mins cardio in the morning cant fit it into my schedule and with the diet u mentioned can i eat chicken instead of steak and the diet i just mentioned is what i eat evryday so thanks again for ur help

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009
    i just wrote down the meal plan u gave me and am going to add up macros 500 back of my tdee puts me at 2,589 cals a day so i will see how many cals i end up with using the diet u mentioned do i need to add macros for fish oil as well?

  6. #6
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    i weigh 170 and have been eating
    1st meal 2scoops wheyget rid of
    1/2 cup oatmealdo 3/4 cup
    banana get rid of
    2eggsdo 3 whole eggs and 5-6 whites
    6oz water
    i blend this all together and drink it
    and eat one 5oz can of tunaget rid of
    2nd meal a snack 2hours later
    one 8oz cup of fat free yogurtdo the tuna here instead
    8oz chicken breastgood
    6 broccoli stalks do 2 cups brocc
    one baked potatoedo sweet potato--white potato no good for cutting
    1 salad lettuce only 2 tbsp fat free dressing
    4th meal snack
    handful of almondsu need carbs pre wo
    1 protien bartoo much sugar and fat in those bars-how long after meal 3 is this
    6 or 7 cherries
    workout 1 1/2 hours
    post workout 2scoops whey protiengood
    1 scoop anobolic halowhats in that
    8oz chicken breast
    1 cup of green beans
    6 brocoli stalks
    1salad lettuce only 2 tbsp fat free dressing
    6th meal
    one 8oz cup of fat free yogurtdo 1sc casein protein and 2 tbsp natty pb

    i got this diet from a website so if its a horrible diet i didnt come up with thanks for th advice u gave me but i cant do 45mins cardio in the morning cant fit it into my schedule and with the diet u mentioned can i eat chicken instead of steak and the diet i just mentioned is what i eat evryday so thanks again for ur help
    look for bold type above----make those changes if u can and re add new macros and calorie totals---the cardio pwo is fine--

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009
    hi thanks instead of changing the diet i gave u i am going to use the diet u posted for me the only thing is when i went to i cant find macros for fish oil and casein and should i eat the egg whites cooked or raw also i just ran out of anobolic halo so i am not taking it and dont plan on starting again i just heard it was good for post workout recovery but u mentioned 2scoops whey with3/4cup oatmeal and 3grams fish oil that should be good enough without the anobolic halo also should i eat 2eggs raw or cooked the diet u gave me should put me at 2500 cals aday am still doing the math but do u no the total of macros for the diet u gave me and should i drink the casein right before bed 30mins before bed or 45mins before bed? thanks again for the help

  8. #8
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    hi thanks instead of changing the diet i gave u i am going to use the diet u posted for me the only thing is when i went to i cant find macros for fish oil and casein and should i eat the egg whites cooked or raw also i just ran out of anobolic halo so i am not taking it and dont plan on starting again i just heard it was good for post workout recovery but u mentioned 2scoops whey with3/4cup oatmeal and 3grams fish oil that should be good enough without the anobolic halo also should i eat 2eggs raw or cooked the diet u gave me should put me at 2500 cals aday am still doing the math but do u no the total of macros for the diet u gave me and should i drink the casein right before bed 30mins before bed or 45mins before bed? thanks again for the help
    macros for fish oil should b on the back of the bottle if they are pills--the ones i take equal 1.5gr fat per pill but most are about 1 gr---but yes add those to ur fat totals----the casein protein comes in a jug just like the whey but its casein and the nutritional values will b on the back-------yes eat the whole eggs and whites cooked----dont know the exact macros on that diet but its prob close to 2500---do the shake right bfore bed---that can b 30 min or 45 min

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    thankyou i amgoing to buy fish oil and casein tomorrow and then will add up all macros and adjust it to 2500cals thanks for ur help once i get down to 10%bf should i still keep the diet the same and just lower my cardio?

  10. #10
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    Aug 2009
    natty pb can i buy at grocery store or do i have to get at health food store and how will i know if its natty or not? thanks

  11. #11
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    Aug 2009
    i just added up all macros for the diet u posted except for fish oil and casein the total was 2560 cals and my tdee with 500 back is 2589 so thats close but when i add in fish oil,casein and natty pb what if it goes up another 200cals or so and im at 2800 cals is that going to be too many cals i used 6oz chicken breast instead of 8oz but will i need cut some cals by lowering serving amounts of the oatmeal or broccoli to get as close to 2589cals as possible? and can i just buy frozen food bags of broccoli or does it need to be fresh? please let me know i am going to grocery store and gnc tomorrow to get everything i need to start this diet thankyou for ur help

  12. #12
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    Aug 2009
    as my body fat raises or lowers my bmr and tdee changes so then my calorie intake will change so as my body fat gets closer to 10% i will need to lower the amounts of food to match 500 off of total tdee right? i think i am understanding all of this and how it works now but if i wanted to bulk up after i get to 10%bf i would take in more calories? then my bf would go up also though wouldnt it ? sorry for all the questions but u seem to be very knowledgeable and i hear that eating correctly is about 80%and lifting the other 20% so just want to make sure i am eating right because i have been working out for 2 years 5days a week and look nothing like the pic u have posted of urself and my goal is to get there so thanks again and i wont post another question but will post results from the diet u gave me in a month or so

  13. #13
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    i just added up all macros for the diet u posted except for fish oil and casein the total was 2560 cals and my tdee with 500 back is 2589 so thats close but when i add in fish oil,casein and natty pb what if it goes up another 200cals or so and im at 2800 cals is that going to be too many cals i used 6oz chicken breast instead of 8oz but will i need cut some cals by lowering serving amounts of the oatmeal or broccoli to get as close to 2589cals as possible? and can i just buy frozen food bags of broccoli or does it need to be fresh? please let me know i am going to grocery store and gnc tomorrow to get everything i need to start this diet thankyou for ur help
    u can get the frozen broccoli---casein should b real close on macros as the whey---natty pb is will say natural and should have no more than 1gr sugar--ingredients should say peanuts and salt--macros are usually 190-200 cals per 2 tspn 16-18gr fat 6gr carbs 5-7gr protein

  14. #14
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    as my body fat raises or lowers my bmr and tdee changes so then my calorie intake will change so as my body fat gets closer to 10% i will need to lower the amounts of food to match 500 off of total tdee right? i think i am understanding all of this and how it works now but if i wanted to bulk up after i get to 10%bf i would take in more calories? then my bf would go up also though wouldnt it ? sorry for all the questions but u seem to be very knowledgeable and i hear that eating correctly is about 80%and lifting the other 20% so just want to make sure i am eating right because i have been working out for 2 years 5days a week and look nothing like the pic u have posted of urself and my goal is to get there so thanks again and i wont post another question but will post results from the diet u gave me in a month or so
    yea u can adjust as ur weight changes---but it wont b a whole lot----if ur gonna bulk u would normally start off at 500 over tdee---usually when u bulk there will b some fat along with the muscle but u can minimize it with clean cals and cardio----dont worry about the questions, if u got em keep em comin---take a look at my bfor and after pics in the members pictures section---im just a normal guy like u and wanted the same results but didnt know how to eat until the guys on this forum helped me out and i started eating a similar diet to the one ive given u

  15. #15
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    what r clean carbs? when i add the cals for pb and casein that will put me around 2800 cals a day and my tdee is 2589 so should i try cut some of the cals by lowering the amount of broccoli oatmeal and rice to get as close to my tdee of 2589? and should i eat the same on days i dont lift because dont complex carbs turn to fat if u dont burn them off

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    what r clean carbs? when i add the cals for pb and casein that will put me around 2800 cals a day and my tdee is 2589 so should i try cut some of the cals by lowering the amount of broccoli oatmeal and rice to get as close to my tdee of 2589? and should i eat the same on days i dont lift because dont complex carbs turn to fat if u dont burn them off
    do a search on low gi foods---sweet potatos, oats, ww bread,----dont cut fibrous carbs----just repost ur diet like u got it and we will help u adjust it

  17. #17
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    Aug 2009
    ok here is the diet u gave me and it comes to a total of 3020 cals my tdee 3089 500 off of that puts me at 2589cals aday so with ur diet plan im 500 oevr on cals so please tell me which foods to lower to put me at 2589 cals thanks
    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal

    2scoops whey 54/5/6/280
    1/2 cup oatmeal 2 /1/13/75

    meal 2

    2 eggs 12/8/4/140
    4egg whites 24/16/4/280
    1/2cup oatml 2/1/13/75

    meal 3

    60z chkn brst 35/3/0/164
    2cup brocc 10/1/18/102
    3gr fishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 4

    60z chkn brst 35/3/0/164
    1cup brocc 5/1/9/51
    3/4cup brnrice 4/1/30/180


    meal 5

    2scoop whey 54/5/6/280
    3/4 cup oats 3/2/17/100
    3gr fishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 6

    6ozchkn brst 35/3/0/164
    2cup brocc 10/1/18/102
    3gr fishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1scoop casein 27/2/3/140
    2tbsp natty pb 7/16/6/200
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    havent bought casein yet so i used macros from whey because u said there pretty close and on back of fishoil bottle there is no info on amount of carb or protein thats why i have zero so if u can tell me which ones to lower and by how much to get me at 2589cals per day that would be great thanks agsin

  18. #18
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    ok here is the diet u gave me and it comes to a total of 3020 cals my tdee 3089 500 off of that puts me at 2589cals aday so with ur diet plan im 500 oevr on cals so please tell me which foods to lower to put me at 2589 cals thanks
    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal

    2scoops whey 54/5/6/280
    1/2 cup oatmeal 2 /1/13/75 what kind of oats? macros look weird--should b 150 cals 5pro 27ca 3fat

    meal 2

    2 eggs 12/8/4/140 eggs usually dont have carbs--check macros
    4egg whites 24/16/4/280 dont think ur macros are right--shoul b more like 100cals no fat no carbs
    1/2cup oatml 2/1/13/75 macros ?
    meal 3

    60z chkn brst 35/3/0/164 good
    2cup brocc 10/1/18/102check macros--not sure which number is pro/c/f
    3gr fishoil 0/3/0/30 good

    meal 4

    60z chkn brst 35/3/0/164good
    1cup brocc 5/1/9/51check macros
    3/4cup brnrice 4/1/30/180good


    meal 5

    2scoop whey 54/5/6/280
    3/4 cup oats 3/2/17/100macros
    3gr fishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 6

    6ozchkn brst 35/3/0/164macros good
    2cup brocc 10/1/18/102see above
    3gr fishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1scoop casein 27/2/3/140
    2tbsp natty pb 7/16/6/200good on macros
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30macros good

    havent bought casein yet so i used macros from whey because u said there pretty close and on back of fishoil bottle there is no info on amount of carb or protein thats why i have zero so if u can tell me which ones to lower and by how much to get me at 2589cals per day that would be great thanks agsin
    see bold type above---these macros seem off---also list which number is pro/c/f---total up all cals protein carbs fat and list at the bottom----need to get these macros accurate before we add or subtract anything

  19. #19
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    nevermind on pro/carbs/fat--i just saw it at the top---still need to ad it all up though and give totals----what u listed for macros added up to 2617 cals not 3000---and ur macros on the eggwhites are way high and macros on oats are too low---so that should b close to a wash---broccoli looks high too----just check on those and we will go from there-----we're gettin there---soon u will b well on ur way to being ripped
    Last edited by mg1228; 01-18-2010 at 04:37 PM.

  20. #20
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    the macros u have for oats is for 1 cup u told me to eat 1/2cup so carbs 150 half 75 protien 5 half is 2.5 cals 27 half 13.5 fat 3 half is 1.5 the oats r 100% whole grain quick oats. broccoli is o fat cals 30 carbs 5 protien 1 thats for 1 cup of brocc eggs white 1egg potien 3 carb 0 fat 0 cal 16 whole eggs 1egg protien 2 fat 5 carb 0 cal 60 i got this from fit day

  21. #21
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    here r new macros with corrections

    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal

    2scwhey 54/5/6/280
    1/2c oat 2.5/1.5/13/75 remember this is half the macros of 1cup of oatmeal

    meal 2

    2eggs 4/10/0/60
    4eggwht 12/0/0/64
    1/2c oat 2.5/1.5/13/75

    meal 3

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2cup broc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 4
    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    1cupbrocc 1/0/4/30
    3/4c brrice 4/1/35/170


    meal 5
    2scwhey 54/5/6/280
    3/4cup oat 5/3/27/150 i used macros for 1cup of oatmeal
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 6

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2cup brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1sc casein 27/2/3/140
    2tbspnatypb 7/16/6/200
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    here this should be right now so please tell me what u think

  22. #22
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    i added up all the cals with the corrections on the diet i came up with 2256 cals which is not enough so i changed the chicken to 8oz pieces and that added for cals and came up with 2424 cals and i need to be at 2589 so what should i do ?

  23. #23
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    fort worth
    great post mg1228. i am on a similar diet but going to critique it to match your plan..from the looks of your pic you definately got the right idea...

  24. #24
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    in the 4th meal of the diet can i eat 3/4 cup of oatmeal instead of brown rice ?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    here r new macros with corrections

    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal

    2scwhey 54/5/6/280do 1 scoop not two
    1/2c oat 2.5/1.5/13/75 remember this is half the macros of 1cup of oatmeal
    i get the old fashioned quaker oats in the cynlinder looking container and 1/2 cup is double that--so u should eat 1 cup here--plus 75 cals
    meal 2

    2eggs 4/10/0/60
    4eggwht 12/0/0/64good but do 1 cup oats--should add 75 cals
    1/2c oat 2.5/1.5/13/75

    meal 3

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2cup broc 2/0/8/60again--good
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 4
    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    1cupbrocc 1/0/4/30all good--yes u can do the oats here or a sweet potato
    3/4c brrice 4/1/35/170


    meal 5
    2scwhey 54/5/6/280 mix in half banana--should add 50 cals and 14 carbs
    3/4cup oat 5/3/27/150 i used macros for 1cup of oatmealdo 1 cup
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 6

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2cup brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1sc casein 27/2/3/140
    2tbspnatypb 7/16/6/200
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    here this should be right now so please tell me what u think
    see bold above---the way u got it is 2256 cals pro 279 carbs 129 fat 60.5---leave the chicken at 6oz and make the changes and we should b close--reason for changes is too much protein not enough carbs good on fats---use were suppose to add up the totals and u didnt so i did it myself,lol--re-post with changes and include totals for the day----make sure u got the macros right on those oats----ive alwys known them to 1/2 cup 150 cals pro/5 carbs/27 fat 3---trust me ive been eatin em a year i should know----u may b eatin the wrong kind,idk

  26. #26
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    ok thanks i will make those changes and the oats i eat r old fashioned oats in the cylider but instead of quakers its the cheap brand ur right i just looked on the cylinder and its 1/2 cup = 150cal 3gr fat carbs 27 and protein 5 i thught it said 1 cup sorry about that

    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal
    1scwhey 27/2/3/140
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 2

    2eggs 4/10/0/60
    4eggwht 12/0/0/64
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 3

    60z chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 4

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    1c brocc 1/0/4/30
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150


    meal 5

    2sc whey 54/5/6/280
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30
    hlf bana 1/0/14/57

    meal 6

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/8/0/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1sc casein 27/2/3/140
    2tbspnatypb 7/16/6/200
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    here r the totals for everything pro/fat/carb/cal
    262 76 152 2303

    is that enough cals and eating complex carbs after workouts wont those carbs turn to fat since im not active rest of the day? today i was running late so i didnt eat my sixth meal until 10 30 at night is that too llate? and i combined my 6th and 7th meal minus the casein because i ordered it online today should be here in a few days so my lat meal was 6oz chkn 2c brocc 6gr fishoil 2tbsp natty pb

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    ok thanks i will make those changes and the oats i eat r old fashioned oats in the cylider but instead of quakers its the cheap brand ur right i just looked on the cylinder and its 1/2 cup = 150cal 3gr fat carbs 27 and protein 5 i thught it said 1 cup sorry about that

    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal
    1scwhey 27/2/3/140
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 2

    2eggs 4/10/0/60check macros here--
    4eggwht 12/0/0/64
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 3

    60z chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 4

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    1c brocc 1/0/4/30
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150


    meal 5

    2sc whey 54/5/6/280
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30
    hlf bana 1/0/14/57

    meal 6

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/8/0/60think u got it as 8 fat instead of 8 carbs---will that lower ur fat intake--if so thats fine
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1sc casein 27/2/3/140
    2tbspnatypb 7/16/6/200
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    here r the totals for everything pro/fat/carb/cal
    262 76 152 2303

    is that enough cals and eating complex carbs after workouts wont those carbs turn to fat since im not active rest of the day? today i was running late so i didnt eat my sixth meal until 10 30 at night is that too llate? and i combined my 6th and 7th meal minus the casein because i ordered it online today should be here in a few days so my lat meal was 6oz chkn 2c brocc 6gr fishoil 2tbsp natty pb
    that looks really good---complex carbs will not turn to fat--dont know where u heard that but its not true--i used toeat carbs at midnight---sometimes my last meal is 1am--no thats not too late----i think the 2300 cals is enough---imo i think ur tdee was overestimated anyway------on non workout days just omit the pwo meal-----

    after about 3 weeks into this diet u should have what they call a re-feed day or high carb day every 7th day---on this day drop the fats as low as possibble and take the carbs to about 270-300gr--this will keep ur body guessing and trick it into continuing to burn bf-----------if u eat that diet and stay strict with it u will reach ur goals in i would say 90 days or less----now go take those before pictures--good luck and keep us updated

  28. #28
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    Aug 2009
    thanks once i start the re-feed days to lower the fats what do u suggest and to up the carbs should i increase the amount of oats ? i did have the carbs and fat switched around its 0 fat and 8 carbs for the broccoli i
    just went to fitday again for macros for cooked eggs so please tell me if this looks right now

    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal

    1scwhey 27/2/3/140
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 2

    2eggs 12/12/1/166
    4egg wht 12/0/ 0/ 64
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 3

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 4

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    1c brocc 1/0/4/30
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150


    meal 5

    2sc whey 54/5/6/280
    1/2c oats 5 /3/27/150
    3grfishoil 0/3/0 /30
    1/2 bana 1/0/14/57

    meal 6

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1sc casein 27/2/3/140
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    here tell me what u think of the changes and now is the fats low enouhg or do i stead need to lower the fats on re-feed days? and what foods should i up the carbs on the re-feeds? thanks again

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    thanks once i start the re-feed days to lower the fats what do u suggest and to up the carbs should i increase the amount of oats ? i did have the carbs and fat switched around its 0 fat and 8 carbs for the broccoli i
    just went to fitday again for macros for cooked eggs so please tell me if this looks right now

    meal 1 pro/fat/carb/cal

    1scwhey 27/2/3/140
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 2

    2eggs 12/12/1/166sould b like 140cals 12pro 8fat 1carb
    4egg wht 12/0/ 0/ 64
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150

    meal 3

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 4

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    1c brocc 1/0/4/30
    1/2c oats 5/3/27/150


    meal 5

    2sc whey 54/5/6/280
    1/2c oats 5 /3/27/150
    3grfishoil 0/3/0 /30
    1/2 bana 1/0/14/57

    meal 6

    6oz chkn 35/3/0/164
    2c brocc 2/0/8/60
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    meal 7

    1sc casein 27/2/3/140
    3grfishoil 0/3/0/30

    here tell me what u think of the changes and now is the fats low enouhg or do i stead need to lower the fats on re-feed days? and what foods should i up the carbs on the re-feeds? thanks again
    thats good--just take off 4gr fat for the 2 eggs----fats are good at 61gr--on re-feed day just drop the natty pb and do half the fish oil----and for the carbs just double all carb sources---do 1 cup oats instead of 1/2--whole banana instead of half---more broccoli---u get the idea----even eat a chicken sandwich with wohle wheat bread---basically eat as many carbs as u can in the first 5 meals--try to get 280-300gr of carbs that day

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    thanks i changed the macros for the 2whole eggs and wrote down all the info on the re-feed days and when to start i offically started the diet today but the casein wont be here for a cuple days. once i start the re feed days and after 90 days of being on this diet if i get the results that u did do i keep eating this way for years and just increase the cals if i want to bulk up? i dont cycle so im not trying to get really big just want all the definition that i can possible get.also when i get to 10% bf how much cardio a week should i do?

  31. #31
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    thanks i changed the macros for the 2whole eggs and wrote down all the info on the re-feed days and when to start i offically started the diet today but the casein wont be here for a cuple days. once i start the re feed days and after 90 days of being on this diet if i get the results that u did do i keep eating this way for years and just increase the cals if i want to bulk up? i dont cycle so im not trying to get really big just want all the definition that i can possible get.also when i get to 10% bf how much cardio a week should i do?
    cool, yea keep eating that way--of course i did a cheat meal once a week aswell--usually did the cheat meal on re-feed day---if u wanna bulk the diet would b similar and just go 500cals over tdee---of course when ur bulking there are a few more food choices u have---i think its important to do cardio either way because it works ur heart---but u could def cut it to twice a week or something

  32. #32
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    Aug 2009
    thanks when i get to ten 10% can i stay on this diet of 2300 cals a day or do i need to try to lower the cals and i will post a before and after pic after 90 days as good of shape that ur in u got those results in only 90 days? trying to lift heavier will that help me bulk up a little without increasing carbs? i workout really hard but dont have a workout partner so i can only lift so heavy i train one body part a day i do 4 different exercises for each body part and five sets for each exercise and try to do between 8 t0 15 reps per set and i train abs three days a week so do u think thats a good workout plan? i use machines and free weights and do different exercises so my body doesnt get used to the same routine but theres only so many different exercises i can do for each body part so i have started working out i have lost 30 lbs and 15%bf and am alot stronger so i think my workouts r good just havent been eating right so im not cut so let me know what u think please

  33. #33
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    thanks when i get to ten 10% can i stay on this diet of 2300 cals a day or do i need to try to lower the cals and i will post a before and after pic after 90 days as good of shape that ur in u got those results in only 90 days? trying to lift heavier will that help me bulk up a little without increasing carbs? i workout really hard but dont have a workout partner so i can only lift so heavy i train one body part a day i do 4 different exercises for each body part and five sets for each exercise and try to do between 8 t0 15 reps per set and i train abs three days a week so do u think thats a good workout plan? i use machines and free weights and do different exercises so my body doesnt get used to the same routine but theres only so many different exercises i can do for each body part so i have started working out i have lost 30 lbs and 15%bf and am alot stronger so i think my workouts r good just havent been eating right so im not cut so let me know what u think please
    u will know after 90 days of what ur tdee ends up being--it will adjust the longer u eat at a certain number of cals---the main thing about the workout is try and progress each week---a little more weight or an extra rep--the way i see it the only way ur muscle gets bigger is if it has to--so keep raising the workload---sounds like ur workout is good-with the progress u have made---good job

  34. #34
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    Aug 2009
    so in 90 days test my bf% again and if its lower do i just lower the cal intake or do i need to lower pro/fat/carbs

  35. #35
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    so in 90 days test my bf% again and if its lower do i just lower the cal intake or do i need to lower pro/fat/carbs
    u will know more then as far as how many cals are affecting u in which way--u can always use the tdee calculator again though and then re-adjust---if u were to lower cals--u would just do so and try and keep the same split on macros---i.e 40/40/20

  36. #36
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    towards the end of my cut---prob about 2 mo into it---fatloss was slowing, so i lowered my cals by 200 and it picked back up again----remember ur body will adjust to what ur doin---thats why that re-feed day is important as well as the cheat meal here and there---like i mentioned earlier i did a cheat meal on my high carb day just to sneak some of them processed carbs in

  37. #37
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    ok whats a good cheat meal? on the re-feed days i just double the carbs for the oats and broccoli for the first 5 meals so for meal 3 i eat 4 cups of broccoli? should the re-feed day be on a day that i workout or a day that i dont? when fat loss slowed how long did u lower the cals by 200 a week or two?i had my body fat tested at the gym and they charge 15 dollars to test it so i am thinking about buying calipers off of this site and testing it myself is that a good idea? once u where done with ur cut diet what did u do just start increasing ur cals again? thanks for all of ur advice

  38. #38
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by adam12kyle12 View Post
    ok whats a good cheat meal? on the re-feed days i just double the carbs for the oats and broccoli for the first 5 meals so for meal 3 i eat 4 cups of broccoli? should the re-feed day be on a day that i workout or a day that i dont? when fat loss slowed how long did u lower the cals by 200 a week or two?i had my body fat tested at the gym and they charge 15 dollars to test it so i am thinking about buying calipers off of this site and testing it myself is that a good idea? once u where done with ur cut diet what did u do just start increasing ur cals again? thanks for all of ur advice
    a good cheat meal is whatever u want---i did pizza---u can double the oats--but u need alot of complex carbs so the extra fibrous carbs is really not the idea---some guys dont even count fibroud carbs to theyre total----when i cut the cals i left them there for 1 1/2 months------i should of increased cals slowly but i didnt and i lost a little muscle-----i got some calipers and they will give u an idea but theyre prob $60---not 100% accurate either

  39. #39
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    Aug 2009
    ok so on re-feed days just duble the oats dont eat the natty pb take half the amount of fishoil and make chicken sandwhiches with whole wheat bread? and one cheat meal? should re-feed day be on a day i workout or a day that i dont workout?

  40. #40
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    Feb 2009
    i always did it on a workout day--but some say do it on a off day so u get the full effect---tea just keep the fats low and carbs high some guys even triple carbs

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