see what you guys think, please help
5'6'', 175lbs, 24 yo.
16% BF
BMR= 1837
TDEE= 2683
looking to just lean out for summer and just some outsider perspective of my diet. tell me what you think.
30 mins cardio
meal 1= 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup oats w/ splenda, green tea and water
meal 2= muscle m. light protein shake
meal 3= turkey sandwich and an apple w/ water
meal 4= protein shake and maybe a handful of almonds
meal 5= grilled steak or chicken breast, 3/4 c. broc, brown rice about 1/2 size of my fist
meal 6= glass of water 1 TBs natt pb
thanks for looking