Age 30
BF, 16% Second cycle in 8 years.

Starting Sust250 in May and just wanted to clear some things up regarding Ai and pct before i start. Lately ive been seeing some contradictions to the uses of AI's and PCT.

I plan on pinning twice a week, sun and thurs. For 10 Weeks.

Just got my liquid Clomid, nolva, and Aromasin .

Can anyone tell me the correct dose for Aromasin (on cycle)

And as far pct, im supposing going with the standard Clomid,100,100,50,50-Nolva.40,40,20,20

Starting pct 20-21 days after last pin. Not plannig on running an hcg .

Any input would be appreciated since May is just around the corner. Thanks