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Thread: Natural, First Posting

  1. #1

    Natural, First Posting

    Hey Guys


    20 years old
    Height: 6'3'' (190.5 cm)
    Weight: 173 lbs. (79.4 kg)
    BF: N/A
    Bench: 210
    Deadlift: N/A
    Squat: N/A

    Drinking 25 g creatine shake after my workout everyday, along with a whey protein shake which includes a banana, generous scoops of ice cream, peanut butter, berries, whole milk, and ice. (It's an unbelievable tasting shake.)

    Thinking about cycling soon and would very much appreciate advice for a first cycle.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	new.jpg 
Views:	648 
Size:	22.7 KB 
ID:	122171
    Please comment constructively and critically.

    Thanks Guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    IMO at your height and weight, you should try and gain some weight just by eating the right way. You can get plenty of calories, proteins, carbs and fats to gain weight at your size. I'm 19, 6'4 and around 200, and I just started my first cycle. Just get your weight up naturally first, it wont be hard if you're dedicated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Finds it funny that the 19 year old on his first cycle is telling the 20 year old to wait. both of you guys need to put in the hard work of actually dieting and getting into a good workout routine and getting good natural results before you screw up your bodies by cycling so early in life as a short cut. cycling before 25ish can cause serious long term negative effects.

    Just my two cents

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by aportinastorm
    Finds it funny that the 19 year old on his first cycle is telling the 20 year old to wait. both of you guys need to put in the hard work of actually dieting and getting into a good workout routine and getting good natural results before you screw up your bodies by cycling so early in life as a short cut. cycling before 25ish can cause serious long term negative effects.

    Just my two cents
    Agreed, I'm yalls age. U don't need aas

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    6'3 173lbs? Start eating more. Hit the diet/nutrition section.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    6'3 173lbs? Start eating more. Hit the diet/nutrition section.
    Should be the first requirement before going into aas discussions. I'm guilty of course and I am following a lot of advice from nutrition section. I don't notice much difference to be honest but at the same time there is a lot of material on dieting that I didn't know and I'm sure it will help. Start there. Give diet a try an then consider your options later!

  7. #7
    you could eat your way to 215

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Ishallnocheatmyself View Post
    you could eat your way to 215
    You mean 240, I'm @ 220LB & he's 3inches taller than me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Houston TX
    19 and 20. You guys are to young to be taking juice. Your natural growth and bone forming doesn't stop until mid 20s. You should wait at least a couple more years to start in my opinion. Once you start steroids the caps in your bones fuse and then you can no longer grow. Of course you're going to do it anyways but that's my two cents.

  10. #10
    im 21 and i haven/t thought of it, except when i see some skinny kid gain 30lbs of muscle in one year and the year he starts working out hes in a competition lol

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    yea and when they cycle off they will lose everything, or a good amount, every body wants a magic pill lol

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