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  1. #1
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    Question New Member - Work Out Cycle Question

    hello. My name is Damian and i'm 18 years old and i've been working out for about 8mths now. I'm just currently (last 2mths) taking it serious. i'm eating 3,500 calories with 264grams of Proteins - 352grams of Carbs - 118grams of Fats every day. i just started a new cycle which will have me training for about 2hrs and then i do 5miles after every work out. 4 days work out - 1 day off, cycle repeats.

    17" biceps
    50" chest
    34" waist
    pressing about 350lbs
    11% body fat

    i don't use steriods . i do use Pro M3 with each meal. i was just wondering how long it will take me to grow my biceps 2" and get my 4 pac into a 6 pac using this workout cycle? i'm going for the Goldberg / Vin Diesel body. lol, if anyone has any suggestions or comments about my cycle, feel free to email me or reply to this thread.

    Thanks, Damian

    Day 1

    Underhand Chin-up 2 x 8 - 12
    Underhand Pulldown 3 x 8 - 12
    Barbell Bent-over Row 3 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Lying Row 3 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Bent-over Row 3 x 8 - 12
    Lat Rear Pulldown 4 x 8 - 12

    Barbell Shurg 4 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Front Raise 3 x 8 - 12

    Crunch 2 x 15
    Side Crunch 2 x 10
    Twisting Crunch 2 x 10
    Incline Leg Raise 2 x 15

    Day 2

    Leg Extensions 2 x 8 - 12
    Front Squats 2 x 8 - 12
    Hack Squats 2 x 8 - 12
    Leg Extensions 3 x 8 - 12

    Barbell Military Press 3 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Front Raise 3 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2 x 8 - 12
    Barbell Upright Row 3 x 8 - 12
    Barbell Row 2 x 8 - 12

    Standing Calf Raises 4 x 8 - 12
    Seated Calf Raises 3 x 8 - 12

    Day 3

    Barbell Bench Press 2 x 8 - 12 / 4 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Fly 3 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Pullover 2 x 8 - 12
    Chest Press 3 x 8 - 12
    Pec Deck Fly 2 x 8 - 12
    Barbell Incline Bench Press 2 x 8 - 12

    Lying Leg Curls 4 x 8 - 12
    Barbell Stiff-leg Deadlift 2 x 8 - 12

    Crunch 2 x 15
    Side Crunch 2 x 10
    Twisting Crunch 2 x 10
    Incline Leg Raise 2 x 15

    Day 4

    Standing Barbell Curls 2 x 8 - 12 / 6 x 8 - 12
    Standing Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8 - 12
    Barbell Preacher Curl 4 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Concentration Curl 3 x 8 - 12
    Dumbbell Hammer Curl 2 x 8 - 12

    Dips 3 x 15
    Close Grip Bench Press 4 x 8 - 12
    Barbell Triceps Extension 2 x 8 - 12
    Pushdown 3 x 8 - 12

    Standing Calf Raises 4 x 8 - 12
    Seated Calf Raises 3 x 8 - 12

  2. #2
    cdog's Avatar
    cdog is offline Associate Member
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    I think your workout looks pretty good .I think you would do better if you worked arms and back together and chest and shoulders tris together .If you put these together it will help alot becouse lets say you do arms on day 4 then your doing back again on day 1 this is going to make it hard on your arms to recover .And if you want to add any size to your guns they need to rest.Same goes for shoulders and delts.Also when you work them together you wont need to do any more than 2 sets each .Example pull ups work for lats and bis same goes for pull downs and rows some by the time you work your arms you wont need to do any more than say 2 sets of hammer curls or whatever you chose to do for your bis.Also you need to rest at the least 1 day after each workout day .So 1 day on 1 day off at the very least .Good luck peace

  3. #3
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the advice. i got my workout plan from Jay Cutler. i just modifed it with the excersizes that i liked and that i could do since i don't have any gyms around here that i can join. i have to work out at home on my own machines. also, after day 4 - i take 1 day off and rest. then i repeat the cycle and i try to work muscle groups seperate so they have time to rest while i'm working another muscle group. and the reason i do so many reps with each excersize that works the same muscle is cuz i read that you have to work out with intensity in order to get ripped and shred your excess body fat. this is only a 2mth cycle until i move back to Ohio where i can join a gym.

    just tring to get my biceps - shoulders - back - chest - abs in better shape for the summer. think this is a good cycle to do that along with my 5miles of cardio every day?

  4. #4
    cdog's Avatar
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    First Jay cutler could lift a truck all day long and those workouts work for those guys .Yes you must be intense thats for sure but intensity does not mean alot of reps or set intensity is makeing sure you hit total failure every time .There is a big differance between intensity and volume.Again 5 miles a day after every workout with only a day of rest is to much IMHO if you want size you must be able to recover .I lift one day on 2 days off and do a low cardio every day for 45min and that has been working very well .And by the way its hard for me not beeing in the gym every day Im a total gym rat but my size is more important to me then gym.I used to workout every day with only 1 days rest and yes I did grow but very very slowly .

  5. #5
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    what if i worked out 4 days w/ 5miles after every work out and took 2 days off? give all my muscle groups time to recover. i'm already big - i want to get ripped. kinda like Vin Diesel is. but alittle more muscle. i'm not tring to become professional body builder or anything. just want to shred my excess body fat while building strong, lean muscle.

    day 1 - 4 w/ 5miles of Cardio. followed by 2 days off then repeat the cycle. that sound bout rite?

  6. #6
    cdog's Avatar
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    Whats your stats right now and where do you want to be?Peace

  7. #7
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    my current stats are:
    17" biceps
    50" chest
    11% body fat
    pressing 350lbs

    i want to be:
    19" - 20" biceps
    49" chest
    5% - 8% body fat
    pressing 400 - 425lbs

    i also want to turn my 4 pac into a chizzled 6pac. btw, i'm 18 years old - dunno if that matters or not. just thought i'd share.

  8. #8
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    bump bump bump

  9. #9
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    Well you dont have much to lose so thats good .I would for sure do the cardio even 6 days a week but go light if you dont take it easy on cardio you will lose mass .So I would IMHO do half the sets that you have posted and stay with the light cardio 6 days a week try to do the cardio first thing in the morning on an empty gut this is very important.Peace

  10. #10
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    Remember its intinsity that causes growth not volume .You cant be intinse and have volume at the same time if its intinse it will be brief.

  11. #11
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    well it usually takes me about 1hr - 1hr 30mins to go through a day's workout and then i do my cardio rite after my work out. i've tried running & then going to work out but i always get dehydrated. several body builders have told me to work out & then do cardio.

    here is what i do:

    9am: wake up - breakfast
    12pm: lunch
    1230pm: train + cardio

    then i come home, shower and around 5pm i'll have my dinner and i'm usually in the bed by 7 - 8pm. so i would say my work out is pretty intense since it only takes me about 1hr with 15 seconds rest inbetween each set. Jay told me that i had good volume in my work out but to be careful not to work 2 muscle faliure.

    and i'm now taking 2 days rest to let all my muscle groups recover. but doing the rest days i'll do 1 - 3miles of cardio.

    also, i'm taking the following supplements:

    Pro M3
    Super Vitamin Pak
    L-Glutamine Powder
    Effervescent Creatine (fruit punch)
    Last edited by Domestic; 04-29-2003 at 06:52 PM.

  12. #12
    cdog's Avatar
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    So Jay Cutler gave you this workout ?Why dont you just ask Jay the questions . Im sure if he hooked this up for you he would know better than anybody how to help you .After all if he gave you this routine he must know alot about you and would be more in a position to help.You must have good genetics bro so Iam sure if you do Jay must know this about you as well or else he would not have made a program accordingly
    I havent seen anybody workout with intensity for 1 and a half hours with only 15 sec rest that was not on gear . And when I say intensity I mean like doing squats for 20 reps failing at 15 and rest pauseing the rest or bench press failing at 8 and rest pauseing to 15 and then with only 15 sec rest going into another set and so on and so on and after doing that for 1 1/2 half go running .Im not calling you a liar in fact I give you alot of respect .Anybody who can do that kind of routine is awsome.Peace

  13. #13
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    when i said i got this cycle from jay, i ment that i copied his current workout cycle and then just modified it with excersizes that i could do at home since i don't work out in a real gym. i showed him the cycle and he said it has good volume but not to work til failure.

    to me, working with intensity is going for 1hr - 1hr 1/2 non-stop. pushing yourself & pyramiding weight with each set.

    Barbell Shurgs i do 4 sets of 8 - 12 reps.

    First Set = 12 reps with 70lbs
    Second Set = 12 reps with 80lbs
    Third Set = 12 reps with 95lbs
    Fourth Set = 8 reps with 110lbs

    taking 15seconds rest inbetween each set. maybe 30 seconds rest inbetween each excersize. then after the work out is done... 3 - 5miles of cardio. maybe 5 - 10mins rest after work out.

  14. #14
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    I just dont see the recovery bro .The only thing that makes any sense to me with a program like that is that you would not be able to take everything to total failure .It would be more of a cuting routine but what about adding the mass to your frame ?You can have the best of both worlds .Intensity and a marathon workout are not the same .Yes its hard and challangeing to do the above workout but if it was intense there is in no way you would be able to do all those sets and reps in that time frame .Im in the gym for about an hour my self and I only do 1-2 working sets max and when I leave Im done.But again this is taking every thing to total failure and then some .There are some many ways to lift and if your looking to cut down that routine very well may work for you however if you want to add he mass to your frame you will not be able to do that as fast as you could have if you would have rested more lifted harder and done fewer sets.Peace

  15. #15
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    recovery? what about the 2 days rest after day 4? and what i don't understand is why you think you have to work out til failure in order to grow? i've been working out for about 8mths and didn't have any cycle or anything and just worked out when i felt like it and my biceps grew from 15 1/2" to 17" and i lost about 15lbs of body fat and went from pressing 280lbs to 350lbs.

    i'm not tring to get HUGE! like a professional body builder. i'm just shredding excess body fat while adding ripped, lean muscle. if you eat rite, get plenty of sleep, strenth train w/ cardio - who says you can't get ripped?

    anyways, give me an example of a work out to failure that you were talking about.

  16. #16
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    Ok first off you have only been training for 8 mo .Eevrybody knows that in the first yr you will grow more and faster than any other time becouse your muscles are fresh .But this will not last you will hit a wall .Again I never said that you could not get riped on what you posted I said I dont think you will gain the size you want on that routine .You said you wanted more size and I dont think you will get it doing that .You can cut down or lose some fat on waht you posted if you dont go to failure but to add size I dont think so. Now again you are right about going to failure lets say you where doing a HST type of training you would be able to gain size work the same muscle 3 times a week however this is a cycle type of training where you dont go to failure and cycle your weights this to has proven to be very effective however again you are only going to be doing 2 working sets max for each body part.Peace

  17. #17
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    do you think i should use this cycle for maybe, 2mths and get down the the amount of body fat % that i want? allowing me to keep my strenth up and take off some body fat... then switch 2 another cycle when i hit the gym in order to grow my biceps from 17" to 19" and take 1 inch off my chest and go up 70lbs on the bench?

    also, with this workout plan and the supplements that i'm taking, i think i should be able to grow my biceps 2" in 2mths. think about it, i only work biceps & triceps 1 day out of 4 and then i'm taking 2 days rest so they're getting about, 6 days rest inbetween each work out.

    if not, you think you can suggest a work out that will take off body fat and give me the stats that i want?

  18. #18
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    Yeah you could do that routine for two mo and get your body fat down but its not the routine thats going to lower your bf%as much as your diet and cardio.And as far as your arm workout goes you are not only working them only every 6 days .Look at day one do you use any arm effort for any of those ?Yes you do in fact you use alot of bis on back day a whole bunch of arm .Then on day 4 it s back to the arms again right ? So as you can see from that your arms have no recovery time at all brother .How long if you work out with total intensity do you think it will take your arms to recover ?Now after they recover what about the growth process how long does that take?And if you interupt the process before its complete do you think you will grow ?Now these are questions based on what you posted above . Same goes for your shoulders and chest and tris.And yes I could put together a workout for you if you would like .Peace

  19. #19
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    please do. email it to me if you'd like - if not, just post it. like i said, not interested in becoming any kind of body builder rite now. just wanna lower my body fat % and grow my arms few inchs and turn my 4pac into a wash board 6 pac.

  20. #20
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    There is no reason you cant have both bro .Ill shot you a PM peace

  21. #21
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    alright. i'm working on a new cycle that should be alot better then the last one. i'll post the excersizes when i'm done.

    Day 1: work out (back - traps - abs)
    Day 2: off
    Day 3: work out (quads - delts - calves)
    Day 4: work out (chest - hams - abs)
    Day 5: off
    Day 6: work out (biceps - triceps - calves)
    Day 7: off

  22. #22
    cdog's Avatar
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    Bro thats looking better but put the arms with back and chest with delts and tris, legs and abs together And you will be set .This will give everything time to recover and grow .I mean why do delts one day and chest the next .Good Luck

  23. #23
    Domestic is offline Associate Member
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    hm, how do i do that? it would fuck with my entire schedule.

  24. #24
    cdog's Avatar
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    Yeah it would .

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