I was 295 at the beginning of the year now down to 230,still have a lot of work to do.Ready to bulk up!
I was 295 at the beginning of the year now down to 230,still have a lot of work to do.Ready to bulk up!
Geeze nice trans!
Scared me at first thought the titties pic was recent...
Wat do you need help with... Ask away n well answer for you!
Start with stats and goals.
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Lol thanks,I'm 6'2 230 looking to bulk up and definition.What could I do for loose skin?
lol bet you getting "all kindz a hoes" now huh?
I'm not sure of my bf percentage my loose skin is around pecs and abs
Yea the diet is good mainly fish,chicken,and eggs and brown rice,oats,and sweet potato for carbs.Would it be better to cut from your op from what you see?
your 6'2", id like to see you at around 215-220 weight wise.
its hard to determine weather to cut or bulk with out bf%.
but before you do either, you need to know your tdee and macro split--to either gain or lose.
uno this?
if no i can get you some links right quick
doing what you did my freind has added years to your life and reduced the risk of health e.g diabetes. kidney live problems
well ****ing done![]()
Dayumm! Look at dem traps!!
Thank you all for the positive feed back very motivating!
Holy weight loss...Great JOB!
The loose skin in those ares "may tighten up with time. It's not been very long since your weight loss so give it time. Plus you may fill some in with muscle
I think a futher cut would be your best bet right now. It;s impossible to bulk without the addition of SOME BF and I doubt you are interested in adding fat after losing so much of it!
Nice work man! Traps are sick, you get them at Wal-Mart? Im gonna put some on lay away today. Keep up the good work
Shit nice job dude
Looking good man.... Keep the body fat where it is for now and see if the skin tightens back up at all...
Surgery may be your only option in the end but man will it be worth it for u.... What a transformation
looking freaking great bro... hell of a transformation, especially for one year.
very impressive gj man
op, what happened you done? showed off you pics, now youll disappear?
get the **** back in hear and lets fine tune this bullshit and take to another fukn level broski.
Impressive! nice job!
Awesome job. What did you do diet wise ?
Great work Shazam, give us a more info about what you have been doing. Training, diet??
Thanks,well to begin with as far as diet I ate egg whites with mackerel and a bowl of oats for breakfast.During the day I will only eat greens with either chicken breast or tilapia and in between meals fruit with protien shake mainly apples.For training I started out with fasted cardio on the elliptical with high resistance.However,what I found to be more effective for melting the fat was dumbell/barbell clean and presses for high reps like sets of 15-20, your guaranteed to see a difference in physique with these.Mon-chest/delts Tue-back/traps Wed-arms Thur-rest Fri-legs Sat-all out on clean and presses for cardio Sun-rest.
Awesome, I just started doing cling and press with Crossfit. I started working it into my lifting at least once a week. It really takes it out of me when I do this. You thinking about running any gear to bulk up and loose some if the extra skin by filling it up with muscle? Keep us up to date!!
Yea I'm thinking about running some gear down the road as I,m still educating myself on it and learning from this forum.I,m about to try the eca stack and cut down to 220 do yall have any suggestions on running this stack effectively?
Holly shit!
That is amazing shit man!
I never like the ECA stack. Never felt right. I likee running clen though. The only downside is that when you run clen the weight drops right now.
I dropped 15 lbs in 10 days. It's unreal
Holy hell man. What a fantastic transition.Originally Posted by shazam13
Well done man great work keep it up!
Dude that is an amazing transformation. Welcome to the boards! Look forward to seeing your progression.
I would suggest cutting down to 215-220 and getting your bf % done. You should be able to find a trainer to do it for $25 or so but if they don't use a marker to land mark it I wouldn't pay anything and tell then to shove off
Transformation of the year, IMO.
Outstanding job! A whole new world has opened up for you!
Serious congrats! T-Gunz comment is spot on.
Thanks everyone I will keep y'all posted as I progress,I'm learning a lot from this forum.Great support!
This is inspiration for us newbies
Man , that looks awesome ! What a transformation! I am just about to start my cycle as well. Hope to achieve similar result.
Good job, buddy!
Tell me what you guys think I,m still cutting almost finish a few more weeks to go
How'd u look before?
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