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Thread: dbol first time user. check stats ect

  1. #1

    dbol first time user. check stats ect

    i was going through chemo therapy so i wasn't sure if i should take dbol so now that i am off and cancer free i wanted to start a cycle. I have lost a lot of mass and strength but would like to regain it. I spoke to my physician and my chemo doctor and they said to be careful about my liver but to go 125/125/900/900/900/900/1500/2000/2500
    I think its a long cycle but my doctor is pretty muscular and said it's the only way to take them. I don't think thats safe from my research. He also said that 5mg liquid tamox for a week should be enough serm and for pct. He is a good doctor but my research tells me he's wrong. Am i being nerdy and stupid or is he being unsafe and stupid?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    In the pub
    wft?? what are those numbers supposed to be... hardly 2500mg of dbol per day? hope im wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    No at 18its not a good idea and if you are planning a dbol only cycle it will suppress your natty testosterone production. I think you could make much better gains by visiting the nutrition section

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Man I don't understand your numbers or anything you wrote except that you are 18 and want to use aas. No way should you do this. You will screw yourself up. You will shut yourself down before your body know what it is doing. You are not developed yet. ...crazy mike

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Your Doctor maybe mistaken on wat you plan on taking.But a oral cycle isn't a good thing.And I really would stay away from aas for a while IMOP.AAS and cancer don't mix.I know you are cancer free but imop I would wait for a while.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Your Doctor maybe mistaken on wat you plan on taking.But a oral cycle isn't a good thing.And I really would stay away from aas for a while IMOP.AAS and cancer don't mix.I know you are cancer free but imop I would wait for a while.

    @probrolol... check this out! i hope this helps and you reconsider...

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