Hey guys about to start my first cycle in the next couple of weeks just want to get it checked over. Unfortunately got a really bad fever at the moment and dropped even more weight but just dehydration i think so not counting that haha.
30years old
94kg was up around 100kg but been dropping the lard to get on this cycle
Train 5 days a week good diet but at the moment been replacing some of the carbs with veggies to lose some weight.
1-12 500mg test blend (250mg mon morning 250mg thurs night)
1-4 40mg dbol a day(split 20mg morning 20mg pre work out)
1-14 HCG 300-500iu per week. (prob just once a week)
1-12 Liquidex .25gm eod
PCT arr liquid novla 40/20/20/20 and clomid 75/50/50/50
Bit fuzzy headed at the moment due to being sick but i think thats everything.
Als just like to say thank you to everyone and the knowledge on this forum as its really opened my eyes to what really needs to be done for safe aas use.