Well i started my first cycle of Prop 150mg EOD, my first pin was monday on 26th, took my 2nd pin yesterday so ive been ON for 3 days, i have also been taking Arimidex 0.5mg EOD, that is where my problem/question is.
Ive been taking Arimidex 0.5mg started my first pin on Monday, and since then i know i should not be feeling the effects of gear YET although i have been feeling tired throughout the day, i did get sick the day after my first injection, im not sure if thats because of test flu or my estrogen tanked and immune system crashed.
Moreso the fact is that im very anxiety prone so im pretty conscience about my libido/sex drive/morning wood, i have had the same sex drive throughout, no raise, if anything its lowered, morning wood has been fluctuating from very hard to just mediocore.
Has my estrogen tanked and should i down my dose to 0.25mg or discontinue? or am i just being anxiety filled retard?