Still a long ways away, but trying to do research on what I would like to try. Would like to try a 19nor this time round but not sure yet.
190# (lost 8 pounds in pct which I just finished) Will like to be 195-198 by time this next one starts in janurary.
Cycle history is:
Test/deca for only 5 wks. Started this before I knew anything and before I knew about this site. Signed up here, was advised to stop and I did with proper pct.
Test only
Test only
Test and mast. Both were Kalapa
Test and winny.
Like I said I would like to try a 19nor again, but honestly not sure. Here a 3 cycle list. All cycles will include Liq dex and Hcg. And Pct of nolva and clomid. Both 19nor cycles if ran will hve .5mg caber twice weekly.But would like opinions which should be my next run.
option 1:
1-12wk test c 500/mg
2-10wk tren e 300/mg
Option 2:
1-12wk test c 500/mg
1-10wk Deca 350/mg
Option 2:
1-4 Androl 50mg/ed
1-12 Sust 500/mg
Im not set in stone on anything obviously. But if I do go with option one or two...I would like to start reading as much as possible before I would start them. Cycle wont start until janurary at earliest, if bloods come back normal.