5 pins, two and a half weeks in, wont be pinning quads to often haha, glutes no problem hardly any pip.
Not much change in libido, maybe 10% up.
Had a few crap days, but past that, aided with a few choice vits.
Bp raised for first week but now settling down.
Feeling of well being slightly raised.
Overall strength is the same, but ability to push out more sets without reducing weight is much improved, more stamina, bit of placebo as well I expect.
Not much weight gain about a couple of pounds, very slight vascular changes to arms.
53 yo, test e only, 200 iu HCG day before test, Armidex .25 eod.
Am I on track, is this what I should expect.
I have not mentioned diet as I trying to gauge the reaction of the ASS.