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Thread: Thoughts on my upcoming cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Thoughts on my upcoming cycle


    Age 25
    Height 194cm
    Years training 10
    BF% 12
    Past cycles 5
    Training 6 days a week
    Bodybuilding contests 6
    Calorie intake 4500kcls per day


    Please an you guys have a look at my next proposed cycle and tell me what your thoughts are:

    Weeks 1-8 test prop 100mg ED

    Weeks 1-6 tren ace 60mg ED

    Weeks 2-6 insulin. Start 2iu then increase 1iu each day until up to 10iu. Only taking insulin on training days.

    Weeks 6-8 HCG 1000iu ED

    Weeks 8-10 Nolva 40mg ED

    Weeks 10-12 Nolva 20mg ED

    I have taken similar doses before with the test and tren with fantastic results and I find 8 weeks is enough for me to go side effect free with maximal gains.

    I have never taken insulin before so taking very small diseases to begin with and slowly increasing. I am not going above 10iu on training days this time round as I would like to be safe than sorry! I have a contest in May so this is a bulking cycle.

    After the PCT I will be going straight back into the same cycle again maybe with a slight increase depending on how may body is tolerating.

    Any opinions are welcome. Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I cant really comment on the insulin but why would you bother with a pct if you are going to rush back in to another cycle right after?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    The PCT is to essentially 'reset' my system. I have added HCG to ensure my natural production doesn't shut down and to get me back to 'normal' before the next cycle. I understand that for a shorted cycle there is some times no need for PCT but I am a form believer it will at least assist a little in recouping my natual test levels. Tren will be stopped two weeks before test to ensure sides are minimalized. Essentially I will be on gear 8 weeks and off gear for 4, but will have help from PCT. why wait? Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    At 700mg Test wk I believe I would be using an Ai to help keep my Estrogen level down. Why would you not. ? ...crazy mike
    Last edited by crazy mike; 08-29-2013 at 07:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Your HCG is way off my friend you want 250ius twice a week 3.5 days apart starting week 1 right up to 3 days before your PCT starts good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    I wouldn't fack with the insulin and is your hcg a typo or are you seriously taking 1000iu every day? You should know by now that if you are going to use HCG it needs to be ran 250iu twice a week from the start of the cycle up until your pct. You didn't list an AI, did you forget about that?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Thanks a lot for the replys guys! Really apposite it and will take on boar ht yous have said. Ok I have a few questions;

    1) In regards to hcg I keep getting mixed reviews, some day take just before finishing, some during which is best? I'm happy either way. To me it personally makes more sense to take it during a it will help my naturals stay functioning.

    2) I have a shit load of Nolva but I am struggling to get and SERMS/AI can I use Nolva? Also in the past I haven't use AI a I have been told by fellow bodybuilders there is no need to unless signs f gyno occur. I have meet ha gyno and other issues are apparent, especially on the smaller 8 week cycles. Is this necessary?

    In the past I have been young and followed the wrong advice. Following cycles as big as 1.5g test a week. I had no issues on this either, but now being a little older I want to make sure I follow the right advice and not be sorry in later life. Really appropriate the help guys, thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    As mentioned. HCG your talking about using is an absurd amount! Max you should be using is 500 iu M,W,F.
    I would use 250 iu M,W,F
    And add an AI if needed!
    Arimidex .25 also on M,W,F and adjust from there!
    Just my 2 cents! Good luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    You need to read up on the ramifications of high Estrogens levels. Ai is used to keep you Estrogen in check. Gyno being an effect of high E2. With or without Gyno your E2 can clime and many unwanted things may occur. ...crazy mike

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Thank you for the advice. I will follow your suggestion and take 250iu HCG mon, wed and fri

    Now in regard to my dosage for test and tren, what do you guys think?
    As I mentioned in the past I have followe some extreme advice an ran big cycles, would you suggest any change to my current proposal?

    Just to let you guys know what I ran before:

    Weeks 1-20 test prop 150mg ED
    Weeks 1-18 tren ace 70mg ED
    Weeks 1-10 dbol 80mg ED
    weeks 10-20 stanzol 80mg ED
    Weeks 18-20 HCG 1,500iu per week
    Weeks 20-22 Nolva 40mg ED
    Weeks 22-24 Nolva 20mg ED

    As I mentioned I know now this is way too much! Hence why I am now here seeking advice. What's your thoughts on this cycle also?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodybuilding123 View Post
    Thanks a lot for the replys guys! Really apposite it and will take on boar ht yous have said. Ok I have a few questions;

    1) In regards to hcg I keep getting mixed reviews, some day take just before finishing, some during which is best? I'm happy either way. To me it personally makes more sense to take it during a it will help my naturals stay functioning.

    2) I have a shit load of Nolva but I am struggling to get and SERMS/AI can I use Nolva? Also in the past I haven't use AI a I have been told by fellow bodybuilders there is no need to unless signs f gyno occur. I have meet ha gyno and other issues are apparent, especially on the smaller 8 week cycles. Is this necessary?

    In the past I have been young and followed the wrong advice. Following cycles as big as 1.5g test a week. I had no issues on this either, but now being a little older I want to make sure I follow the right advice and not be sorry in later life. Really appropriate the help guys, thanks.
    HCG dose can vary widely. 250iu e3d or 2x wk is a good starting point. Take it while on cycle. It keeps you from shutting down. What youre doing here is letting yourself shut down, then trying to jump start your hpta. Not the best move but might work. Take it from day 1 instead.
    I've seen studies where the dosages were as high as 5k iu weekly and others as low as 100iu daily. I personally like 250iu every 2 days after much experimentation. 1k daily seems excessive. You probably didn't need that much.

    Nolvadex is not an ai. It's a SERM. It won't do a thing to control estrogen. It will help block binding in your mams though. I wouldn't wait until you see signs of gyno and them apply a remedy. Don't get it in the first place. Take an AI. I take 20mg nolva ed for maintenance whether I need it or not. It has been shown to help improve HDL and lower LDL in some studies. I havent seen any evidence that 20mg is harmful in any case. Be proactive, not reactive.
    Last edited by Java Man; 08-29-2013 at 09:44 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Am I right in thinking a raise in estrogen is linked to bf also? If so me keeping a constant 8-12% bf should reduce risk also, right?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Just let you guys know, I take gear for bodybuilding I'm one of these guys who takes the gear just to get huge and not care about health.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodybuilding123 View Post
    Just let you guys know, I take gear for bodybuilding I'm one of these guys who takes the gear just to get huge and not care about health.
    Is this a typo? Did you mean youre NOT one of those guys or are you just stupid / careless or some combination of both? There is no reason to not be smart about your dosages and supplements no matter what your goals are. There is a point where adding more of anything has no positive effect whatsoever but exponentially increases negative sides and damage. You can't compete if you blow your kidneys or liver. You'll lose all those gains you worked so hard for. Pointless to be reckless about it. That's just lazy and ignorant.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodybuilding123 View Post
    Am I right in thinking a raise in estrogen is linked to bf also? If so me keeping a constant 8-12% bf should reduce risk also, right?
    The lower your bf the lower your aromatase activity. Fat increases risk of heart attack, stroke, blood clotting, increases conversion of test into estrogen, decreases metabolic rate, among other things. Fat is bad, mmmkay?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Yes sorry I meant to say IM NOT one of those guys! Ok so now I have been given guidance on HCG, AI and I some degree PCT. how about insulin and dose of tren and test?

    Again thanks for this!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Lol. Ok.I wasn't talking to you then. I was talking to anyone who would say what I thought you said

    I'm going to have to get off at this stop. I don't have any personal experience with insulin and I stay away from guiding dosages of aas because that's something that's personalized and something you'll learn over time. What works for me may not work for you. Be careful with tren. Stay slow and low until you know how you react to it. Acetate is wiser for 1st timers in case you react badly to it you won't have to deal with it for 10 days.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Just read through and saw you've used tren before so nm that last. I was taking to.that other guy again lol. GL.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    You going for your pro card any time soon? If not don't even mess with the slin.
    The rest of these guys have already tied this up pretty good.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Haha no probs mate, thanks for the advice. Last question before you jump of the bus, what's your thoughts on my idea of running a 8 weeks cycle, having four weeks of PCT then going straight back into anoter cycle?

    Yes I am goin for pro before I turn 30. At the movement I'm 110kg so need at least another 20kg for my height

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