Originally Posted by
Thanks a lot for the replys guys! Really apposite it and will take on boar ht yous have said. Ok I have a few questions;
1) In regards to hcg I keep getting mixed reviews, some day take just before finishing, some during which is best? I'm happy either way. To me it personally makes more sense to take it during a it will help my naturals stay functioning.
2) I have a shit load of Nolva but I am struggling to get and SERMS/AI can I use Nolva? Also in the past I haven't use AI a I have been told by fellow bodybuilders there is no need to unless signs f gyno occur. I have meet ha gyno and other issues are apparent, especially on the smaller 8 week cycles. Is this necessary?
In the past I have been young and followed the wrong advice. Following cycles as big as 1.5g test a week. I had no issues on this either, but now being a little older I want to make sure I follow the right advice and not be sorry in later life. Really appropriate the help guys, thanks.