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Thread: 1st Cycle Kickstarter?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    1st Cycle Kickstarter?

    What's up everyone,

    I am nearing a final first cycle plan and I wanted to get your opinions on a kick starter for a 1st cycle. I know that test p would be an acceptable 1st cycle kick start, but I don't want to be pinning all the time unless I have to. I was thinking a low dose of dbol 20-30mgs ED for 4 wks? Thoughts?

    Age: 32
    Ht: 5"5
    Wt: 155
    Bf: 10-12%
    Yrs. Training: 4
    Ectomorph w/ultra fast metabolism

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    You are just in a hurry it seems. If you continue with that mind frame, especially in the beginning you will stay unsatisfied with where you are. Bodybuilding is a long term goal. WE all want to be big and strong and hard and vascular NOW. But it all takes just a longer time then we want to except.

    Although Test Prop is acceptable for a first cycle, if you're not comfortable with the injections the hold off. I believe that w/Dbol on a first cycle you will encounter fat and water gains too much. You are not ready to handle the E2 highs and control, the water and the proper diet which need to be considered.

    Please be patient, a kick starter on your first cycle is not needed and you will be impatient think so. IMOP ...crazy mike

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    There is NO need for any in first cycle!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I will say that I am a little impatient CM... I'm 32 and have worked my ass off just to get the weight and gainz I have now. Just wanting to break through this wall and reach my goals.
    Let me ask this though; when is a good time for a kick starter? Why do people who use a KS, do it? And why is a KS unnecessary for a first cycle? I don't mind pinning...s**t it's a small price to pay to reach my goals, but why pin more than necessary? That's my thought anyway. Appreciate the advice bro.
    Any other thoughts on the dbol/test p KS?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    As I said use a KS if you want, But on a first cycle no Dbol. Because of all the E2 control and water issues to ensue.
    \Just stick with the Test Prop for a kicker (I'm impatient also) Test Prop is a good KS and this will just support your Test E all the better. Keep it simpler for you body.

    I use Test Prop all the time. I love it. I sometime through it in mid cycle because my cycles are so long.
    All I'm saying is don't be impatient. But if you want, do the Test P and drop the idea of Dbol too many sides to deal with. You are new to this . ...crazy mike

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Term
    I will say that I am a little impatient CM... I'm 32 and have worked my ass off just to get the weight and gainz I have now. Just wanting to break through this wall and reach my goals.
    Let me ask this though; when is a good time for a kick starter? Why do people who use a KS, do it? And why is a KS unnecessary for a first cycle? I don't mind pinning...s**t it's a small price to pay to reach my goals, but why pin more than necessary? That's my thought anyway. Appreciate the advice bro.
    Any other thoughts on the dbol/test p KS?
    People use a kickstarter while they are waiting for the NOTICEABLE muscle gains from a long estered aas. I say noticeable because many people believe it takes four weeks for say test e to start working. But really it is working from the first injection. For a first cycle you need to see what sides you get from the test itself and then maybe if you decide to cycle again throw in a kickstarter like dbol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    That's solid advice and info fellas, thx! I have read the 1st cycle thread 3 times, so test has been pounded into my head as the only suitable compound for a first cycle...BUT, after reading the dbol profile here and a lot of members talking about the benefits of a dbol KS, it seemed manageable.
    Well, that's why I joined this site...

    Would it be better to just front load my test e at 1000mg for the first wk or should I run prop? What are the pros/cons?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Term
    That's solid advice and info fellas, thx! I have read the 1st cycle thread 3 times, so test has been pounded into my head as the only suitable compound for a first cycle...BUT, after reading the dbol profile here and a lot of members talking about the benefits of a dbol KS, it seemed manageable.
    Well, that's why I joined this site...

    Would it be better to just front load my test e at 1000mg for the first wk or should I run prop? What are the pros/cons?
    For a first cycle don't frontload or use a KS jut take it slow and steady.
    This is a marathon not a sprint.
    You could just run a prop cycle but the Ed/eod pinning doesn't usually sit well with first time users.

    Personally I would just run a low dose test cycle
    500mg or less for 10-12 weeks and go from there. Get and ai and get your pct in order before starting and quit trying to rush it brother.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    My advice on your question is this.
    I recommend Test E 500mg first injection. Say, on Monday then 250 mg every shot after that. So on Thursday 250mg the Mon and Thursday 250mg and so on 250mg twice a week. This is not really much more or noticeable, but for ones like you and I it satisfies my mind Ha!!

    It is really only in our minds though. NO need to front load. Just stay with the beginners protocol. Good luck. ...crazy mike

    Enough on this...from me. ...crazy mike

    OH and as was said, get your PCT and Ai and everything in order and on hand. Use the AI from the get-go
    Last edited by crazy mike; 09-01-2013 at 01:09 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Thanks's all about convincing my mind that Ina get them gainz faster. I'll do it as you suggested bro!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    Once week four hits and the test kicks in youll be happy.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Term
    Thanks's all about convincing my mind that Ina get them gainz faster. I'll do it as you suggested bro!
    Mike is steering you right bro. Like he said prop would be a good kicker. After a out a week your killing it.

    Although cyp or e usually has me feeling pretty good around the middle of the second week.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Yeah, I think I'm just gonna bump 500mg the first pin and roll the typical 1st cycle protocol. No need to get greedy. My diet is spot on, my training is dialed in, and I'm sleeping pretty good for a working part time and beings full time student. The gains will be there...I'm just an impatient, instant gratification type of guy! So that first front load pin will set that shite on the back burner and let me focus on doing a legit cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Well I'm running prop on my first cycle and liking it, full effects after 2 weeks. If you can handle pinning every day go for it, I wouldn't add an oral though

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Ontario, Canada
    Hi Term. Why don't you just do your first cycle without a kickstart? See what you get out of it.
    You're probably excited about this and want your first cycle to be a success but later on you'll have this as a starting point to learn from. I am more than sure if your diet is in check that your gains will make you happy.
    Good luck.

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