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Thread: npp and test e cycle

  1. #1
    What would be a good cycle for npp 100 and test e (most would prefer prop)?

    40 years old and on trt
    Approx 18% body fat

    I was thinking
    1-12 wk test e 500mg total per wk/m-thur
    1-10 wk npp 400mg total per wk eod
    Armidex .25 eod

    1-12 wk test e 600mg
    1-10 wk npp 500mg
    Armidex .25 eod
    Last edited by truckin001; 09-02-2013 at 12:15 AM.

  2. #2
    If this is your first cycle, dump the NPP you don't need it. I like Test only cycles for the first two cycles. If this is your third or more cycle, I'd choose option 1. You don't know how the NPP will affect your body. Start lower and you can always take more next time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    If this is your first cycle, dump the NPP you don't need it. I like Test only cycles for the first two cycles. If this is your third or more cycle, I'd choose option 1. You don't know how the NPP will affect your body. Start lower and you can always take more next time.
    ^^ this. And test e is a kind ester and npp is a short ester. You want to run two of a kind unless your jump starting a cycle and that would be with something completely different. Npp is a harsh one not meant for a first cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Psaletta

    ^^ this. And test e is a kind ester and npp is a short ester. You want to run two of a kind unless your jump starting a cycle and that would be with something completely different. Npp is a harsh one not meant for a first cycle.
    Test e is a long* ester. Sorry auto spell..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Really wouldn't hurt to drop your bf down prior to your cycle.

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