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Thread: Which steroids do you recommend?

  1. #1

    Red face Which steroids do you recommend?

    Hi! Im 22 years old, 191cm, around 12% bf and weighing 94kg. I've been on one cycle earlier with oral winstrol only. The reason for that was that i wanted to go in the military (I still want to, but that isnt before summer 2014), stay lean and get good gains. It worked ok, but the main trouble was that I got crazy pumps in my calfs so I couldn't run as much as i wanted. Further in to the cycle I found out that i needed to drink even more water than I was already doing. Then it worked ok, but it still pumped up, and it was irritating to have to pee all the time. I now work as a fulltime mailman, and I can't go to the bathroom every hour

    Now i want to get bigger (NOT bloated), stronger and get my endurance even better. In my weekly training I do mostly typical strength exercises and bodyweight, but I'm running quite a bit also. I don't know if there are some steroids that makes you stronger, and some steroids can make you take more repetisions, or is that the same thing? As if your muscles don't get as easily tired, if you know what I mean:-) In that case, I'd prefer more repetisions I would prefer oral, but that isn't that big of a deal...

    What do you guys suggest?:-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    educate yourself first, you're too young to be cycling. you need to concentrate on weight training and diet until you're 25, these drugs are very powerful and if you don't know what you're doing you can permanently hinder your natural hormone production. there is allot to a cycle more than just taking steroids, you need to plan PCT, BW, support supplements, etc...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    What bass said, but even more all the goals your looking for can be attained with proper diet and hard training and rest. If you join military you going to lose alot weight in first few months but you will gain in strength and endurance. No drugs needed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by subsea View Post
    Hi! Im 22 years old, 191cm, around 12% bf and weighing 94kg. I've been on one cycle earlier with oral winstrol only. The reason for that was that i wanted to go in the military (I still want to, but that isnt before summer 2014), stay lean and get good gains. It worked ok, but the main trouble was that I got crazy pumps in my calfs so I couldn't run as much as i wanted. Further in to the cycle I found out that i needed to drink even more water than I was already doing. Then it worked ok, but it still pumped up, and it was irritating to have to pee all the time. I now work as a fulltime mailman, and I can't go to the bathroom every hour

    Now i want to get bigger (NOT bloated), stronger and get my endurance even better. In my weekly training I do mostly typical strength exercises and bodyweight, but I'm running quite a bit also. I don't know if there are some steroids that makes you stronger, and some steroids can make you take more repetisions, or is that the same thing? As if your muscles don't get as easily tired, if you know what I mean:-) In that case, I'd prefer more repetisions I would prefer oral, but that isn't that big of a deal...

    What do you guys suggest?:-)
    I would strongly advise against going on a cycle before you DEP into the military. As a former soldier, I can tell you that a cycle before entering BCT will only hurt you and in no way help. Military training is geared towards endurance and not strength.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Does the US military test for aas these days? The risk of getting caught and having that in your permanent service record should be enough to make your decision for you. That will follow you the rest of your life.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Does the US military test for aas these days?


    "I stay mostly by myself, but it's OK, they know me here"
    Follow my personal story here: Anabolic Steroids - Forums - An honest journey - Blogs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Does the US military test for aas these days? The risk of getting caught and having that in your permanent service record should be enough to make your decision for you. That will follow you the rest of your life.
    If they catch you with AAS or suspect your using, then yes they will test your hormone levels. It happens everyday.

    Very rarely are minor offenses kept in your service jacket. Ususlly its misdemeanor or felonies that stay with you. Remember the military has its own laws that are drastically different.

    I know guys who have been caught with rec drugs and were only sent into a rehab program. No punishment whatsoever. It really depends on your command.
    Last edited by wmaousley; 09-04-2013 at 11:50 PM.

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