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Thread: Creatine Supplement Confusion???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Question Creatine Supplement Confusion???

    I'm looking to start a Bulking Diet & Workout Regime at the beginning of July which will run for around 2 months.

    I am considering including a Creatine Supplement but am confused as to which type is best.

    Could you give me any opinions you may have on the best Creatine Supplements (i.e. Best Results & Value For Money) available.

    I've noticed a heavily advertised brand called CELL-TECH made by Muscle tech. Is this formula any good? How much does it cost? How many tubs will I need to last me 2 months (inc. 4-5 days loading)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The Field of Friday Night Lights.
    Cell tech sounds bogus especially with every other page in a muscle mag consisting of cell-tech ads. When you buy cell-tech you are most likely paying for the ads. Get some micronized creatine with phosphourous transport or just get plain micronized creatine and mix it with gatorade. Or some liquid with sugar in it to help with absorption. when using creatine load first week (if you want to or just use it longer) and then take recommeded last 4 weeks and then cycle it most people see more gains when cycling creatine then when using it nonstop for months. Although it doesnt really make sense because it is basically not scientifically feasable that cycling would help.

    The only reason to load i see is that creatine only works when muscles are saturated so I guess it saturates them faster. Look on the supporter of this website um i have ordered from there the micronized phosphate creatine i went with the "Phosphagen HP - 42 Serving Fruit Punch EAS $16.13 " havent recived order yet but when i do it will be cool should get it today or tommorow.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The Field of Friday Night Lights.
    Ps. i just wanted to try this out even though it is the cheaper but retail (according to allsports) is $51.26

    Might even try the Creatine HSC 4 lb. Lemon Squeeze AST $25.17 that looks promising too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    cell -tech blows....gave me the worst headaches. ive been taking vitaminshoppe brand protein for a pumps have been great. its cheap and damn it works.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    vitamin shoppe creatine for me too... good stuff

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