Ok. So I've spent the last few days reading as much as I can, in as many forums as I can. I have learned A TON. I am getting ready to make my purchase for a cycle now and would love some feedback on it. If I'm forgetting anything, if my doses need to be changed, if theres anything anyone would suggest I add to it, etc. I am 32 years old, I weigh 195 lbs and I'm about 10% body fat. I've been training 5 to 6 days a year for a little over 12 months, but have been pretty consistent in the gym over the last 3 years. I am planning on cycling for 12 weeks
Heres my cycle -
600/mg of test cyp each week (300/mg every 3 days)
600/mg of masteron each week (200 mg/every 2 days)
500iu of HCG every other day
.25mg of Arimidex (pill) every other day
50 mg of Clomid every day for 4 weeks
20 mg of Tamox every day for 4 weeks