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Thread: Winstrol last 2 week of a bulking cycle??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Winstrol last 2 week of a bulking cycle??

    I'm getting close of the end of my first cycle, Gains has been good. 150mg/EOD test prop

    I want to try winstrol at 30mg/ED for 2 weeks. Does 30mg will be sufficient to see results?

    I would use it to help cut the fat I gained during my bulking and his property to drop SHBG would be a great final tuning for my condition.(low test due to high SHBG.)

    My worries are joint but mainly Lipids...

    I've read that 6mg/day can lower HDL by 33% and raise LDL by 29%... That's some scary shit... However the time lapse is not specified...
    For the joint, some are fine, some aren't... I'll see from there and I still can abort at any time.

    My question is:

    How detrimental to my lipid profile is to run a moderate dose(30mg ed) for 2 weeks???

    During this period I'll triple my fish oil intake, reduce my cals intake(obviously) and use a good liver support.

    I'm not worried about getting problem due to high cholesterol or anything(my lipid profile is great right now), But I would like to keep it great...

    What do you say?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Sooo....all else aside, ignoring the ridiculous shit you wrote on your profile, I'd say definitely do not try to shed that new bodyfat, don't take winstrol yet, and definitely don't start cutting your calories until at least a month or two after PCT. When the test leaves your system something has to support that new tissue and if you're not feeding it because you wanna get ripped you'll see just how fast your body can rebalance itself. You need to spend these last 2 weeks and all of PCT upping your calories and changing your routine to support what you just gained. If you start an immediate cut, running that through PCT you'll most likely find yourself without much to show for it all.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    Sooo....all else aside, ignoring the ridiculous shit you wrote on your profile, I'd say definitely do not try to shed that new bodyfat, don't take winstrol yet, and definitely don't start cutting your calories until at least a month or two after PCT. When the test leaves your system something has to support that new tissue and if you're not feeding it because you wanna get ripped you'll see just how fast your body can rebalance itself. You need to spend these last 2 weeks and all of PCT upping your calories and changing your routine to support what you just gained. If you start an immediate cut, running that through PCT you'll most likely find yourself without much to show for it all.
    I wasnt planning of cutting calorie during PCT, the gain has slowed down even if I increased my cals intake.

    I would like to take the remaining time to cut a bit( at least what I've gained) And for PCT going back into Force feeding mode.

    I know I will most likely regain that fat, but losing fat and regaining it is better than gaining fat and gaining fat again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Two weeks on winstrol man? You won't accomplish much at all without sacrificing new tissue. save it for next cycle. I know it fukin blows to watch your abs disappear when you bulk hard, we're all a little vain or else we wouldn't be trying to build ourselves up beyond what was necessary for daily life. Just stick it out, keep your calories up and focus on maintaining that new muscle.

  5. #5
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    Two weeks on winstrol man? You won't accomplish much at all without sacrificing new tissue. save it for next cycle. I know it fukin blows to watch your abs disappear when you bulk hard, we're all a little vain or else we wouldn't be trying to build ourselves up beyond what was necessary for daily life. Just stick it out, keep your calories up and focus on maintaining that new muscle.
    Good post. ^^^^

    Also it is apparent that you don't fully understand the finish of a bulk cycle. You are BULKING for a reason and some of the extra weight is used to build more mass within your workouts, just for one. So for that purpose you need to hold your gains.

    Your diet is what will cut your fat and water and you will begin to lean. If you are getting down to a finish look for a pre-planned reason and to stay lean and hard and cut then you plug in the Winstrol. However two (2) weeks will do nothing. You should do 4 or in the case of a show 6 wks. You need to diet with the Winstrol and push hard for your hardness and the compound will enhance that process by helping you vessels to fill and the hardness to maintain.

    Remember you will be losing weight as you do this until you reach the weight and leanness you desire , personally or to be competition ready. ...crazy mike

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post

    Good post. ^^^^

    Also it is apparent that you don't fully understand the finish of a bulk cycle. You are BULKING for a reason and some of the extra weight is used to build more mass within your workouts, just for one. So for that purpose you need to hold your gains.

    Your diet is what will cut your fat and water and you will begin to lean. If you are getting down to a finish look for a pre-planned reason and to stay lean and hard and cut then you plug in the Winstrol. However two (2) weeks will do nothing. You should do 4 or in the case of a show 6 wks. You need to diet with the Winstrol and push hard for your hardness and the compound will enhance that process by helping you vessels to fill and the hardness to maintain.

    Remember you will be losing weight as you do this until you reach the weight and leanness you desire , personally or to be competition ready. ...crazy mike
    You are right when you say that I may not fully understand the end of a bulk cycle.
    I figured that as long as im on test, im anabolic enough to protect my muscle from wasting away. Right?

    Thats why I was planning to use that to lose a little bit of fat within my bulk.
    I still don't see how cutting calorie now are going to after my LBM.
    restricted during PCT will certainly be damageable, but in conjonction with 500mg/week... Remember too that Im not over my genetic potential at all, 500mg is ALOT for me right now.
    I dont expect much but I think I could drop 2% on that 2 weeks...
    Winstrol is used to maximise what I can do on these two week.
    2 weeks wont do magic, but it can be visible.

    I just want to understand why dropping food intake for two weeks and upping it again would be detrimental to the new builded mass??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Not so much detrimental as it is pointless. Even the pros don't drop 1% of BF each week, certainly not on test E 500mg/PW. Genetic potential is irrelevant here, you have new muscle and it needs to be fed, cutting calories now is a poor choice. Here's pretty much what would happen:

    You significantly lower your intake(enough to make a difference) and take a much higher dose of winstrol than you have planned(because 30mg isn't enough for what you wanna do), you put yourself in a calorie deficient state and (miraculously) lose no muscle tissue while simultaneously dropping 2% of body fat. Then you move to pct and:

    1. Fail to eat sufficiently and continue lose BF and NOW muscle tissue due to lack of testosterone support during recovery
    2. You go back to eating the required amount of calories necessary to support the new tissue and regain ALL of the fat you just lost.

    Waste of money and time.
    Last edited by AlphaMike; 10-18-2013 at 03:12 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I wouldn't bother with two weeks.

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